Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 22, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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Continued from Page 1
five cops on iiic Brenneman
Brenneman said ho wasn’t re
sistmg and that tin1 ■ >tfii e is
were tugging .it him '> on re
playing (’.timby with me
Brenneman told tin- oftn ers
' I hell a ( op put lus hoot to
mv face and rnv tai c to the
pavement.' Brenneman said
Brennetmin later ret et ved
emergency medical treatment
at the hast Burnside polit e sla
Mans ot (lie attests occurred
when firelighters crossed the
polit e lines to extinguish bon
tires set In the demons!r<ttois
St uffles erupted and protesters
were dragged across the lines
and placed in plastic hand
t lifts
The protest began at a a lit
and didn’t break up until it tit
alter those who had attended
the breakfast bad left the hotel
Tints were directed to their car
In police, hut protesters lift k
led them from across the street
Brenneman said police had
the situation under control dor
ing the protest and were target
mg protesters afterwaril
■’Tiles were just partaking in
the indulgenee of ’busting
freaks.’ Brenneman sard
"1 notit ed some polit e break
aw,is trom harrit atles and begin
tracking somebody walking I"
The Oregonian " Johnson said
That somebody |ust ran Jiat k
past (he Hilton and was nailed
!>\ two Sei ret Servo e agents
Joh nson w ho « .o taking
photographs of the ini idenl on
the hood of a t ar alter being
him ked In an olfii er said the
oflii er asked him for his dm
er's lit ense in i ase of < n il
Johnson said lie gave the olfi
i er Ills In ense, when otliei ofli
i ers were starting to return to
tin' 1 lilton
Johnson said tie got into an
argument with the officer, who
had not finished writing infor
mation down and vvlio wanted
Johnson to come with him.
Johnson refused saying the
offii er had had enough time to
memorize the lit ense. "i ause I
was here to take pu lures
Johnson reached bai k for Ins It
i ense and was apprehended
I he\ i ontisi .ited mv equip
ment .uid film Johnson s.iid
I started screaming Oregon
Shield I.aw so I got tlm film
hat k hut 1 w .is pretty ner
Inside the hotel, more than
ttUU Kepublii ans heard Hush
call (iregon Attorney < tenoral
I rohnm.ner .1 fun etui and
passionate spokesman tnr the
people of this \vonderI ti I
st. 111• lire Assoi lated I’ress re
Continued from Page 1
stress th.it it Mils the boards
thill insisted on a tight budget
and that the t ash flow situa
11011 was a direct i ousequetli e
..I hoard pressure to keep rates
dim n. regardless til oilier eon
sequent es
"The hoard is blaming lean
tor something the board told
her to do I lentil it ksou said
Solui who lesigneti I rum the
board alter losing Ins seat to
|at k I )ela\ in last l uesd.o s
primary election said he wants
to distant e himself Irom the
minutes changes proposed h\
Willis. I'hwtng and Hendnik
It s just an area of disagree
men! I here s no log set ret 01
anything. Sol in said "Sarah s
nit pit king them and Kanth s
nitpit king, lit' said
Solin added tli.it not all ot
tin' proposed changes aii’ ,u i ti
riii’ii’ wt'n* sortif tilings at
tributed tn ini' that weren't iau
it', t lir said
Alter Sulm s and I hiving ■
resignations the future iit the
minutes is uni ertain Hendrn k
sun said shi' would move at the
Mas til board meeting to ap
piovi’ tin- minutes originally
preparetl In KW KB stall mein
iiers She added that the pm
posed i lianges In hoard mem
hers may be included on sepa
rate pages
IItin e said iipproval iit the
minutes will have to wait until
sometime after Smith and lie
lay are sworn m At that time
history somebody's version
ol it Will he made
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