WOMEN Continued Irom Page 1 women's support group is open to .ill AAA women This group organizes polluoks. workshops and let lures A women's weekend adven ture group is lor women who enjnv getting awnv from the .a ademii world, roommates or kids for .1 weekend in the woods Hikes are organized onre a month • A lesbian support group open to all leslnan women, (overs lopir s ranging from changing inlutionships and families to sell ac i eptanr e • Peer counseling on an in c11v idci.d basis is also avall able either In appointment or in i uses ol emergenc ies The Keltic ational (fpportu nities Program also offers students a variety id support serve es often helpful to women returning to the t'm versify Administered through the Academic Learning Services in the knight Library I t )P is a led erallv-funded intensive sup port servic e for cjualilv mg students Students who meet lh«' federal eltgihiliU r‘(l fia COP smiles is presented low ini ome students sin dents whose parents did not graduate from a four -year t ollege. and mentally or physically disabled students i ,iri ret eive Id )!’ support The following sendees are as ailable • Personal (ounseling d< d tag svitii .ill kinds of person al issues is .nailable Incest, abuse eating disorders and sell esteem are some of the < oneorns th.it ran be ad dressed In this servk e • \d vim a« v in i ast>s o! ion flu t oi trouble is offered In the past. KOI’ has dealt with finaneial aid housing and puhlii assislani e among oth er areas through this pro giam • Tutoring m math si .inn e and foreign languages is available • Writing, math and critical thinking (nurses lor credit are otfered • Non-credit workshops on test taking and preparing lor tesls are organized STRUGGLE Continued from Page 1 kids and sometimes |i*l>s Tiles'- women who have il t in getting an miniat ion air looming larger Families Imam es ami light ing nil discouragement are the main problems of the so-called mm Iraiiitional student the term usualls applied to these women This pool of returning sin dents lias been increasing sleadils siin «* tlie women s movement ot tin- late liitiOs ami early ~ik aciording to Worn ell's ( enter i ootdillator I iasani k ndura I m\ seif v\ as a mature re turning Student in lotifl. she said I saw ,i lot ot returning women students then and pro!) .tills more now Women are < ommg bac i t" si hool at a steads rate and I think it will continue said Ruth Songer lensen. t o-direi tor ol \\omen In Transition wn isa suppoit network through tile Women's Celltel that provides serve es lor re turning ami new l\ elitei mg le male students, im hiding older omen anil single parents Stock Up On Books With Our Big Bargain Book Sale! • ALL SALES FINAL • NO FURTHER DISCOUNT UO Bookstore 13th & Kincaid M F 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 346-4331 Monday In-Depth I amih matters Nllhough these oldn women .Hr attending the same < lasses .1 s tlii'ii vou utter i uunletparts thev have til drill w 11 h pres Mirrs that liiiinv tvpii at voung n students would not under Stand I'liere's a w hole mess ol stuff that (an happen just with hi th' fatlllh Songer lensen said She noted that while younger students often have families v\ ho e\pei I them to go on to cause ol school ai (ivitics.' Sumner said Basically I pul rav kids iirsl. hul I have In decide whether nr not what they're asking Inr is a valid request she said In addition, daily family ob ligations i.m interfere with a woman s sludv time. Songet Jensen said " 1'reqtiently women who sldl have younger children al home say . a ill year-old who has liitle kids have to wait ‘Whan you're a returning student, there's almost this added pressure of w anting to improve your situation, to get off welfare or have more job security.' — Hasani Kudura cullogc women over so mav have In struggle u ith re.strur Hiring their entire laimlv life so tlir\ i .m go lim k to m lino! It you’re married and have kids and you go hai k to si hool where you used to have a da\ to spend in the k ill hen to li\ really nutritious meals mavbe now vou'll he getting more packaged foods she said And the family ma\ not he used to that Sumner said when she re turned to si hool three years ago as a single parent pursuing a journalism degree she had liv e i hildren at home and "it was an adjustment tor the entire family I went from being at home most of the time to being gone she said. Tliev were Used to me being home when they got home from school, so tliev didn't like the new ai rangement I also w,isn't doing all the things lot them like making all the meals that they want ed me to do. so vve struggled w ith that Sunmei said And vve I e lea 11v still struggling with I hat \lthough main people he lieve oldei i hildren handle a mot It eis ,1 hse me easier. Ktidura said even teen agers rail resent their mom going b.n k to si hi ml 1 thought it would he prettv easv fot me her ause I onlv had a teen-ager, hut It seemed like a i i isis would ih cur just at finals time or when I had a papei due kudura said 1 inallv I said I lee! like v on ie living to pii k a fight w It'll me and - lie said 'I think 1 am After vve realized what was going on and talked it out. it was easier she said ( nttimunii ation It a woman ts married ..r has a partner, it's important to keep tin lines ot i iiniiminii ation open with that person as well Hunger lensen said It A really helpful that a woman if she’s married shares her education with her Inis hand talks about it with him and includes him in th.it wav Songef (ensen said No mallei how supportive your partner may lie ot your go ing hat k to si hool. it still takes some getting used to she said Sometimes tamilv ai Hvities contlii t with school obligations and the woman has to choose between the two Suranei said "There have been times when I've had to miss mv kids si hool ai Iiv itles because of i lasses, or miss mv classes he until (In' children are in bed at ni^lil and asleep before tbe\ i an really ha\e stud\ time she said, "1 hat means they 're going to tie up even later and the next day they'll be tired." Songer (ensen said After awhile, that's going to stiow and it makes everything more stressful. ’ slie said It 's a juggling act.'' Sumner said. "You juggle your st lied ule u ith the t hildren's sched ule with the demands of the tear tiers yy itli your ai tivities on campus and lr\ to sa\e a little time for yourself Time out \nd it's important for these women to reserve time to) themselves so they don't burn out Songer Jensen said It a woman t an set aside an hour or so a week just to do nothing, that's impiirtant '' she said Suiiinei s.ntl she tries to get away lot a weekend by herself to refill us It I don't do that by the time finals come around I'm really s|ressed she said Moreover, tor many return mg women students money worries are anotluu pressure said to John I’oyy ell i oordina tor ol the Kdur ational (Ipporlu nities Program KOI’ provides tutoring, sup port and advocaty services to Mil students l i t ol whom are returning women students who are over ill financial aid is definitely inadequate to handle the needs ol older women, especially those yy ith kids, t’mvelI said And Sumner noted that scholarships often require a ! till CPA "I teel pretty luc ky going to school full time occasionally working and raising a family and pulling a 2 8, she said. "I think that's good, lint I'm not eligible tor anything because no .me takes into consideration yy hat else y ou re doing In addition to coping yy itli iamily time and money stiess es older yyomen returning stu dents often teel tike they don't belong at a university duminat ed f>y young people. "for one tiling overall the activities on campus are de signed and oriented tor the young population." Songer lensen said "Certainly I'm not saying those things should he elimi nated hut u hat yye need is some things for the older stu dents she said Discouragement Sometimes professors and Turn to STRUGGLE, Page 9