Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 21, 1990, Page 2, Image 2

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    Daily Emerald
Education funding
must top ASUO list
There's ,i changing of th«* ASUO guard down in
S11iI«■ -l LMU The administration of Andy ('Kirk and
Scott Wvokolf i-' giving wav to entering exeintives
kirk Hadev and Sheila Slicktd. This change seems a
good time to offer some observations on how the
ASI () has performed this year, and what we evpei t for
the next
(.lark and Wvckoff have left the office in good
shape for Hadev and Shekel because the incoming ad
ministration lias already accumulated experience in
how the \S1 () offii e works, it should he able to get a
headstart on next year's big issue higher education
The biannual convention of legislators in Salem
means that mm h of the work before Hadev and SIi< kel
is alreadv cut out for them State higher education
funding is < urrentlv at .1 level that is iiniii ceptablv low
and students and the ASI () must lobbv for more
Happily. Hadev and Shekel have alreadv started
then end of the proi ess. putting together an executive
staff that will work with the Legislature. Oregon Stu
dent l obbv and United States Student Association.
Lobbying efforts will be the primary tool the ASI '() can
use to push tor ini leased funding
Hut il these efforts lire not enough, students must
be ready to do then end llailev and Slicked have said
tliev will find buses for students to ride to Salem en
masse to protest This is ,1 good idea; demonstrations
In large numbers of students will catch lawmakers' at
tentions More radii al is the idea of a general student
strike, an idea that should not be discounted by stu
dents or the ASI ()
Ibgber mini otion funding will be the primary 1 on
1 ern of the incoming administration, hut il will not be
the only one There are still issues of student health in
surant e. i ampus and t nmmumtv relations, campus
safetv. and so on The < hallonge for Hailey and St it kel
will be in not letting the small issues overwhelm the
larger one
I'll is was perhaps the greatest failure of the outgo
ing ('lark W'yt koff administration, whit h should be re
membered tor its active involvement in easing tensions
over police student confrontations but will more likely
lie remembered lot controversial efforts to save the
floundering student health insurance program In mak
ing its pun base mandatory.
(dark and W'yckoft were visible student leaders
that got caught up in something that bet ante perceived
as \ndv (.'lark’s pet project Hailey and Shekel won't
have much time for personal agenda items with an is
sue as looming as education funding hanging over
__ Oregon Duil\ _ _
1*0 Hot t-uginr I **'40'
■ i ? , : • • •■ 1 M lay ’• / >
a? by ?Me On-oun DaiU Fmerakl Pv
Managing Editor
{ ditonal Fditor
Graphics Editor
Fncore Fditor
l ditor ' i '
Seas Fditor
Sports Fditor
M.i* Supplements t ditor
Night F ditor
Associate Editors
Community *’ . . • Student Government Activities
Higher Education Administration B> " Features
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Apprentice * i
General Staft
Advertising Dir«> tor Assistant to the Publisher
Production Manage ' Advert ng oordf'.ito'
. lasaified Manager
Display Advertising
Production Graphic S
346 651
146 434
346 371.
WH 'mp£ CW£
\ fW
I ,im responding to I lari t ais
null's letter H«sls«*It«-i in tIn*
Ma\ I 1 Oregon IKiih I nn-i.iLI
Ihr world's most popular
I rook whu h i-rlrrs to homosex
uais lost- as "s i|c after lions
was wntlen !i\ men who also
thought women's menstrual pe
rinds ami men's "not turnal
emissions were "uni lean
I lies belies ed i hililren w ho
ihsohesed then parents should
he put to death and women
I not men) r aught in adulters
should he stoned to death
Perhaps most shameful, Paul,
the n ntei iit nuu h ot the \esx
I e .lament j mi lulling the state
merit about sale afflict ions" |,
did not at all oh|er t to slaS'erv.
