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U NPf R Hit! ASH MM ' S4 -• fi- -4/ 190 OUTDOOR RECREATION SKYDIVING An inside took at this umqur vport F timed by sk ydrver*.1 The Ultimate Thrill Wed May 23 at 12 30, Outdoor Program *43t*> Free1 m TRAVEL Opportunity • WORK ABROAD... Ireland, Frar« r Oc-’-acy. Cfl :«jH Se‘i A< r ?., k|»l May ?9 ONE WAY Po’uand « Ph >em* A/ i v .• 4 $98 lv: ( t i ; N T46 5232 - work nufrM ONE WAV E ugen* A $240 4H‘ •#: <9 A‘.k • SCOH hi J.r . 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CELEBRATION COMMITTEE Students interested irv serving a* STUDENT ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE to this committee should pick up ap plication info m the ASUO Office DEADLINE: 5pm. Thursday, May 24 >.< A ‘ .if. HuSiNp.-. i.HU! < Pleasant money making opportunities has., tkivness Don vVdson p O B . 4tsv-’ E u gene •) 7 4(1 2 PUBLIC RELATIONS INTERNSHIPS' The Carer* Development Internship j'air h«*» . pp* d*es n Puhle Relations this summer with the follow g r " . • ' ' Westef Rivef Gm out C ’-u-u,!. d.Wn p<»V ' an I "!•- Mum a!a? Dystrophy A s - at ion Juniors and Seniors are e git'ie and can earn upper division cred it !.p then e»pef»er'H e Position de •. Mpttons «ue dvHIM>l« m 221 Hen ‘.Avf VJ■. at leading r..-!»-!•-, Aide and qualify U< FREE lodging Ai>1. s.drd 6 figure m. . me Ca|! 1 800 253 8509 F1! 1002 210 OPPORTUNITIES mi * •• T AN'’lN) ‘,i iMMCR OPPORD NlTY Campus Connection needs an Uf'iv of Oregon student to sen ad space for the »1 i oilege maga .•■'••I* We I provide an mate' ,«K and ompiete training Editorial position a •- available c,ah for *nh 6LV- v.:2 m 16 SE.CONDARY SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAM 'tj* 1 • •• ao ly stipend for qualified persons nter , ; •• • q a Mast'1 •• fegree t -d special education certification Fo* nix •*. details wte to Sand* Davis 175 E diifat>on University of Oregon SUMMER COUNSELING INTERNSHIP’ The c a‘*»e’ Development Internship Program has an opportunity for Ju mors and Seniors to dr you It' ounsel mg at the SkipWOMh Home Position dec r■ p11v:•r* available in 22t Mend'1- *• *. Mai* Read the description and all Mop*-,-th for an appointment PUBLIC RELATIONS INTERNSHIP The ( ,«<«■»•' Development internship Program has opportunities ■ Put)l'< Relations- this summer with the follow my < ■' i c.ryanr.’ations Western Rivers Girt Seoul Council (two posi ■ ■ ,i • the Mu’,' Dy‘ '■ p»>y As Son at ion Juniors and Seniors a'e eh QiMe and \yn earn upper division cred d *•••' their experience Position de sc options are available m 2?1 Hen 215 HELP WANTED AMAZING SUMMER JOBS Hu;, yi'urseif Help your school Th»* UofO Telefund wants you1 Earn hr a rking flexible day and evening ships Call 146 143d or stop by 200' f runk!in Bivd today CAREER PLANNING SCHOOL OF LAW Requires > omputer experieru >■ I iWOfd'Perfect lotus and or Ap pm M,i iurn«iiism t*u.;kgr >und : r-eip-fu1 Available Summer 1990 c ' F • t ’w L -iiii ■ d«41 W >RH STUDY ONI V FAX SALES OPPORTUNITY im«. without lint.tit. Call 226 1435 Jani Aden PA • ■ 0F> E A. ' Vi' s sw nth Portland OR 97205 QUEERS' AA E Ol institution , ommitted to cultural diversity SURVIVAL CENTE M • • ■ ' •• ,. M.r jgi • Ancient Forests Rainforest Action Group Amniai Rights Recycling I urfhAtmv 1 -■ <-u t OQy Youth G-r-ens Applications and ob dev "p 1 an tie p ■ »ed up