Sports Women strong second in Pac-10 Wilson and Wessell lead By Ashley Conklin si A N l.l li looked hk.’ (In* days nf nlil fur I hit women's ti.ii k t> im .ii lln' t'.u itu in ( onfi tiMH c i h.irnpionslups Sat urdav .uni Sunil.i\ 1 In' Dm k got wins (rum Liz Wilson in the point meters mil Stephanie W i ssell 111 till’ in 000 motors mi S.Otiril.iv ii nil list'd ills tani o strength lu finish se< oml in tin mi i t In'll mil I ( ! A I In' Hntins won with 1 1 • > points w hi In l iregun hail lot points Thi- two distant i‘ w ins a J t porformani e from \\ ilson anil Hi -ssell in tin- "> 000 mi'li-rs .mil a win from I'.uila Horn in the javt'lin sot Oregon up (or more than iuii I) Tom llvmunun e\ I ii i toil holoro tho mi l t rhoio s nothing mini' w o i mi hi ha vo ilono ho said Wo inado it so niui h closer than I over thought wo would Wo si mod mure points than last \e.n anil wo had 100 last ye,u without Arizona State in the moot Wilson started tin onslaught Sattird.n when she won the i IHItl motors m ‘I ,'ti in her first o\ ia I’.a lotrui k title ! m a happy > amper that I got it ilono. Wilson said I wanted to got down and say thank \mi thank \1 >i. !! on you I in real pleased w ith tin soil ami I loll sluing the w hole wav Tho tai o was expected to ho a I'holn h\ Mdrim I ht»'l S[inntrr Kasir Willi.ims i ,imr l>.n k Irani mid-*t'.ison injun ta t.ikr Ihirtl id.n «* linishrs in Ihr 1(H) .mil 2IH) nwlrr r.u rs in this 11 rrkrinl \ I’.n -II) iilfft III Sr.itllr buttle bet wee n U iIson iiml U ushiugton Stale's lennilet Robertson. veai s winner but W ilson broke from the p;n k with about lorn laps In (40 and THIS IS AN EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRODUCTION \/j / veiling With RAM D ASS Here & Now in the 90’s Author ot “BE HERE NOW and "HOW CAN I HELP" { with Paul Gorman) MAY 23 7:30 PM South Eugene High School Auditorium S12 U of O Students S15 General Public Tickets Available at Sundance Mercantile. Stargate. EMU Main Desk. Peralandra Books & Music Ptioto Credit: Carl Studna A Benefit For Seva Foundation never left the mill nine i n doubt "With these tat tit ,ii jat es i knew every!io(i\ always messes these up Wilson said ' W e 11.11i lour laps to go and nobody was doing anything. I thought I kept them around enough and I said I've got to go Wessell later gritted it out in the 10.000. running alone the whole rar e and winning easily in l-l A2 in her first ever IlUIOO-ruete r rai e Although Wessell s time was short ol the \( A \ automatic standard ol H IK.00. it was the fifth fastest time in st hool Ins torv and the sixth best mark in 1 ’at 10 bistort I've ne\ er run this rat e he tore and so 1 kind ol rai ed in a different sort ol wa\ " Wessell said "I d figured I would gel through the halfway point, a,000 meters and go from there "being mostly a 1.500 1.000 runner I realh didn't think about nun lug up (to longer dis tarn es) but it does fee! more natural she said "It s so mtu h easier than a 1,500 w here voti re just hammering the en tire way Teammate |ulia Saul w as also running her first-ever 10.000 and finished third in 15 ~