\H )\l)\N S 1 HR< H <1(1 RID AN S Luncheon Specials Thai Salad $3.95 CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT 879 f Hth *41-2832 / f)st.nr^ \i‘\1 to l Of () Hnnkstort SUMMER HIGHLIGHTS liu hides ( onditiomiHi .Hit) St \ lc NOW ONLY $30 \n « V*> with this < otijwHi C ou|H»iM xpiM s him- |Sth c' i/t/a/urr-s naik • i Anmnti • mails 99 W. 10th, 1st Floor Atrium, Downtown 345-3491 — The drivin can be easy.' Our professional service and repair can keep your car in topcondition. 1917 Franklin Blvd., Eugene 485-8226 Oregon West - FITNESS - 3-Month membership..$99.00 2 months.$69.00 1 month.$39.00 No initiation fee full use of facilities Unlimited Aerobics Weights Exercise Bicycles Located Bv Running and B'Xe Trails ■JS" BEST HOURS • BEST PRICES 6am 11 pm 7 Days a Week 485 1624 147S franklin Blvd Across trorn Campus University Phulo*. bv V im »• K«miin*/ Wendi Coyli’ ot Cloh.il Partners prepares for the day 's customers. Clobal Partners and other \ endors in the CStl' otter the t nil ersity t ommunity a w ide selection ot products and services. EMU vendors profit on campus By Bob Waite t -ifM ,n l-'very ii.i\ thousands of students and f.u ulty metlilrers pass bv Snmd lilies fllev buy some I h i n>i With these passers In in mind, vendors in the I Ait ’ and around the I ’niversitv tui us on a basil prim iple ol business find a need and fill it t he t'niversitv delivers about li 1.00(1 faculty members and students to these vendors daily, ai i nrding to t' ui vorsdv l amoral Hu I let m stat ist ii s file vendors sell a wide range ol produt Is and serviies. ranging from food and snai ks to tiavel opportunities and computers, from military sei v ii e to i lothes and trinkets Despite .1 limited number of competitors in I In* I Alt' these vendors sometimes fare temporary outside i ompetitiou I he Street ! an s sm i ess on ] till Avenue last week was an example Hut the fair's popularity did not stop a stream of people m the I AH ' from spending then time Thursdav w ith Ally son Klein, ihudie Rentier or t hus Noon all three rompetilors for students attent inn The three staffed information booths tor for eign Friendship Partners the Student Health Tenter and Rei reatkiii and Intramurals, respet lively Klein said ,i booth in the KMT is a good way to get name familiarity" tor a group like foreign friendship Partners which is seeking student pnrtii ipation and formalized exisleme hv the Asm "A booth real lies out to people who wouldn't go over to the Student Health Tenter." Reeder said as she handed out information about the health dangers of sei ond hand smoke Ne.irhv Valentine's l'ravel Agencies 011-1 am pus nian.igei I un l artrr. boasted of Ins business' sm i ess "May is one ol our best months he said ( after explained that his company suci essfullv hid on its I MP space when the KMT Hoard of I It rei tors rei ogilized the need tor an on-i ampus I rav el sen u e I tennis Tart. KMT food serv ices director. said last week's lair slowed business in the KMT