Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 21, 1990, Page 13, Image 13

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Continued from Page 11
(begun Tw dight I hr said I
told thr (ii.ii hrs that I hoped
they didn't go hs th.it because
it svas re,ills miserable th.it das
and I'd been jumping prctts
s\ ell Indore that
When it i.ime to finding big
time performers, the Due hs had
plants , but tss o i it the biggest
svere D.inns hope/, and Latin
Lope/, ss’on the t.OOO-mefei
steeplei base on Saturdas . beat
ing last sear’s ss inner Wash
ington State's Marts
Strosi hein, after heating the
(iinigar over the f inal steeple
( base barriei
I’svo hours later he i nine
hai h to trs to qualifs for the
Hill)meter finals Although lie
failed. lie showed plants of de
termination hs coming hai h
and plai ing second to Wash
ington State's h I (bin in the
a 000 meters Sumias (bio had
been beaten Saturdas hs Ore
gnu's Peter I onseca in the
HI.(Itttl meters
It wasn't a case where Lope?
had to i ome h.u k and run the
i,lint) because Oregon had the
team title in the bag hs then
llnsveser, Lopez wanted to run
A lot ot it had to do with a
talk I had ss ith ms coni h I,ii
pez said "We thought I i mild
pl.n e m the lop four and d I
could do that then it showed I
would has e a good t ham e to
ss m the steeplei base at nation
"It svasil't lor the team or trs
ing to get points it ssas for per
Sonul gain. " he added
Herrs meanwhile, was sill
lei mg from a season of injuries
and tune i onstr.iints hetsveen
I ra< k s( In ml and the I i is An
geles Rams mini t amp which
he flew In after the meet
Hut Saturdav H • ■ t r \ was
thinking about defending his
two straight long jump titles
and mii i eeded when he
jiiii■{><■(I jn-1! 11 on hi - mm oml
tump Tho mark broke the
\( \A autom.itii stand.ml ut
_’fi 1 and gave Hern a seasons
It's been a owl frustrating
season, Herr\ said and it's
just been foi using on things
(letting ..’h todav was like get
ting a 1’K
l'here was no doubt in Her
r\ 's mind u hn h title means
This one the final one.
meant more than am ul the
others, he said
Dellinger lor one didn't
doubt Hern, s abilities to come
through in the club h
"You don’t sel I I.at in short
Dellinger said When the
i hips are down 1 at in i nines
through and that's the kind of
guv von want on sour team
()n Sundav Herr\ i ame b o k
to add whatever help he could
in the triple jump finishing
fourth with a jump ot at) It)’ •
ihe biggest p e 11 o r 111 a n ( e
from a Dm k in the triple jump
came from Spent er Williams
w ho hail a w md aided pimp ul
.t I 1 11 on Ins first attempt to
better the NCAA auImii.il u
standard of it ..ID
Ihe most startling thing
about Williams runnel -up per
formaline to California's Mike
Harris wasn't the distant e on
his first pimp hut his . oiisis
tein \ \\ illiams (ithei lumps
measured .It .it d H and
ad- HID
I w as happy 1 qualified anil
gol it." said Williams who was
fourth in the \( !A A meet a yeal
ago 1 didn't let-1 1 jumped the
Iii’sl I havo .ill si'iison bill I ssas
pleased ss it It lb ns I jumped ll
ss .isn 't ,i vv inni'i but it nut me
I Ill’ll’ ilo tbi’ \l \ A mi’i’l>
Hut Ihi’ luggest question ss. i s
ss bn! W 1111.1 ms might h.iv r
linin’ bill! In’ lint si t.11( Ill’ll mi
Ins sin oml jump
I know I h.nl ono jump th.it
n is i limb • I ,tool .mil m.ivbo
i low i i (looti ho s.uil
Inn otlior ( tregon .itblolos
Ciimc tip with soi mill pi.n o poi
formam os Suiul.i\ w ith 1mu
I’otorson taking runnoi up m
tho I .fiOl) motors .uni Hri.in
Wright soi mill in thu tun bur
I’otorson li.iti his highest I’m
Id finish o\oi w ith Ins t ih to
