DOS PATOS A Restaurant That Serves Quality Mexican Food watch for Daily Specials 1219 Alder ► “25 Years of Quality Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Dal sun • Toyota 2025 Franklin Blvd 342-2912 Eugene. Oregon 97403 __=|J Hndthe WINNERS ARE ... CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS OF OUR 1990 PHO TOGRA PH Y CON TES T! FIRST PRIZE: COMPACT DISC PLAYER Spencer McPherson SECOND PRIZE: $200 CASH Marion Obar THIRD PRIZt : OLYMPUS INFINITY TWIN CAMERA Michael Gaines PEOPl F'S CHOICE: 52 ROLLS OF I ILM Df VFLOPING Marion Obar HONOKABLI Ml rSHQM: Jon Groholdt Erin Sullivan Mike Stanley TO ALL WHO PARTICIPATED BY SUBMITTING SO MANY BEAUTIFUL. CREATIVE PHOTOS! UO Bookstore 13th & Kincaid M-F 7:30-6:00 SAT 10:00-6:00 346-4331 I’.iuc 1 University New Emerald staff chosen \fi• • r :i week iif interviewing *iH applicants. the f fregon Daily I mrr,lid's management team annoiint ed it•> 1 *I'M) U ! new ■ si,iff I riday I was extremely pleased at the number of people who ap plied Ibis year said Alii e Wheeler next year's editor It s a fairly experiem ed group of peiiple and that will be ex 1 ellent for the paper We A e lured pi i iple w ith national and internal mnal expei ienre \ssisting W In-eler m this year'-- hiring were (ihnstopher Itlair. next year s managing ed itor and ( hrix Bonnet! ilex' y eai s new s editor I'heje w ill be several i hanges lor the i.nwnki next year. W heeler said ini biding the i real ion of a pul it it s beat a i hange in I lie w a\ the paper will i m er in depth features |oe Kidd was named assot.i ate editor of the polities lieat, and will travel to Salem two to three times a week to i . iver eyents in the Oregon Legisla ture Hern- I let an w ill also trov er legislative issues as politics I eportel Peter ( ogswell was named higher edut alion assoi late edi tor. and assisting him as report ers will he Latin Petersen and Ben lleskett Wheeler said the politics and higher edutation heals w ill ha\e mm li in i mu mnn. as both will be following the problems of funding, the stale's edui ation svstem I milling will definitely be the big issue next -year W heeler said \ not her impoi tint issue will he what’s hap pening with the liberal arts pro gram and how the lai k of fund my is aftei ting its programs Slat \ Ivie vv ill i ovei in depth ait11 les lor the I'mrruld s tea tores heat, assisted h\ reporter larium Hate\ This year’s Mondav In-Depth’ sei I ion will i liange stories irom the features heat vs ill still hear an in depth lag. hut w ill not he on such ( hristi.iri Si ifiii i* < in the basement < * t the enter. MM hiiu'uul St (IS I’I K( i s lli\H s I’eslll ides (.mu |) .els' niLihl .it ti: til in I Ml Suite 1 Et als Stuthmt Mr.ilth c (nmmittrr tod,n .it i in p m in 1 \H ’ < tuiurv Room i KK\1 \ ( .impus Radio i mooting tonight at 8 in fAH < ontuiv Room } IN I I .KVIRW S I hr following organizations n \ i' v\ing ui : ': [u. ■ ! hn k Room H I ioiuiri< ks lor sign Up SpiN r tol (hr follow lllg il.ltrs • Mii\ 21 1 \ * ! . i■ \\ usli git) ip mooting onl\ . from \ to r> m p m m ! All ( rtl.ii Room B • Max 2N Radio S11.11 k lmanagement li.imrr salt** internship) nilamouL K.iim ation Service Distrn I I illamook (In- (spin ial educattoil |. • Max 24-25 Portland Publii St hools |edu< ation special I'iiut ation positions) group meeting. Max At irtmi noon to ! p in in 1 Nil' ( ed.u Room A SI’KAKKKS \A1) l i t 1 I Ki s h’lrx Kunki'l ( hristian hnn.orist ami • t ■■ x Irili i. xx ill speak toiiax at tl ) . a m at the Wes lex ( entei. IA .it i Knit aid St Yankee Samurai is the title >1 a film t, !.. sht ixxn tonight at " in the I AH' Ben I, i inlet Room 1 he film. \x hit h tlepit ts the Atnerit an t om entru lion tamps tor lapanese Americans in World Wat il 's part of the N \\ I A s film senes on rat la I jus tit e \d Night he piv sentei I i:1 l it a 11 n gel lounge tonight Irom ii to H ‘ R s i i > . » fi i 'S P 0 R TftS W ;/ R MflV14-24 UOGook/tore ■ SHORTS ■ T SHIRTS ■ SWEATS ■ KID S STUFF P DUCK COLLECTIBLES & MORE! LOW LOW PRICES! • All SALES F>NAt • SALE ITEMS ONLY • .iM