CUTS Continued from Page 1 In thr \ ntv department thr working hours of sonic stall po sitions will hr rearranged lie added I VI it -.lid he line, not r \ pei t more posit ions to lie < III Met allse t lie Student I lealtll ( enter is not filium ed li\ the I niversitv it not reiin horsed after giving ahoul n am flee measles shot- to students w inter term "III a sense we donated all those shots to students. 1 rank said I lie shots which us11,i 11\ i list S I 7 were gu en to stu dents to prer ent a measles epi demil at the 1' niversi! s alter several eases were leported in I .ane ( anility I n add it ion the In -a It It < enter olh ied a i omliin.ilion measles mumps, nihelhr iipei tion lor Sin. instead ol the regular pro e ot S.'H t ill- photo I ht‘ ( nst nt tree inot uLitiuns ilurim• /«# s / term s nutlne.ik nt measles nn lumpus will mean iut ba< As m thr neat future tin the Student He.ilth ( enter 25% OFF ALL LEATHER AND VINYL BRIEF CASES • HI KIIAC ,1 • KUDO • C ASK KAI 1 DAYRUNNER ORGANIZERS AND REFILLS CAMBRIDGE BUSINESS WEAR • I’ADHOIDI Ks • RISC, HINDI Ks . /im R I’OR 11C >11< )s • AND MC )KI' ALL QUALITY FOUNTAIN PENS MOM HI ANc • WA11 KM AN • IM [ IK AM 30% ALL ARTIST OFF PORTFOLIOS UO IMPRINTED PADHOLDERS • s( IK K )! ( )l I AW • S( H( )()| ()l |( H KN AI ISM • ( Ol I K ,1 ()l HI SIM SS • ( ( H | [ ( ',[ Of HHC AIIOS SAVE $5.60! KE(. is w NOW9.9S I BOSTITCH UO IMPRINTED STAPLER we, .«», HI AC k • HI AC k s||\|K 22.95 NOW 9.95 Offer Good Through 6/9/90 UO Bookstore ART & SCHOOL SUPPLY DEPT 13th & Kincaid M-F 7:30-6:00 SAT 10:00-6:00 346-4331 Prize offered for best essay Ihc Women's Studies pro gram has announced it will award .in annual prize begin ning this for the best mi dergraduate essay or project in lesbian and gay studies I he prize is designed to rei Ogtlize ev elleiue in a rapidly growing acadeniii discipline and to eru mirage pride in ideri til\ said ludilb Kaiskin. acting dips tor ol the Women's Stud les I Jepartineut lesbian and gay studies, whii h explores the coritribu lions and six ial position ol gn\s and lesbians is an inter disciplinary field including work in soi iology literature, history, politii al si iem e. art history, and psychology I ni yersities ini lading "N’.ili- and Nwarthmore have made ga\ and lesbian studies a regular part of their i urricula The winning projei t may be from am discipline. Kaiskin said ( realiye projei Is trom fine arts i lasses must be accompa nied by an essay explaining the aim ol the projei t and its im port,111! e to lesbian and gay studies. 1 he deadline tor submissions is I i iday I hree typed i .ipies should be sent to the Women's Studies off See I. it. I’l.( I be prize fin the u inning pro|ei I w ill be S 100 RHETORIC Continued from Page 1 ( hanged. Mal/els said. "We hair .i list m the peel advising iiIIiii si i whin i ■■ I mil' i it s i m.tki' tliiii stiled ion tor classes thin II know what’s being ul fered Ihr new reservation svstem is the result of spring term preregistration ilittii ulties in late I t'ltruarv. when main rliet oru students camped out in Villnrd llall mernight In pie register for i lasses in a firstcome lirst sen e si stem People 11 ere si aied thei weren't going to get into their net i lasses. Mai/els said llopellllll the lieu svstem u ill t.ike some ol the pressure We (peer advisers) wanted a new svstem that would save ei an hodi time Mai/els s.nd We lelt people shouldn’t have to get up at tour o't lor k m the morning to get (to Villard Hall) said liaxtei ivho pro posed the new si stem 1 he peer advisers did a sur lei ot rhetorii students ami lound support for i hanges in the svstem. Baxtei said A problem in planning for hill term is that few i lasses are in plai e for the term, "so we nun have only four upper dm sum classes Baxter said "I i an t see it as aril worse than u hat we had before. Bax ter said, adding that the peer advisers were open to sugges t unis In order to also alleviate pre registration cliffir ulties. the tie pertinent is no longei offering minors, and the major has a t o grade point average require ment to (list mirage people from taking what had been a populai major off °°E Recycle • This Safe* Paper