Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 22, 1990, Page 2, Image 2

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    Daily Emerald EdltOFlSl
Brand gets passing
grade for first year
Tin- year i>. almost 1111 Mow it s lime In «*V'<| 1 li.111•
lii >ss Ms 11--. Hi .Hu I has Hi mi’ in Ins first \ eai as I niseis
Is |H i-snlrnl
Win'll In- lusl 1,11111' In i an11his there were sortie
ssais < ibsei s al lulls \flei all. In- ssas slopping tip linm a
InSSi'l post al Olitu Mali Inivt'isils I Inss SS as brand
expei 11-iI In knnss lltt pinhlems luting tin* 1'ms‘risils
and (hr Olegnu il.it* Ss -11 - ii i nl Higher l.iilli al mil in
i ’ t • 11«■ I a I '
Sli lai In i npi d . 1111). Ml '■ In' s dime a tli’llnl jnl)
tin smut' issues lltan ulhers
Mrantl t aim in a- a replui omeut In Haul (limn
uni' nl tin' must pnpulai and inlliieulial I niversits
presidents |H ini Inss in Ills Innlslt-ps would be uni-ns i
allit' alltl lira ltd tail'd a lll.ljnl task In escape Ollllll s
Inna diadnss Munetimes In hum I been ruluids stu ■
i I'sslul and tin itics 11a1111• comparisons In Olurn
usual Is i asting Hi a i a I in a negative light arc diasvn
( hauled mans nl the problems the 1 nis ersits lai es
sscic licic lung bi'lutc brand i amc tn town. SI,lie bind
ins; pit 11 ul Is Inss lai ti Its salaries a 11 are (.on.slant il is
In ans university president Hut him brand lias met
cat Ii nne is the ipiestion.
\s lai as lobbying Ini im leased stale iinniu.itig nl
higher education. (band has thus lai not prosed Ins
mettle brand has been content In ax programs (witness
tin h i eiil demise nl the Ameru an Studies departments
i,iiliei than keep the pressure nil lawmakers as Olurn
did W ith brand lat mg lus first legislative session next
seal it is hoped Ire will be al the forefront ol the lai lil
ts s,dar\ and Imam mg debate
brand < ante into the president's t hair advoi ating a
i less ai i essibi I its lit ss on Id lie open In student de
ni.rnds and ipieslurns lie ssould tr\ tu pul some at
i ountabilits bat k into the president's nffii e
I nlciitunately l>ii him. one nl the first major i rises
ol the \ imi u.is .) student uni1 The protest <t( the new
sc mm e buildings' ilinlic ation
In llmii zeal l«i damage the credibility ol Can \i*il
(ioldsc Irmidt ami Sen Mark llartfield students i aught
Brand m llm < ross lire U lien Brand r.ime out public Iv
against llm oondm t ol llm protesters. Im lost mans stu
dents respect and was tagged immediately as a state
system stooge It was a poor start to a umveisity presi
dent s i areei
ho his i ic'dil Brand has tried to overcome that pel
(option lie has sponsored open door sessions and
public loruins I hese are IrighK (ommendable. but
students may leel frustrated In the wav Brand ap
proaches these sessions lie is In nature a cautious
man and students bringing llmii immediate pressing
com ecus are likelv to heat him oiler to study the mal
lei and delay a< lion until later l 'util he brings ar turn
to these mattels. we'll have to wait to assess whether
Brand s open door means that he has an open mind.
Brand has done some things that are unequivoia
bl\ favorable Ills devotion to the prim iples of aflirma
live action are excellent, and he has gone out of Ins
vvav to institute them at the l 'diversity Brand's plan to
make tlm l diversity better handic apped-ar < essible (in
( hiding a wheelc hair tour of the campus) has not only
produced tangible results, but brought awareness to a
problem that doesn't get mm It attention
Still many issues remain unadthessed Student
housing, lot example continues to be a problem vet
the I diversity administration has done little about it
Salety around i nmpiis. lighting in particular has been
mm h disc ussed but seen little action As far us the
Kl v ei I roll! Keseal c h I'a i k and I he suspected 1 ill vers it v
sponsored toxic dumping, Brand has been strangely si
lent Il remains to be seen how lie and the rest ot his
stall reac t to these problems
All in all it s been an eventful Inst year tor Brand
I le gets a passing grade But the issues he's bee'll silent
on to date will not go away and need to be dealt with
soon Brand needs to (ontiime to seek student support
and c re,lie tin image , f a pmter lor ol lac tilts . student
w ise it c mild be a long
,* ’ **> &>***.; ** uA»ir
Ctt'Jfi .HfW* <r>'» l
SUflE, I W£6
but i mm
rr turns
out imscrt
\ Hole ul th,inks In .ill s\ ho
wi-rc involved m m.iking ilir
Mas 1 2 1 :i k KM \ Im? i iff it ,i
lioommg sui rcss
(In 111-11,111 ol k KM A i iimpus
radio 1 won hi lik*- In i'\]iicss
mu Min i-rt- gratitude to tin
members ol (lanipboll ( luh
Student ( n-nperative Assoi i.i
Hon tin the use ol then house
lo hold this event also to the
ineinliers ol More I line.
