Duckworth’s shot gives Portland 1 -0 lead PORTLAND (Al’j Three weeks ago. Kevin Duckworth broke his right hand alib Ins NBA se.isnn seemed In be over Monday nielli lie used b.itid In svs Ish .1 game winning eight fool jumper with 17 I seconds left. giving the I’nrl land Trail Blazers .1 lllll uh vii tnrv m I lie opener of the Western ( nnfereix e fi nals "He's Portland's Bui k Williams saul "The man r.ime bai k with a broken bone in Ills band lie s playing on a lot of < mirage rigid now That's all lie's playing on I hit kworth. w ho missed six games be tore returning in the seventh game of the ( onfereni e semifinals against San Antonio on Saturday sank the game winner on a pu k and roll play that he and Terry Porter have run "a zillion tunes he said "We've won a lot ol games with that play. ' Dm kworth said Dm kworth dicin’! even have Ins fin j^cis in .i splint lur this game Hi1 said he only feels soreness in his w rist "I really don’t remember having a big impac t on it game like this in a playoff situation.' he said With the score tied 08 08 Porter took the hall and drove’ to the basket, then passed oft to Dm kworth when defender Mark West left the big Portland c enter "I expiated Terry to take the shot. Dm kworth said hut as soon as he pen etrated, I knew I would gel it bee k Portland i oai h Hu k Adelinan said thrilling games would be the norm in the series We should have really controlled this game better than we did he said Hut I liked about it is defensively we did what we had to do and then I)m k made the lug shot Phoenix had a c ham.o to tie after Dm kworth s shot but Danny Young. who is listed .it n foot -l hut is certainly smaller, blocked Mike s shot Williams saved the hull from going out ol hounds and Portland streti hod its homer ourt nlavoff rei ord to 7 0 Whoi he shoots the hall lie puts it right in front of his face, 'i oung said l.ddie lohnson fell down and I was tr\ jnH to net to the hall and 1 sas\ Mi (iee \\ as w ide open and 1 thought ()h no It s\as the third straight home thriller toi the Blazers who heat San Antonio in double overtime and overtime in the last two names in 'Portland Phoenix coach Cotton Fitzsimmons said the Suns showed the elfei Is of a six tins lavoff after upsetting the l.os Angeles Fakers in the conferenr e semili nals 'Our execution was rustv We weren't real sharp." he said "But give Portland credit Thes played hard and tiles got what tiles needed to svin at the end Portland makuiK its first appearand* in tin* conference finals since 1077 when the Trail Blazers won their only NBA i hampionship. defe.ited the Suns for the 18th consecutive time at Memo rial (loliseum PHOKNIX I'*HI III . -I . Kjimtm H . .ii . lVt'«I ) ' S HI ■'44U H.-IIMi ri Mill 4 M*1P'T •' ihnson 1 11 l 2 7, 1-rttiK 12 011 2 Hall Jr 0 2 <1 o o 0 0 0 1'otrtU tft *>.' 20 .’»i ‘»H PI IK l I AND |I00) Krr-.ry h M « M \\ i, i,.:m *. H 4 ■ 1 »,*, kw-tth I. 14 O •* Uteia f III 1H (I tl ,'n Portrr !> 14 O O 14 (. uoprr 1 1 11 1! i V»wnj|0 2 000 K'thinson 2 7 2 2 o Petrov tt . 110 2 11 Htv.mtO III 0 II Total* 44 '♦« i» 12 I (Ml Phornu 2i« 22 U 1H MM Portland 24 21. 14 111 100 t **<<(<:!* I’fi.M-tpv 2 ?' M h.illitK-rs I Mi ( .»•»• O 1 t tiiiiiit. rk n 1 t j • miii '• 11 Portland ! ' 1'i.flrf . 4 IVImvtt 1 1 I)it»xlrr O ] Ycuuij: o 1’ I mtlrii out None Kehouiids PliiM-.-iX ' V\ r*l !P- -Miami »M !ketse\ ’ : \>*.)*t* Phurmx i«i K lohnjuin 11 Pnrtiiimi 24 (Porter '» I Total I*.uU I'hiHMiii 4 Portland t IS.ills to (io!! 344-447 I I 4th & Alder , '»(> I I 4th tomi’t njo\ Sun and Piz/a On Oui Deck! OPEN FOR LUNCH [ 344 447 I >|n ii i I Yt» ! i < H 'pn; D.nh M- II Wt» Kriujs PRtcisioN Cuts [ \\l> sf’H I \l Isis l\ ( ( 111\(, u UK Get any 2 oz. shampoo for *1.50 with a haircut t xpirt's |unt* I I. 1‘t‘JO PREcisioN Curs \S I) 1ANNISC. sm imists i\ (innsc haw v s Nv^ I Sth \ Htlvaid • 1HI il-H in ihc Nat n‘d Ht'arl I’.nkmg Stiui turn ( )\ ( WU’l s 10% OFF ANY SHOES Or GLOVES in Stock Laurelwood Coif course 2700 Columbia 687-5321 SWING INTO SPRING AT LAURELWOOD GOLF COURSE Driving Range, Club Rentals Electric Carts 2700 Columbia 687-5321 IT S MERE...SPRING! SHORTS! BODY LANGUAGE! GET SOME COLOR FAST! $3*00 O fff Current Prices Good thru June 4, 1990 SunShower Tanning Center ON CAMPUS ONE COUPON SPECIAL PER CLIENT NOT GOOD WITH ANY OTHER SPECIALS 874 E 13th Ave • Upstairs by Kinko s • 485 2323 SunShower Tanning Center m- art* ln« sun s.tion musi uiim-minu) ... .. i.uih h study break between classes whenever you have .i little extra time you ran take a 20 minute vacation ami relax in-our deeply soothlnci sunbeds I njoy the warmth and your r hoice ol music as you rectum that lust ious summer r otor 874 E 13th Ave • Upstairs by Krnko s • 485 2323 Wlllil Air conditioned *x^SITM WHERE THE TROPICAL SUN SHINES INDOORS ' TRACK TOWN PIZZA $ X .00 OFF any Medium Pizza n. ■! v.iiid mill .tuv olhi't . ■!(«•> on.' . ..upon [VI | .1 484 2799 • 1809 Franklin Blvd. COUPON TRACK TOWN PIZZA 484-2799 FREE DELIVERY (limited