University GALA co-director taken off ASUO payroll Sharp not enrolled in school this term By Joe Kidd (It!v and 1 .esbian Allium e e.o director Laurel Sharp was re moved from the ASl'O p.ivrotl List week, losing her monthK st ipend as a ( L\i A leadei As a result. her position as (A1 ,A ( o -ciiret tor is him ertain. said \!ii hael Peeler, also a (, AI A i o-direi tor who until now has shared (. \I.A leader ship \\ itI) Sharp Sharp was removed from the ASl'O pavroll because she is not a registered I 'niversiK stu dent this term, and bei ause she was unable to hold required of fii:e hours for three weeks Peeler said "If von re not a student. its bad to he a head of a student group. Peeler said The ASI'() constitution re (|uires that paid student group leaders he enrolled at least half time .ind the (. \I A t oustitu linn requires it1- m direr tors hold .1 minimum ot 20 ot In i- hours .i vvccl. feeler said it "w .isn't a mat tor ol firiiiK Sharp hut that hr advised hri to quit to avoid hav mi4 to |).i\ liai k stipends re 1 .rived sun e the beginning ol spring term 1 low r\ er w hen later asked it the ai t ion w as a tiring or a res ignat ion fee In s response was "That's a good question Sharp dei lined to i eminent on the situation when she was i ontai ted Mondav feeler said he did not know d Sharp would continue as a (.A 1 A co (iirei tor I assumed that since she is not ret riving a stipend that she would resign.’ he said ASt’O programs coordinator ( hristv Anlhonv said Sharp was removed from (he NNI'O |>4\ loll \1,l\ Hi Hri ause Sharp's nun student sta'iis u .is brought In ASI'I) a I tuntipu Iasi week slif mas liavr Iii'iti murpaid uni' month's sit pend that she ret eiveri .11 the beginning ul this term II so. she will have lu pa\ lhal hai k Anthonv said (, AI \ in ilirr i tors earn about S ’> a niotrlh \ formal 1 omplainl vvas not hleil. \nthnnv said I'eeler I aine In me and asked Inr pru i edural advii e on the issue she said As si it ill as I gut verifii aliun from I In • registrar that she isn't a registered student I took her olt the payroll Anlhonv said (. \ I. A t.u ed a similar situ.i tiuii last (lassie (lodges t hen a (. AI A in dirt'i tin vv as not a registered student during spring term and should not have been paid Inr her position Lecture to discuss Huck Finn mii; rives ()SI‘IK(l will hi)itI i i Ii.i|iti• i Hireling tonight >i! '> .it the km mini,i ( enter 1 t 1 -4 k ini .ml St ASM) Programs (ouniil meets today from I to a 10 |) in in the ( All Hoard Kooin Sim ill log \ (lull meel.s loll ighl at ii m Room 7 14 i’l.t! A pre septal ion on graduate school Et als will he featured, and all who are interested are invited to at tend Ini nlental l ee < oinuiittee meets tonight at n SO in the I All Board Room SI'I Akl.KS \\1> I.K( 11 HIS "Rethinking Itui klehern t ilin'’ is tile title ol a lei lure In he gi\ ell In lon.itlian Aon FULL COLOR Laser Copies • Large copies up to 11*17 • 50-400‘ r enlargement or reduction • Color copies from 35mm slides, negatives, or 3-D objects Open 7 Days kinko's Cr«at copies Creat people 860 E. 13th 44 W 10th 344-7894 344 3555 | * tMINDBtlAND * CjHf A T FOR PARTIES AND BIRTHDAYS 50video GAMES admission m so STH STREET PURIIC MARKET EUGERE«SII 14(4 I 'niversitv of Pittsburgh I he presentation u ill take plai c to night .it It m tlic I All' I n Room “Philosopher and the hgg: \ look .it Harveys I \eri ise on (feneration" is the title oi a lei tine to he given today it .1 ill p m bv ( at lierine \\ ilson. .1 sm.iatc professor of philosophy The ion will he ilehl torlav at t to p 111 in Room 11-1 1*1 ( MISt I I.1 ,\\I < it S Khelm i< anti ( oiliiminn a tern tall term course resel l a lion w il! he hi hi Wednesday and Thursday in Ktuiiil 211 \ lllarti Hollis are ptisted on tin* door Women's Center tributary potlui k dinner honoron: non i'!i who have 1 onlrillllteti to the Women's ltenter this yeai will he liehl tonight at h at the koinonia ( enter t il l kiniaid St !Virtu lpunts .m- tskrii to In ing someth inu to sh.irr Heslr\ ( ruler drop-in hours ,irr todii\ from I to > p m .ii thi* U'eslm < entei 1J Hi kin si ( I’K < nil it will ottii .1 i rrti tinl Aniern .111 (Ir.irt \ssoi 1.1 I ii lit t f’K course i hr course which runs from 0 hi III In multi will hr held -it the I I’K .mil f irst Aid l i.iimiiu I rrilri ,il M i Mill SI !’ii■ rruistr.ition c.illmu itilli diirinu the Pe.ulline for ■whnulling It .//> t ii liu' I uii • r.i M hunt i/r.'s k l:\ll ' Suite Hill in noon the tl.t\ hi'it fir i nihlii .limn it ii/s run the i/.M nt the ei enl unit!** the el i‘ilt in i urs before noon /'/r.isr submit I t ,il* the d.n be fore the\ .in- to run onh \o tues iif event* with ,i ifmnition or ntlnu**tan i li.uite u ill not lie .11 i efiteil THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Thag Anderson becomes the first fatality as a result of falling asleep at the wheel. .is .1 CAI.A liMiirr dnriilK time. 1 ’«•**!(•[ said l.atnr llndjp's had In pav (link, stipi'iids ri-i ri\nd iltuinn li-rni In' s.iiil As tin Sharp's pnssihlt" ib si‘in i' IN'i di‘I i, AI. \ .11 livi in- in mill nut In iltri ifil ll iii.i\ make il a litllr linin' ilillii nil In i;t't Inui'tlii i a hiring i nmmittiv Ini lii'Xt vrar he said Hut In•* atisr (. \ I \ has I'\ a< livilit's sihi'dulfd Ini I lit- n»st nt thr si In ii 11 year tin' alisiiHt i' nl mu' nt llii' group's 1,1 4!11 '** ' tins vvnuld ilnl nlhcrwisr m.iki' ,i ddliTi'iu i- I’l't'liT said I.iiurrl Shiirp 342-8111 TINO’S’ • Full dinner menu • 23 varieties of Pizzas • Whole wheat and white crust • Pizzas to go cooked and uncooked 15th and Willamette Hours: Mon -Thurs. 1 1 00 Midnight Frl. 11 00 1 00 a m Sa» 5 00 1 00am Sun. 00 1 1 00 p m ^ CA* Spaghetti s2’5 Every Tuesday PIZZA PETE’S 2673 Willamette __ Oregon lkul\ _ _ Emerald I'll H<>« Fugi-nc. 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