(■sell though he often spoke to
the issue Its not sper itn alls
i onileinning the institution ot
slavers hs telling slases to
ohes and honor" their mas
leis he endorsed. ill eitei t the
prat lire
In so doing. Paul, who said
ot house!! that the world
ssoilld he lodged hs Ills gos
pel i unlimited a "sill ot
omission and greatls contrib
uted to the moral foundation
ssliu h allowed tor the flourish
mg ot shivers and its misers
user the t enturies
I imoths Smith
I’ublii affairs
Go unbleached
The t'niversits Panheilemr
ret entls sent a letter to lames
Kis ei ( i irporation t onipli
menting them on their experi
mental produt turn td mi
bleached paper lames River is
one ot the lust \orthsvest paper
munufat turers to produce this
produt t
1 sing t hlorine to bleat h pa
per svhite emits cancel causing
dioxins into rivers like the C.o
luuitna and the Willamette
Manutai turers claim paper is
hie it bed to meet t tmsuiner tie
tnanti 1 urge sou as consum
ers in show sou are more ton
t erned ssith the environment
Ihiiii tin* color nl votir paper
Please buy unblear lied paper
prndui ts available at loi ,il
i.opv stoles, arid write to lames
River expressing vtnir support
I ontai t l ines! S Leopold. Si
V I’ lames Rivei (airp UK)
I-ikeside I )i ( takland l A
«)-)(.u tretj
l isa Karnopp
Delta (idiiima
()regon Rivers (Ounc il
Dumping sites
I was disappointed the Ore
iron Ikiih Kincr,thi s Ma\ 14
stoi v i untamed so mtn li mis
leading information about the
t mversitv s disposal ot ha/,ini
ous w astes
1 list, it failed to note the one
new suspected dumping site
Day Island identified h\ the
Kiverlront Researi h Park oppo
nents is not located in the park
oi on l 'niversity land and is a
well known former public
dumping site ol long standing
i one ern b\ i it\ and i ountv offi
Sei ondU consulting engi
neers and 1 'niversiU spet lalists
i onsider it highly unlikeK that
wastes are buried as deep as tal
feet bee ause ol lei him al dit
ficulties Hai k hoes digging
i apabtliU extends to onlv 1 It
feet enough land till to extend
the depth h\ as mm h as ill lee!
roughh equivalent to a
three store budding IS ill!
probable and the testing firm
reports they lot bedim k at 20 to
til leel
Thirdly Robert Wolie's reter
eiu e to "informal talks was
an April ttl telephone request
lor information on an "infor
mal basis" following a warning
that, siin e his first formal rei
ords inquest had i ost the l'ni
versitv more than $~a() in mate
rials and staff time he would
be : barged the lost ot future
file seart lies as state statutes
At no time um i> one
leer to share information infor
mally that he had gathered
whit h might help the I 'inverse
Is ilo the best possible job iilen
tilving .mil testing for hazard
mis in.lien.ils ill.it peoples
liieimII ies rei .ill may b.ive been
dumped In-lit) years ago
(lave \ .mderim n
Duei tm
I niversity News Bureau
In response In bi n Hi Lilian's
letter {01)1 May 1 I). Hen I.in
del did know tbe nsks and
that 's \\ hy be went to \'u ara
glia I lie risk ut people not bar
illy; the basil necessities ol lile
brought him there, along wilh
his compassion vvhii b so many
ot us lazy ovoi i omlorteble
Americans haven't developed
m oui superlii ml sin iotv
As bn the "communist dicta
torship" he rv.ts supporting it
yyas installed by an uprising ot
the masses, who. alter years
yvere led up rr ith tbe inequality
ol the l ' S bai ked regime
Much ol the resources yvere
owned by a wealthy teyy . leav
ing gross injustice lor the pen
pie ol \a arague
Linder devoted his life to the
betterment of others and tor
that he yvas targeted Targeted
tor making others more com
tollable with a hvdroelei trii
projet t which could have
brought a meager satisfai lion to
a feyy This satisfaction might
have made the villagers more
m favor of the "communists
rvhu h the rebels couldn't at
ford, as they needed the sup
port ol the people in order to
overthrow the government
These rebels, better known as
the Contras, wreaked bavin on
the people ot Nicaragua for
more than 10 years, and. by
i mating this war atmosphere
they influenced the people
In the last elei tion, the influ
ence paid off as Violetta Cha
morro (C S backed) was elei ted
while yyhat the people yvere
really voting for was an end to
the war with the United States
ol America
( hristopher keener