CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 346-4343 105 PERSONALS happy happy 21st BIRTHDAY WENDEL. THIS WEEKEND CAMP ING WE GO AND FUN WE WILL HAVE. YOU FINAL LY MADE IT!! LOVE YA. JANET MUCH THANKS TO ATO Sig Eps Kappa Sigs Chi Psi Lambda Chi and Phi Psi tor all your help on our canoe fete' Love. Gamma Phi HOW ARE WE DOING? Please tell us what you think by filling • >ut the yellow Reader survey m the Oregon Daily F merald on Wednesday May .K) Your answers wui '!.,••• *• the direction we will take in the future You will also qualify tor valuable AO PETER A. Happy 21st Birthday! Have a great time, tonight! Love, Kim 105 PERSONALS Dear Dearest Wender Roo Here's somt birthday wishes and a Tigger too' You've FINALLY turned 21 and tonight s the night we have oh so much tun' Today is your day and I certainly wouldn't have it any other way* Happy Birthday Roo You're the best buddy ever' love ya' K PS No flashbacks ot Menco please' A \ \ Th irks for making Saturday a great bash alt he beach1 Cveryone had a blast AAA HIM ( ^••■gratuiations on wmntng trd ■ Greek Week' You all did a great job1 l IB* < -xigralulations on winning .»• uiid pi.»i e n Serenade VVe re so proud o* y<>u 1 Love, You» Sisters 10b PERSONALS FREE! If your birthday is this month. place an ad (up to 3 lines) for free1 Proof of Cwthciafe 'oqum#d l imd on« nd p«f cuitnmtn p*r month Plan* art* ait Ort*yon 0*>;y Em«»»al1 '*m I •.■.id it• u* vHt wr ii run it tut tour NO REMlNDS N•: 1 CRf DU % IT WILL SELL! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED'! EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS 346 4343 VISA MC 10b PERSONALS \\U ,'I'K Besf of Withe* lo lh* Semoi l lass of Chi Omega Wr> II mut you All ‘ Diwn t Jennifer D l l«a 0 Tfi*,h G Nma H Me,if her W Chostma S Mi; hele S Fnha A Andrea f Traci G Susan H Kft* J Kostin l Christy P Came $ K rttf)n S h n <,f*n W A titlei s lose it fieri with heartstrings ONLY S1 A LINE!! HOW DO YOU SAY GOODBYE’ IN FRONT OF 16,500 OF YOUR CLOSEST FRIENDS??? With an ODE personal ad All personal line ads w»U be $1 per line in the Iasi faro weeks of May NO MINIMUM NO MAXIMUM JUST A GREAT DEAL ‘ Place your ads on fhe phone by charging them fo your account o« your charge card' * Place your ads at the UO Booh store t MU Mam Desk or our office Room .100 f MU from S 5pm M f Place your ads today they will sfarf running during the last two weeks of ONLY A BUCK A LINE! 10b PERSONALS FORGET ANYTHING? LIKE FILING YOUR INTENT TO REGISTER CARD FOR SUMMER TERM’’ PHIVATl Ml ll> f BOM l HU NO', f »*«* Pregnancy BIRTHRIGHT «*>M I’lANNtt) pari nthooo coyn»«iing fH*r 1)4*1 y t:mr ild mjrB to know CAN YOU SOLVE THE PUZZLE? 'I’K + WENDY - Ahh 41 last you ve mad* »*• Th« Big 21 Hop* you! tiny »» a m*mo(*bl« on* R«m»mb«i th® h«ll*»f th« t»*ftf> (ley celebration the better the birth d«y celebration S & T PERSONALS 105 Rtvt) Rang Egg Shu Jam* Slu Rat ana Gon/o' • g/wat tariff at ShasGr 0< H 9 PLANNING Don I loujol Lo flip you* IN T f NT TO Hf GISTIH « ARQ no10ST & FOUND NAKA/AWA K AY O LOST THRU. *■■■;,« g-.ji-.j - . »>'*M Very ■n’OtlO 4fJ»>t i*! R*1A J» J .t>! ' I'Uly fll 115 T YPING SERVICES 344 4510 UU 13th A*« l AST R WORD PROCl SSlNG ! 1 t . •• »• F .ft j I0M ' 1 •.».5 • Luxi; .»!)('* Vf>*1 N«nr .i»nj»uH Robin 344 0/S9 Text Scanning • i *k< ! K»« liman It. »« fl* Mitts « \ r I'M) snuihkimr Hr* > ham •- •. till (< .) « .MllllllS . jiU I «|l. ii« !•! -4 !**. ’!(»' i J . < 40 C