Abortion issues spark quality of life debate By Ronald J Rousseve I tespitr thru different polit■ i .11 parts affiliations. Oregon's two ( nntmuirrs lor 111 <• govn worship Secretary "I State Hui liara Roberts ami Attorney (Ini eral I)avr I rohnmavei hase both publiclv acknowledged their pro i hon e positions on the abortion issue. Commentary Most polls on the abortion i ontrovers\ show about III per i rut ot Amerii alls support legal abortion under and i mum stances during the earls weeks iit pregnant v Sm li a statu e places the pregnant woman's right ol thoughtlulh i onsid ered choice at love any ' rights'' said to be possessed bs dial emerging i olotn ot biologic al substance that is on its wax to bet oming a human being At the opposite end ol the life i ontinuuin. the issue ot mi tlianasta in the t ase ol older adults xx ho are seeking a swiit and gentle i unc lusion to lix es which have bet nine hupelessls miied in pain and meaningless ness is also being examined tr'inn a 'quality ol pmsniiliociii prrspoi 11\ e I'lie \ethmlands is a i uuntrx xvhic li ac i epts the ethii s ol dot tins assisting then patients toward a less agonizing, more gentle and dignified demise Vs reported ret ifnt 1 \ (/ /)<' Krti islcr tiiumi April d. in Dutch society. based nn guidelines carefully establislied liy their i units m 1') i doctor may prm eed with . i < 11 \ t > euthanasia .iltiM .in older patient has made repealed unambiguous re quests' In lie relies t■i (cl.tl Iili’ When some dI (he qualities ss Inch constitute .it tn.il personhnod .He reviewed it is tint difficult (o com hide that a (eliis is .1 sub-personal omen ism I’ersonhood stains ordinal il\ implies some rudimentars at livism nl the t erebral i orte\ (minimal intelligent el self an axe lie*., a till . in n its some i ap.n it \ !m i lion . and s h.iuge a sense ol time and hiturits the t apat it\ to comniunu ate w ith and relate t aringh to others, and the 1 ike ( leal Is the vital enabling tlv i lain it in (he onset of peisonhood is minimal i tde luation I’m>i to the beginning ot i erebral n ti\ its . dm mg the earls weeks ol pregnants, the developing emht'VO and tetlls represent ends potential persnllhood \i t oidinglv It is si nip 11 st it to equate the rights of such primitive life w ith the rights ot the .it tual pet son s\ lio is pregnant Regarding the diltu nil ques turns about svhen personhood las i oust rued abuse) ai t tin I Is emerges. I beiiesc ss e must tut 11 to the ssork ot eminent embrsologisls like ( littord I .l obstein ot the I Ills ersil s ol ( adifornia Sail Diego, tori Ian (sing mini mat ion t .1 obstein s s less s on this topic were outlined in an in sightful i i ms ers.it ion piet e published in the Septeinbei lUH'l issue ot l\u /io/ogv Id i/iti I If has slated during lelal ilt’Vf li ipnif lit from H tu III weeks. the central nervous ->vs 11• ln is mi extremek immature espei i,ilk tin- brain that there si'fins nn possibilitv ot awareness (inner experience! I his suggests that it betore the 'll weak mark there is no possi hilitv nl niininial psvi hu awareness in the fetus, then it makes nn sense to i hum the ter minatiim ul a pregiuini v during that early period represents the killing ol i human being It hil low s logli .ilk that the i hr Hi e i it the pregnant woman during that peril nl slu in li I ( out mile to be protei tell i nnstilutionallv Mm ing now to the other end ol the life i onlmmmi it seems to me what li.is been presented abm e i oni erning a ipialit s i >1 peisonhooil perspective at the hi ginill Ug ■ it tile life l \ l I e I .III also lie applied to mature adults whose deteriorating <111.1111\ ol lilt* motivates them to seek a dignified release Irom the u rev eisihle agons ol mean illgless dei line When mature pssi hob>gn al k heallln adults ale m the prune ■ d then liv ev tiles esem pills the i el,it is e human tun timlmeiit getu’ialed hs having | 1) .something to do. (1!} some one or something to love, and i i! something to Inipe for Hut ss hat are their s table i him es vvhi'ii even a modiiaim of lul tillmeiil or satislai lion during the waning sears ol lift* is no longer a possibility vvlicii ,m\ semhlaru i* nf joy and inter persona! fii^.igcmi'nl is gone ’ Already there is growing support in \mrri< a for thr It* ^»al ri^ht ot < ompetent adults to « boose to be disi oiiiifi ted Irom th*1 let hnolo^ic al mai\ els of modern medic me e\»'m Ihouy’h a< tivatinu that option will hasten drath lm sortie even this p.issive form ot eutha nasia is still a « outroversial moiai issue, and unar^uahlv the kind of active euthanasia th.it is allowed urtdei i ei tain i oml it mils in the \et her lands is today strongly prohibited m the I lilted States I lowevei I behey e their are both mnlii al situations and < u i unistaiu es i it 'existential de i line \v hn h i an diminish the (|tia 111v f pei sonhoot 1 is an in dispensable slandaid lor mak inj4 responsible imUments about t (intimi.iiK e and dis < out i miain e Kim,iltl I Htmssr\'r is a />ro/rs so/ o/ ( mmsvlin# /'mi hnlo^\ Freedom In response to lari (iosnel I |f)/)/' Slav 111 lust I»m ,HISI- .1 1» ink is the u nrld's must pop uliit doesn't mean it lias the nelit t.i take aw.tv i person's freedom of i hoii e and expres sum )eff Sparks Student Lost out In response tu K.irl (lO.snrii s ictlri [ODl May 11). referring HINT: Find the answer at SunShower! 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Standard \ in mu in, Romans 1 Jt> mails 1 m this mason (.ml gavr them ii| iii dishonorable practices I heir women c\i hanged natural rela lions tor the unnatural hven it tills passage docs reter III till mnsexualitv in referring In .1 single 1 el sc von inn e onh ell compassed lesbians Sorr\ I in I Vutl just losl ball ot the people sou were tiling In bash • [;|j Don't take things out of context I tie particular passage tills verse ( nines from starts at Romans I in with t or the wrath ot t aid is revealed ffOiri heaven against all ungodliness and wickedness among men who In then w u keilness slip THI FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON L _a i j Punk accountants press tin? truth This portion of I’,nil's letter refers to the t.entiles (tin1 unbelievers) .mil spet tin .ills those "u ho In their u u kislness suppress the I ruth U h.it the t ruth' m.n lie here is open lor ilelmte, hut it is ihiuhtllil this p.iss.ige rulers to |oe (or |.iue| I lomosexu.iI on i Alters tin' slrri'l • i 1; lliink iMiliiri1 you \i i i i mi nii'n I it r\ nt'cili'il h I (inks like Mill || 1.1 I III I ll 111 I ] II II Ills mill' erf mi .ill lamt's Drt'u ( illll|lllli r Si irm r Engine Service 1000 S Bertolsen Hd *8 fugrni: OH 9/40? 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