Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 23, 1990, Page 2, Image 2

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    Daily Emerald ErdltOricll
Reagan era of sexual
discrimination ending
In this era of Reagan-appointed judges and under
staffed anti-discrimination agent ins. last week’s settle
ment of two major sex bias cases comes as a refreshing
In Washington DC.. U S. District judge Cerhard
Cesell awarded Ann Hopkins a partnership in the pres
tigious Price Waterhouse accounting firm, after Hop
kins sued the firm in 1989 for denying her partnership
on the grounds that she behaved too mile h like a man.
Price Waterhouse executives admitted th.it Hop
kins had brought in more business to the firm than any
ol the other H7 candidates for the partnership Hut
Price Waterhouse does not exactly have a glowing re
cord of bringing women into the higher echelons of
management Only 27 of the 900 firm partners are
judge (iesell must have taken litis into considera
tion in his decision to make Hopkins a partner rather
than just award her the more than $400,000 in bai k
pax she was granted
(iesell's ruling was a first over in the history of sex
ual disc rimination litigation hut (iesell wrote in his
dec ision that "Partnership is the logical remedy," be
cause Hopkins "was likelx to have been made a part
ner it not for unlawful disc rimiuation
In Portland, women also claimed a big vie tory over
sexism in the workplace! when Precision (iastparts
agreed to pax $4.5 million to about .1,000 female em
plovers for delegating certain prodtic lion jobs to wom
'Flic* women who filed the complaint in 1980 said
tin- company xvas keeping women in the bottom 20
pen emt of the pay scale at the same lime men were
hired and promoted in other areas of produc tion,
The' firm agreed to settle rather than face further
litigation In addition to one of the largest financial
awards ever settled through the l PS. Department of ba
ilor. Precision Cast parts agreed to offer career counsel
ing to the- women who have been employed in the del
egated "traditional women’s jobs" and to set hiring
and promotion goals for women
The magnitude of the financial settlement in Port
land and the precedent-setting decision in the Price
Waterhouse case are hopefully indications that the
Reagan administration’s dismal record on sexual dis
crimination w ill not be repeated under Bush.
Although it may be too optimistic to predict behav
ior of the Bush administration on the merits of two
cases, last week’s events send a clear message to em
ployers that discrimination — of any sort — will not be
tolerated in the American workplace.
__ Oregon l)ail\ _ _
PI) Hex »I<V UKf.K Ihrjim «’M'
The On; 1 Oa<l> Emai.i .1 >s published Monday through fiM.t, «'pf during
o»arn AcfK .l td vacations by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co. at the
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VWTHf vvmuHUr JMIi
ojKiy tAw
In response In (Catherine
I la tv ley s story 1 ogging oppo
in'iits intensify efforts' |()!)!
May 1 V). we would like to i iiiii
mend tin- F.mi'ntld for doing
sin h a thorough proofreading
and editing |ob We would like
to commend the lmrrtild lor
doing sui h a thorough proof
reading and editing job. Ue are
unduly impressed
l.isa 1 s/ler
Krisi Mattson
|ourn alism
Light of day
In response to Dean Walton’s
letter "Incubators" (()/)/-. May
It is amazing to me that you
equate a "perfect baby" as a
bain that tests negative tor
(wanted, even with all of the
best prenatal t are available, no
one i an guarantee a perfect
baby Hut why intensity the sit
nation with needless abuse to
the i hild ’ Are y ou y\ illing to
attempt convint mg y ourself
anil others that a const ions at
tion that needlessly abuses
t h i Id leu is yvithin a yvomans
right to undertake it she so
t houses' Is there something in
herently yvrong vs ith protecting
the interests of sot h an ex
tremely unvocal minority sut h
,is children, whatever their
In this society the unborn
are not legal persons yyitli pro
tei table rights under the t ur
rent l’ S (amstitution Once
born, however. they have all
the fundamental rights that am
other member of sot lety has
In your letter. I sense a rather
passive attitude toward the in
teresls of children, nerr borns in
particular Conversely you at
tiyely voice your opinion in the
mother’s interest These indi
viduals are both legal persons
noyy. yvhv not have equal inter
est in the rights of the child'
\\ ith the ability today to le
gaily destroy the unborn, does
society also have to condone
the irresponsible abuse of those
fortunate enough In
light of dav'
SIM' till'
lames kordic h
I’olitic ill Si ient e
In anyone who voted for
(ieurge Hush and lielievcs the
current adniinistralion is truh
dedicated to environmental is
sues 111 is letter is for you
Sec letars of the Interior Ma
nuel I.u}<i11 who the environ
mental president" appointed,
complained recentiv the Kn
dangered Spin ies \< t is too re
slue Ini- and is impeding devel
opment lie also flaunted Ins
unbelievable ignorance and in
sonsitivitv lo wildlife issues b\
slating, "Do we have to save*
even subspecies:’ Nobody's
told me the difference between
a red squirrel, a bl.u k one or a
brown one " I.Veu l ork Timrs
Mav 1-1 1 wonder how he feels
about various owl spec ies
Bush's choice for this posi
tion. a position wliic h is meant
to be the primary protector of
wildlife in this country, is an
undeniable indication of the
level cd his commitment to en
vironmental issues I saw no
condemnation or signs of em
barrassment from Hush follow
ing those outrageous remarks
He uhvioush agrees with Lu
Hush also allowed ( hud of
Staff John Sununu to downplay
the* possibility of the "green
house etfec I " And let's not for
got his lac kaciaisic al handling
of the Kwon Valdez ai c ident
Lhe transparent ceil of pseu
do environmentalism Bush at
tempts to wrap around himself
has now completely dissolved
and the true hvpoc rile has been
rev ealed
Mother harth is the loser in
this fiast o But the people who
support this man are just as re
sponsible tor the note ome ,is
I beg ol you. don't ( outmue
ti i believ e Ins t I.mils And. lot
1 mill's sake don't vote lor him
111 1 MM2
Tim Webber
Not news
We ire w i ding in response to
the .trtu le cone erning l'errell
Brandon's detainment In the
(Jregon police (()/)/■'. \t,n 15)
We believe that there were
several irrelevant aspei Is ol the
incident that were brought to
our attention, such as the tai t
that "drugs and alcohol were
not involved in the arrest
Win should suc h accusatory
statements be mentioned at all7
l he statement was unrelated to
the topic: and seemed to imply
there may have been some sub
stances involved
One ot the citings clearly
stated that a reason lor his be
liav lor was to spec ific ally avoid
unnecessary negative public itv
and you insisted upon bringing
this to our attention despite his
desire tor privacy
l ire use ol the word "report
edly " throughout the artic le- in
dicated th.it there was a sense
ol disbelief regarding the c ir
c uinstanc es surrounding the in
lust as Brandon Teels tin- ini i
dent is not a reflection on him
sell we teel the related article
is an example of shabby report
ing and is a direc t violation h\
the Emerald We may he disil
lusioned in our expectations of
the Emerald's ability to pro
duce competent articles tor a
college publication and not a
supermarket tabloid this is
the Oregon lhuh Emerald, not
the Oregon Daily Enquirer
tiary Windsor
Rose Marie Beatty
_Letters Policy_
Letters to the editor must be limited to no more than
250 words, legible, signed and the identification of
the writer must be verified when the letter is submit
ted . _ __