University News needs change By Peter Cogswell t merakl Repdc Newspapers w ill pi.iv .1 great er role in people's lives m the future than the\ do now said |a\ Harris, vice president of op erations and assistant to the President of Knight Kidder. Inc. Harris was tin guest speaker in the lath Annual Knhl l.e< lure held Tuesdav , in memorv of Kohert Kuhl longtime editor and publisher ol the Madfurd Mail lrihunt■ Harris speech was entitled ”(ihange. Trade Iional Willies and (iontinuing Responsibilities Newspapers are currentlv in a downward slide that will end through fundamental i hanges. Harris said It these t hanges are made, newspapers w ill prosper in the future Harris attributed tins down ward slide to several factors llie first and foremost of these being an espanded role ol tele vision in reporting news to the pulil ii "(INN (tile liable News \et work) is now a major force in journalism and National I’ulilii Radio has turned the dreaded dailv < ommute into .1 dailv in tmillation tune. ' he said Harris said other problems fat ing newspaper s todav 111 i hide a dei lease in the number ot dailv publications and a de i line in dailv readership '' Wist siicietal 1 hanges 1 on tribute to this." Harris said Also, the struggle with illiter acv If people can't read lliev won’t spend mill Ii time with a newspaper Some ot tile i hanges that w ill have to lie made if newspapers are to end tins downward trend and enter into an age prosperitv mi hide no longer reporting as tiie first or primarv source ot news and making sure not to Ja> Harris write more than is ne< essarv on certain stones. Harris said '( hie thing that has i handed is that newspapers are no long er tile Inst or pi tman soon e ot news, hut mans ot them still re port as it thev are." tie said 'Newspapers need to devote more space to the why ot the news Too mans eddors do not edit he said 'Newspapers need more color and need to hei nine more interestmg I tarns said that it ss ill also he important for newspapers to real h out tin the news in the future especiulls to minorities ' "Fhe face ol America is i hanging and newspapers must reach out to the ness Amei u a Harris said "Minorities must he represented '' I ndus . minorities are as suming leadership roles in business ami government Hies lire the cornerstone ol the fu ture ot A mem a I tains said i i is erage of mi nonties has let! something to tie desired in the [last and that in light of grossing racial ten sums it ssill he interesting to see hnss the media real Is Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia Binge Eating Crash Dieting Vomiting Laxative Abuse Compulsive Exercise Compulsive Dieting When you're ready to quit we're ready to help. Just call 686-7372. The Eating Disorders I’mgram at Sacred Heart ILLUSIONS"'"1"'1" | 1311 Lincoln. \ Willamette Towers Bldg ? PERMS I customized for vour run type I s27.95 | ionyef or cotof treated na»r rruy 06 e*ir ^ ■ LOOP RODS - SPIRALS j starting at 39«95 J HAIRCUTS ! Offer only good with Marla and Gina NOW >6.00 Illusions • 345-1810 Good through June 23 1990 with coupon only COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON ANY SUB FOR 99« Buv Y Q1' HINT: Find the answer at SunShower! COMING SOON: SUMMERTIME! SHORTS!! BODY LANGUAGE!!! Bony in fhs iXl arw1 r*x «rv€» ‘ 2 FREE tans of a fiVi t movie tucket* • With rr«- ,/• • jrv lAiH *'■ jw» of U) *■ 3- s r'vot with any oftxjf coupon oft*** t xpiros May 3* l WO SunShower 874 E. 13th (By Kinko s) 485-2323 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Wow, this place is really packed — or maybe it's just my compound eyes.' 17 COBURG ROAD — “JUST NORTH OF FERRY ST. BRIDGE” PHONE 683-8669 FAX #683-8677 PICK-UP A MENU SO YOU CAN CALL OR FAX YOUR ORDER IN — HAVE IT REAL WHEN YOU GET HERE! FEATURING U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF ONLY shop save COUPON wmmmmmmfmmm cmm t mm msmemm y*3\m\mny BLUE BONNET SPREAD FIRST ONE 3 LB TUB EXPIRES 5 29 90 I_^__T__I 97 c shop-save COUPON