portm m.ini o m tho I iim w hilo
Wright repeated his soi onil
pi.n o showing ot ,i vo.tr ago
w lion ho i rossoil tho finish lino
m I to
Wlhough F’olorson's soi onti
pirn e showing ilui roilooin him
limn p.o.t t’.it hi misimtunos
ho w.is shooting !m only ono
I wanted to win anil vim
i mno horo tor th.it ono reason
ho s.iiti l lino goes out tho
window ,iini .ill von lr\ to do is
In tho past I've had mails
had r.M os horo. hut I so mils
los| ono 1 am motoi into this
season Peterson said "I
thought I i mild mu am wav I
s\ autod to and still win I m go
iug to hast’ to i h.ingo niv ssas
ol thinking in (hi’ inline
\ttor tho IIiii is woio hoaton
in dual moot In W dslmiglmi to
start tho season, Dellinger
< oil lil II I has o a skod tm more
than to i mnohai k and ss m the
I’ai 1(1 title III I lusks Stadium
II ss as mi o to i mno bat k
and ss in horo ho said It s a
mm h belter tool mg than last
11 mo
Continued from Page 12
.mlum.itii standard ol
1 :• l 11
1 trcl pretty ipmd to put
it mildly limy said I
11■:111«mi I i uiakr \( A \ ■ . u
tin* proy isional 11>1 hi'i ansr
I1H old III.irk Is III I hi' top 111
i m till' 11»111• vAi' I ,inks) It s
lin Inst I’K son r high
si hoot
I li'inoiii'ii u .is also i j11■ 11’
pii'.ised io put it mildly
.iboul liftr\ -S pi'I'lol 1IM1K r
I'.lllld St.1111*11 US olt
ipr.ii in- s.uii rii.it s ,i
I't'.il tl'dlll III I'.lk t III (Illiill till
hi-r yesterday
til'll y lir.it 111 • 11' 111 i 111 *4 I I'
till lump \shlrv Si'lin.m ot
t ’St .mil (Jreipui liMiniii.iti'
Kim 11v .ill Si'lni.in finished
sis olid with .i I In my ol
I 70 7 and I is .it t w as third
u ith a loss iit 1 7 . t
I l.o 1114 her | Si'lni.in) and
no ovv n li'.immali' thiTi- il s
I ikf ( omprtini; in n,it mu
■ its Beri \ said I u as plot
ly nervous out thru' hut rv
erybody has their day and
today yy as m I or
( til Sunday \\ ilsoil and
\Vrssrll yy rrr rypn trd In
trad a 1 .' ( trrpni syyrrp in
lllr i.IllIII lull lain;llr took
uyrr and (ialiloriiia s Nabri
Oil I Ian look thr Irad on Ihr
last lap to win
Wilson I ini.sill'd sri olid 111
in II ill and U .sell yy as
third m in t.' 17
On tin' yv as yy hat sprinlri
Kosir Williams lookrd likr
drspilr runmuK into a hrad
yymd ill both thr loo and
’do inetri dashes
\111• i stillermg i mnl mm
si111 hamstring tnjurv il was
doubtful how \\ 11110ms
u i ml<| In’ ,ililt* lo resptmil ,il
tin' I’.ii to moot
Hot tin’ m houl ri’( onl
luililt'i in hotli tin' 100 ami
.‘oo meters look * a I like hot
ulil soil Slio finished third
to th'- loo in ltti (les|iilc
thi' w onl and then i ame
h i' k to finish third in the
.'no in t til)
I ni real I \ jirtmd ot Kns
ii- lleiiHinen said. lie
. an so she had some plivsii al
anil mental tilings In over
inline aftei getting loot
Another outstanding per
hirniion e w as turneil in l>\
sophomore him Hutson in
the HOtl meters
I I ot si ill surprised even
one. on hiding herself In,
kii king past I St s Shannon
( 'lark i hi the I in.(I -I i a ight
and finishing third hi
10,o“> into a still wuni
I lei'll 1111 ■ 11 Ini one was sill
prised it 1 lut so 11 s perfni
main e
him said helme the i,n e
that she w as going !" si ore
lug points ami I told her I
thought she was going to
seme he said hut she
said she w as going to si ore
lug and she did
It wasn't a had outing for
someone who had lail only
mu' HOo before enrolling at
t Iri'gim as a Ireshmaii last
\ ear
Will'll it 11 he pal e | gi ies
too slow it (eels prt'ttv ugh
hut out e 1 get to the |nu e 1
want it was alright Hut
son said I lie only pressure
i in me I |int on im sell I trv
to have hill but it look
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