Tuesday. May 22. 1990 Eugene. Oregon Volume 91 Issue157 Oregon Daily Cmerald Briefly What's /lupppning, Kugene's fret' art and entertainment guide is on it's wav to becoming more of a general newspaper. See story. Page ti On Campus Incidental Fee Committee meets tonight at h:.U) in the KMl' Board Room "Rethinking Huckleberry Finn" is the title of a lecture to he given at 8 p in in the KMl I'ir Room In Jonathan Arac of the I riiversitv of Pittsburgh. See Ft A Is. Page .t Sports Amber C.oheen Senior Amber (lohecn has been named the women s tennis team most valuable player The senim from battleground Wash tiad a 17 17 singles record as < Iregon s \o ! singles player and finished her i areer u itli ">ti singles u ins. the fifth-most v\ ins in school Ins tor\ See stor\ . PageH The Portland Trailbla/ers took a 1-0 lead over the Phoenix Suns in the best of-seven Western Confer i'iii e championship series with a 100 OH win Monda\ night Game 2 will he in Portland Wednesday See story, page 12 Weather Showers, isolated afternoon thunderstorms, with hi^hs in lower lids Si attereil showers Wednesday Protest draws student arrests By Dan Eisler f miv.ifd Reporter_ At least tun I 'ms rrsiU students were .imiinit those .11 rested .it .1 protest outside tho Portland hotel where I’ri's idont Hush spoke at .1 fund raising breakfast Mond.i\ Portland polite arrested lodd Hrenneman. .M and Krii lohnson. 27 along with -!.t other protesters during the four ami .1 halt hour protest outside the Portland Hi! ton hotel Polite charged Hreuneman of KfttH V\ 11th Ave with disorderly t oiidui t and harassment, and Johnson ol \ sIndents protestim; outside ot the Hilton hotel in I’ortLind on \linula i u here President Hush Has attendant .1 fund-raiser tor He/tublii an 1tuhern.1ton.il 1 un did,ite Dave hrohmn.n er EWEB members at odds over minutes By Wayne Parker [ ugene W .«t**r .tiid Flectrii Hoard members i ■m t seem In iijiri'i' mi histors Fhree board members have proposed acid it ions to the minutes of two lebru ary meetings held tin1 two weeks before the majority of the board voted to fire lean Reeder from fier position as the utility's general manager At both meetings the minutes reflet t ((infill ts between KVYKB board members and Reeder, as well as different es among the commissioners themselves regarding the utilils ‘s i ash reserves Commissioner Rob Willis said FVVFHs bond rating was ill danger of being redm ed because of low reserves Options for increasing cash flow was the foe us of both meetings Although every commissioner attend ed those board planning sessions on Feb lti and Feb 22. few of them agree on what happened there No tape re cordings were made of the two meet mgs it is the word of one ( ommissioner over another as to what took plat e W illis said the minutes are s( hedtiled for approval during a Mai J-t work ses sion. hut hist week's resignations of the hoard's president. Dennis Solin. and vit e president Randall Ihwing. mai tort e that date to ( hange The Oregon I)uil\ I'.nu'rahi obtained the minutes ol both meetings after tiling a request under Oregon I’ublit Records Law When the Emerald first requested the the minutes I WI.H stall said tbe\ were not available because because the board had not approved them Ihev’re trying to make it so they look good said KUKH (lummissioncr S, it. ill Hendrit kson of l iming and U il lis. tun ut the throe Im.iril members who voted to tin1 Keeder I eh 2ti Hendrickson said the additions made In l hw mg and Willis ettei lively take the Maine auav from the hoard lot the utility's financial woes and make Keeder the si upegiiat (,'opies of the unnffir nil minutes null l ate Keeder told the hoard at the I eh Hi meeting that I A\ Mil's cash reserves were low and that the utility’s hood rating the highest possible was in danger ol being lowered Keeder said she wanted hoard mem bers to del ide whether to continue with a tradition of low rates and risk a falling bond rating, or find wavs to build up i ash reserves "1 wanted to get an indication from them which was most important." Keeder said She said the commission ers had indicated the bond Tilting was paramount, and that she had agreed Keeder said she discussed with the commissioners the possibility ol a rate increase, and the original transcript from the meeting verifies that discus sum However in the changes proposed by l iming, the passage is altered to read Ms Keeder also disi ussed the upcom ing rate proi ess .is a possible opportuni ty to generate additional revenues According to the original version, Keeder had disi ussed the rate ini reuse witli the i uinmissioners. hut the amend ed version makes no rclereiu.es to the commissioners' partic ipation m the dis cussion Keeder and Hendrickson both sav all the i oinmissioners talked about the possibility "I .1 rate mi rease I'tirintT < 11>111111issii>iit■ i Tim ing, who resigned last Thursday to avoid a mi all f I ft tion m J u fit* anti a runoff w illi Susan Smith in Novunilii'r. i.ouldn't rut all the e\at I i hanges In- proposed for lliti iiiui ules, hut ho stressed lhal his i hangt's were uiadt' for I lit' sakf of ai t unit \ "KWKH minutes are some ot the lies! minutes I've ever seen. Timing said. I think the hoard wants to accurately reflet t what happened Reeder anil Hendru k son hoth say tile atltlitions .ire far from at t urate Another addition proposed h\ Timing firings up a conversation he tween Reeder and Solin that took plat e ht'fore the meeting In that conversation, the addition says Reeder mentioned the possibility that the utility was in danger of bankrupt! v Reeder said she was trying to per suatle Solin to drive to the morning meeting in the snow when she men tinned the word "bankrupt " 'It's not a term I would ever have used in public Reeder said She said she used the wort! to stress that RU TH t ould run out of rash if < or ret live measures weren't taken Hendrickson also doubts the useful ness ol that part it ular addition "You can’t work with a hoard where win have to watch every single word vou say every minute for fear that the hoard will use it against you " she said Hendrickson said she decided to make her own additions to the minutes after she reatl the t hailges proposed bv Willis and Timing Her amendments Turn to MINUTES, Page 6