Local guide making plans to expand By Mary Shuler I merald Contributor Wh.it s lliiiipriinift. Ihigrnr s lire .irl and en trrtainment guide. is on Ms win to heituning mori’ of .1 general newspaper Ur want In !»' tli pact's t'vrrt week said I an 1.1 Mi helvev. editor of tin- i urrrntlv :!(i page guide "U'r |iist don't know how long that w ill take Whitt s /fu/i/iming began in a ( (inverted m.i rage in September 1?IH2 as a font page ( alrndai of loi al i»t11<■ rt.11nmi-nt events U r had no real fnrniturv our drsks were door tops Ur didn’t have i apital. just swrat hi hot Hut wr wrrr in tom h with vs hat the < iimnui nils w.intrd and nrrdrd. and wr wrrr patirnt vrrv patirnt And it paid off Mi hrlvr\ said I lir paprr is expianding its (.overage of loi al is sm s in addition to the wrrklv i alrndar of aits and rutrrtaimnrnl hook and movie reviews In that end. thr\ liavr a new visual look and some additions to the staff that w til help them hr a more fulls developed newspaper," said Da vid lohnson. lontributing editor to It h.it s //,i;i liming lohnson was hired to help expand and bring a professional four h fo the weekly paper "We wanted .1 more newspaper look Mr fsel ve\ said I nr instance they felt that the (roster style rovers wore gorgeous, but weren't reflect mg thi- news jiart |ol the paper) lining in lour li w ith the t mmmiinU is still the goal of the paper ''local (overage is important because that's where people ran rlo something to alter I the si ene. Mr hels e\ said Articles covering environmental issues, drift netting anti the Am lent forest brought a lot of feed bar k to the paper anil the number of stories on these issues was ini reused in response John soil said (ohnson believes that one ol the roles of U'bet s Happouilig is to "pick up the slark tor I hr Rrffistrr-C hurt! lie said the It'bat's //up/iermi.g investigation of Kohr Industries' bar kgrounii was a serve e to the r omnmnilv not provirled by the tluih (>aper flies dropped the ball and sve didn't |ohn son said lie also said he believed It /let s //up prning's on going coverage ol the proposed I’ankow development tor downtown Hugene "helped arouse publir ojimion A paper like It bat 's Happrmng serves a pur post' in the community, said Tom laques. assis taut managing editor tor Thr Register (iuard i hev i over things we don't or i an t or don't i boose to." he said "I snt* no great conflict Weekh publications are springing up in tile larger towns .ill over the country. )aques said, because the daily papers don't have the space tor i overing alternative issues in-depth We see ourselves in the same mold as other alternative weeklies throughout the country.” \1< kelvev said "it's been called Advocacv four nalisni We do have a voice and we're proud of it We re not totally objei live, blit we are factual and act urate "The (iuard is for all people What's Happen m,g zeroes in on a more spet ific audience They take a different angle a more analytical angle than we would " laques said "People have tried to label 11s that hippie rag ' Mi kelvev said "Hut from the beginning all kinds ol different people have read us We know from the feed back Seniors, poor people, wealths people working people and profession al people No community is monolithic There are lots ot voices It is the nature of democrat v I think it's healthy ' Mt kelvev said START YOUR PROFESSIONAL LIFE OFF ON THE RIGHT FOOT AT SAFECO! 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