University Uprooted Ibrabeem Wahab. a senior in architecture and I Ml maintenam:e employee, replen 1 she.s the soil for plants displayed m the l Ml tishhsni I Photo In Stcv <■ ( anl Exchange program information offered By Alice Thornton Students both with and nidi mil disabilities i an tram oppoi (unities to travel overseas and part it ipalr ill r\i hange pro grams in attending a brown bag prrsrutat ion todav .it noun Iran Man bant board main bar ot Mobility International r S A W ill disi llss tile srr \ iirs offered b\ Mlt S \ and how students can gel involved in international rdm alioiial e\ change programs Mil SA is a non profit organ ization that is partially funded LSAT MAT MCAT C,RE Test Your Bestl Classes Forming Now. ^sl \M I > II k\IM \N 485-5699 FREE DIAGNOSTIC TESTS iMiNOCRtAMI? ^ A! I OH PART if S AND BiHTMDAyS 5-Uincn ALL C.ami swoha C V f U E U vyiTMNIOfLS GAMES adm ssi s * 5TN STHflT FUilIC MAR*tT — IUCIHi • 683 8464 In the l'ntted Slates IIIffjfrm>i than Agent \ Its title e is lot a! ed in Kugenr Mil SA spei ializes in arrang ing exchanges [in students with disabilities but also nundis.tided stn dents The organization has stn i esstnils arranged exi.hunge programs in t Inna (lermam Kngland. Italy and • nista Kit a and has also published a mini bet nl iestinn e luniks t he I Iniversi! v ret entlv be i a me a member til MUSA whit h means that any student mav use its services without I>«iv 111.1 fee said Kelli Steele udenl intern ,it !in- ()tlii i■ ui International St!| \ ices "We wiiill hi i rente mine op pnrliillilles tm ilili-il pi-nple to 11live! overseas, Steeii' said We want to create an aware ne s nt these opportunities on i .iinpus for students w ith ills abilities anil able bodied stn dents I he |nesentation w bn b is to sponsored b\ till* (tttue ot International Servii es and Ills aided Student Services, will take plai e at noon in KM I ( e d.n rooms ( and I) =% AGENCY RENT-A-CAR • Low Daily Rates • Unlimited Free Mileage • Free Pickup and Delivery Memorial Weekend Student Specials!! 342-3177 s59‘’5 Weekend \\ ?>« \ ret WiltV * 15995 Wi'i'kl) \\ I « M MI \ n« Mill s! $2S95 Diiih \\ I nlimiU <1 I I H Mill V FOUR DAY WEEKEND: FRI.-MON. W/ 875 Free Miles' FREE PUBLIC LECTURE l i) Si liuol o! Journalism pu-senis ///r l>th \nninil Ruhl lure “Change, Traditional Values and ( ontinuii)!4 Responsibilities" Jay T. Harris Vice I’resident/t)perations A Assistant to the President knmlit Kidder, Iik. l ucsday. May 22. IWO, MM) pm. I 2l> I ,a\s School l mversus ol ()regon Sup|H»rlcti b> Ihf Rotn:jt atu 1 Mabel Kuhl ImuIow mcni STUDY AND RESEARCH AWARDS j FOR 1991-1992 FIJI.BRIGHT GRANTS MARSHALL SCHOLARSHIPS ROTARY FELLOWSHIPS RHODES SCHOLARSHIPS MELLON SCHOLARSHIPS BOSCH FELLOWSHIPS l>\\l) I >1 K I KISIIPINDII M Attend a meeting to find out about • Application Procedures • Deadlines • ( riteria for Selection • Intcniew Procedures 3:00 P.M. TUESDAY, MAY 22 • C EDAR ROOMS A & B, EMU I \{|j;i( rnt In thi I i ill ill .11 ii < null ( .ill* H I I and KO I \H\ Office ul International Sen ices 330 Oregon Hall. 346-3206 Fur Further Information \| \KSII M l . RIIODI S. Mi l ION. HOSH and l> \ \l) l»IRI K I S I IPI NDIl M ()f'flee of the I lean ( ollege of Arts and Sciences 1 14 I riendh Hall, 346-3002