Daily Emerald Sports Club Sports teams have mixed results I 111* ( >1«■ 1’ (> 11 ( lull I ..M ! ' 1 Irani i l(isrii "ill Its 1 ‘I'llI '1',1'nn S.ilunl.is with a 1 II %\ 11> 11\ i r I .i1 w is .mil ( iarl ,il Smith I i U• • i«i■ 111.1 h ' '< litm11 Hub I!.. . ' if. Ii>il llit Dm with s i \ gi i.i Is .1 in I .ill a'.1;'-! a I hr I lii, I took an i-.iris < ni anil t uash’tl In ihr win in the I Kill! m.im'i! Mini' I'l.n w i ili'lavi’d in tlir i-i'i mill i|U.irli'i wIii ii a hi‘ii( h i hairing brawl hruki' mil |iin ( llari'uliai h i hippril l:i luur goals ami an assist wluli Koii Knglish aililt'il two goals anil an assist |i!ssc I'ailliilil hail a goal anil set up tour goals lor tlir I tin k I'hr I )m k • I mishrd 'l l tin si-ason ( lull Sui i rr C Ircgon ( luh Sot i rr lost M Iasi I rnla\ lo ( untial ( Iri'gon ( imnniimlv ( olli'gu m Bund Xnsi'l I t.ins si oii il (lit' lltnks loin' goal ol llin gam,' I In' Ihu ks ret mil is now .1 w ill, a ganii' in I't i rt la i it I 11 ida v with t iiiii nulla ( luh Tar Rwon Do rhi'ii'sa ( Iiiii look first plai i hi I ho w unit'!, S In ll a onl.K I i ol nr bell division to highlight I >i cjinn's peilnnnatH r m tin- I S Ni.irli.il Nil'. < hampionxhips iii'ii- last S.iiurii.o M,its m Davis ss.is second in tile full i iint.ii ! Ki'd Hum n I is! I it s\ e mhi i-vcni tm Oregon. K11v:■ i Wniff took iliirii in tin lull coni.1(1 Red Hrnwn event III tile Ilc.lVV Weight dlV Is II 111 Ori’Kuiis last placer vs.is Paul Donahiie vslin look third in the Yellow licit lightweight tlivi sinii ( lull It.lSI'll.lll I tie Oregon f iub ii.iseb.ilI team I h I- i d out It se.isi in last I nil.is losing a doubleheader to I am* ( aimmunitv I aillege I am ti ink tile ill st gallic H . and (unshed the sweep with I ii vs in in the set mid game I .me lumped iin the 1 )m ks earlv taking a -I II lead 111 the lust inning ot the lost game l llev led i 0 allei two ( logon si oieil oni c 111 the thud and mile ill the sixth I .one led 1 I) III the se( Olid game heloie (Iregoll tied it tip m the loiiitll Hut Lane t .line iiai k tmi three runs ot its nun to bleak i ipell the game Goheen named tennis MVP Freshmen win honors Si-miu Am he i Culimi was voted the Oregon women's tennis team's must valuable player lor the 1‘i'io season in.nil Torn (Beider an nuuni eil i.ist w eek the Battleground Wash native had .t singles ret nrd ot : 1as the team s \,i I sin g!i‘s player and teamed with sennn hunn Nag.nnoto to plav the team's tup doubles posit ion ( Uihecn liltished hei I alter as the fifth leading singles plavei tor Oregon vvitfr a, w ins and is among (tie leaders 1,1 doubles w Ills as w ell Tw o freshmen I rarev Mill ei and She!lev Brandt, pit ked up tin1 Most Inspirational and Most Improved Awards re s pet t ivelv Mil lei w as I ! in singles and went 10-1* in don tiles Brandt had a 1.1 1 t sm gles ledger and a I 7 It doubles iliai k to lead the team (Beider also ret eiveri bis * * t .. ♦ . A.. * . * _ m : h il*- photo Oregon smini Amber (biheen h,ts been mimed the most x.ilu.ihle id.ner ill the women's tennis te.im Ibis se.isan the Dm ks tlnislieil the se.ison with .1 t.'i-l I ret ard. fourth iiiitioii.il li'lli'i ot mlrn! from iik oniing freshman n emit ( \ nthia \1111strung I In S.uit.i I r \ \l native is ranked ninth m the South \\ est I ennis Assui i.it ion and is tile \ ah'd k torian of in*! high school i lass ITEMS NEW-USEi>-A1JUSET> ART AND SCHOOL SUPPLY / V UO Bookstore 13th & Kincaid M F 7 30-6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 346 4331 UNIVERSITY BRANCH 831 EAST 13TH 683-5577 lull I rue I 800-888 {794 Hours 8:00 to t() M l '1:00 to I 00 S,it Lowest Fares Anywhere All Major Credit Card* At t opted —emu Recreation Center CAMPUS LOST & FOUND SALE *(Jmbrellas *Gloves/Hats *Coats/Sweaters * Books *Misc. Goodies Nothing Over Three Dollars! Cash Only (No Checks)