Agrosoul .uni U hulls (lu.ii.i
mole lor providing ,i relentless
night ol unish and dam mg
I hanks also go out to the
memhers of kKMA ss ho do
tinted then lime and euergs lo
helping run things land vim
knoss who sou are), the ssest
i ampus neighborhood lor pul
ling up ss ith the muse and the
hundreds ot Iriendls sober and
ssell liehas ed guests in alien
dam e
We raised enough mones to
begin set-up ot kKMA which
should be on the air tall term.
U itliout the cooperation ol
all ol the above-mentioned, litis
benefit would not have been
possible We hope everyone is
as hupps ssilll the ssas tilings
svent as sse are and sve hope to
do it again real soon So gel
reads bet uuse good kKMA is
i oming sour ss as
(iarv Rosenstein
Positive image
I ssas appalled bs the allband
performance Mas H bs the A1
pha Phi sorority. A Viess to a
kill " I thought it exploited
Alpha Phi had women
dressed ill short, light dresses,
dam ing behind a large, lighted
gun si ope I hcn these four
women danced svilh four other
women, dressed as men The
ssomen ssere slapped bs the
men. and treated as mere oh
jects not individuals Then the
main woman singer dressed as
a man shot one ot the women
ss ith a gun The woman died
Ves it is true not all of the
void til x ioleiu i'. but this emu in
ji.n 1 it ulai shot ked m<* I do not
have anything against Alpha
Phi vet I tin not think then
airband xxas a positive repie
sentation lor women, the I'm
versit\ or the greek system
I his type ot behavior promotes
exactly xs li.it myself, as a yuan
an. am trying to absolve vio
lent e and exploitation ot worn
1 believe this t\ pe of t ondut t
desensitizes sot lety to vio
lence whereas yye should he
sensitive to any violent e tliret !
ed toward anyone As a sorority
member I hope other sorority
women realize the way yye al
low ourselves to he portrayed
las in airband) diret tly repre
sents us Let s create .1 positive
image x\ e t ail all he proud of
Daryn Peters
Public Relations
Slam the system
The Oregon Daily Emerald
article on May la entitled
I rats promote unity for black
students'' presents .111 ext client
opportunity lor students (not
Ills! bldi k students) to experi
ence campus life in a greek
house Hut the use of the word
"frats " in the headline is a
gross misprint There is an ex
tremc difference lietyveen a (rat
and a fraternity
A Irat is ,1 house ot immature
little boys whose primary con
cern is si aiming girls, drinking
beer and play ing x\ ith their tish
tanks ("fish" as in what
Shakespeare meant by the
A fraternity is a greek living
organization xx hose primary
concern is a brotherhood that
teal lies the meaning of life
yylnle striving toward team
xxork and good grades We still
enjoy the other things, hut they
an-ol secondary concern It's a
lot like the co-op houses ex
1 ept there is a brotherhood that
bonds you all together
I hope that all of you ' xvrit
ers" at the Emerald < an under
stand the difference And yes
there are both Irats and Iraterm
ties on the t 'nixersitx unipus I
1 1 th.-t any rebuttals
will be based on ;n twal expert
t»nc es All too often people
si,nil fraternities w ithout really
understanding the system; in
other words, have von ever
reallv given the lraternitv svs
tern a lair i haw e?
Jay lohnson
Alpha Tau Omega
lhe Oregon D,ul\ Emerald
.irtii le "(Terrell) Brandon ( ited
for speeding near Portland"
IOUE. May 15) is perhaps one
of the best examples of sense
less and tasteless journalism I
have ever seen I found it dis
couraging that the Emerald
would give more time effort
and publication spate to a traf
fn violation bv Brandon than
given to the athlete at hieve
merit of Oregon Irat k star
Stephanie Utcsseli on the very
same page
In no sense do 1 t undone
Brandon's at tions but I tirmlv
believe the Emerald acted ore
sponsibly by publishing his
misfortunes Why should Bran
lion’s private life, just because
he is an important anti promi
nent Oregon basketball star be
subjected to journalistic inter
volition on behalf of the Enter
It the Emerald feels the
downgrading artii le on Bran
ilon was appropriate, then I feel
there should be weekly i ol
unins on the traffic violations
by all University students In
addition, why doesn’t the Em
eraltl include parking viola
I ions
Over my collegiate years 1
have received ail inordinate
amount of speeding tn kets. vet
as Brandon indicated. I do not
feel these tit kets should be
list'd to judge in v personal
t harat ter The Emerald'> article
on Brandon will undoubtedly
tarnish ins appeal to many in
dividuals in our community
Brandon and other University
students’ personal misfortunes
should not be used as the basis
for critita! and downgrading
Emerald articles
Thomas \ren/