Community Bicycle mishaps on rise Campus area is hazardous By Bob Waite l met a>d Conubuu Whilr spring s fair weather signals good times for tm \ ( lists it ma\ also bring more bit vi le ,ii i idenls, ai i ording to area public saletv stall So /. i 11 u n t e i 1' n i V e rs 11 X ( rime prevention offii er and 1 bane Bishop, (htv of 1 ugene bn \ ( le ( oordinator, said t bat m tual bit \ ( le aecitlent stalls tics are difficult to gather be cause many of the at i idents are not reported, Both agree however the number of at ( idenls max rise Serious bit ycle act idenls re ported ret entlx in t or\allis Pottage drove and ( resxx ell max indit ate a trend Bishop said 'He see sex eral -bit x t le at t ident x it tiins l per x\ eek iioxx two to three times the numbei ot people xve see m tile winter months " I )r lames |at kstm ol the Student 1 lealtb ( enter said Hunter said some ot the xxorst problem areas on campus are the breezexvax s and sub walks marked xxith notices foi bit xt lists to dismount because tliex are areas xxith the greatest non street pedesti iau t raff it The dismount areas are a joke People bit yt le Oil them .ill the time I t an t stand out there and x\ nit- tic kets eight hours a tlav." 1 funter said, eniphusiz ilia the areas are [rusted in tie interest ot everyone's sated and not as a reason to write tu kets Bishop ami Hunter agreed that hospital ret ords are the best indit ator ol bit x t It- at t i dent trends We I eel .it least (I percent ot alt bit xt le at t idents are not reported \\ e retcixed statistics for )n 1 x of l'lttH from Sacred I leart I lospital I here xxeie a t bike act idents. only eight in voicing motor vehicles and onlx lit reported to the Kugene polo e department Bishop said (in.- x\ ax bit xt lists t an avoid accidents is b\ ruling in at i ordain e x\ ilb t iregon tratfii I a x\ S. ! hi lit el and Bishop said ''(Iregon law ret)uires bit \ t lists to rule xx ith lights and re fb-t tors at night Iiunter said Both sattl many re|>ortetl at i idents involve bit xt lists rid mg on snlexx.dks Motorists do util look tor bikes oil sidewalks w hen leaving driveways Bish op said, anti this leads to t olli sions. SPRINGFIELD SCIENTIFIC SUPPLY Hours: Mon. Sat. 10am-6pm 726-9176 1124 Main St. Springfield a i'hotn hv Sran Pirtlmi Hn w/jsfs not i> peri fill t iiifportt'd .11 1 lllf Ills 77 4 peri flit ipliii l»v Miili \N 4ilr The !>t\sl garment tor ryi lists IS .1 helmet. all three agreed 'The big problem u itll the hike is it vou get in a very sen mis accident, you’re a dead <1 n< k )ai ksun said, adding that bicyclists are susceptible to DAISY - BUNCHES i $2^9 Local delivery and out-of-town wire service Open Mon Fri 8 30-5:30. Sat 9-5 .MINYDrtV FLORIST I]riiij m|unt‘s ami hi'lmrts i an pre\flit injuries or death Motorists should Iroiu it the\ air involved in a Ini v< le ai i uirnt and there are injuries the\ are rei|uued by law to re port it. Bishop said t i Sc< fhitni NEED CASH? We !')()Y used Clt ittllllij iN.".v 2 yr*» old; ( ,j!l M« • • :r. : ■ '• >f Appt 344 7039 I 10-6 Mon.-Sdi 360 E. 11th J ^jzmu MAIN DESK STORE SCHOOL SUPPLIES & SUNDRIES INVENTORY REDUCTION ◄TYPING PAPER ◄ INDEX CARDS ◄KLEENEX ◄ STATIONERY ◄ EXCEDRIN ◄ ANACIN ◄ ROEAIDS ◄ TUNIS WHII l sf 7 77 II S l A S J Oregon West -fitness 3-Month membership..$99.00 2 months.$69.00 1 month.$39.00 No Initiation fee full use of facilities Unlimited Aerobics Weights Exercise Bicycles t, , .tied By Running .mil Biku Tt.t'ls BEST HOURS • BEST PRICES 6am 11 pm 7 Days a Week 485 1624 14 75 F ranklm Blvd Across Irom Campus wy Summer Perm Sensation Perm & Haircut $45.00 *70.00 with this unipon hm*.' hair extra 53*> K. lltli 26S1 Willamette / • rru ' l • / "tsi alt V -tith Suit bttnrssi J