Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 21, 1990, Page 11, Image 11

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    Men dethrone UCLA
for Pac-10 track title
By Ashley Conklin
ti'>et'iiidSpoils Ropo'lt'i
SI-ATTI.K Using the furl
provided In a ilomiu.m! open
ing-dav prrformaiu r. the men's
Irat k tram bur tied the rest ol
I In field .it the I’>h itii 10 ( im
ferem e i harupinnships here
and won their first team title
since 1980
The Ducks scored 111 points
tn dethrone three lime defend
ing i hump 1(1 A The Ifruins
finished third u ith 98 points
while Washington State had
11)2 points for sei mill plai e
points " he said We had put
enough pressure on ourselves
ami ! u .is readv In a meet like
(his you |us( have to forget
about technique It vou think
about te( hnique \a m 're ni it gi i
I ng to get oil a good llin>u
rile biggest (actor III the
Dm ks w in might have been the
I 1! finish ol Brian l billon and
Mark Vanderville in the pole
I he I Ini ks had no hetghted
ill the pole vault each of the
last two seasons and last veai
( ullen was one ot the culprits
when he w.isn't able to i leai
11. (ID
‘Everywhere you look, we did a heck of
a job. The percentage of our 24 guys scor
ing has to he pretty high.'
Hill I)ellinj*«r
(Jregon won I ive of seven
event tin.ils Saturdav , accumu
lating H'l lirst-dax points anti
I,iking a 44 point lead ovei
Washington St.it*; I tie on
s I a ugh t t o lit i n lied S u nda \
wtien the Dm ks added anolhei
52 points
"We knew we had to score a
lot ot points in the distam e
events and pit k up some points
totiav (Jregon i oai li Hill 1 let
linger said hetore taking tile
traditional winner's plunge in
the steeplei base pit
"We stalled more points than
I thought we would Dellingei
said "It was a real team el
In all. the 1 )ut ks won six
evcuts ill the meet. lilt lulling
Pedro daSilva's decathlon win
earlier in the week Not onlv
did the Dm ks win six events.
the\ also got six runner up pet
formant es
"We |iist i ompeted v er\
well. I tellingei said l.x erx
where you took we did a leak
ot .1 job t he percentage ot our
1 gitxs st oring has to In- prett\
high S'
In lai t ot the I tin ks maxi
muni limit of 24 entiles in the
meet. 22 scored in either an in
dividual even! or relax
Oregon got tilings started
Saturdav in the opening event
when Stott Mi (Ice. the \( \.\
leader ill the hummer, led from
start to finish and threw a pel
suiial record of 22 4 1 tram
mate Nick Anaslassiades tin
isheti fittti witti a PK ot lot
Mi (tee. w ho finished fourth
at llie Pat 1(1 meet last year,
was happx he t ame through as
expelled to get (Jregon started
on its roll
' It went prrltx well toilax
Mi (lee said ' I had hoped to
gel off a good throw earlv and
it tmalk came togetliei at the
Toda\ was t he dav w e
needed to score a lot of
Ilns time .mniml it was .m
.ill ()t<-m)11 slum
Yiindtirvi 1 It* started early .it
l i a ami kept going. ill.iking
It. ■) 11 .uni then It) H '< nil his
si'i nml .itlrmpl Inr .i new l’K
( Uldl'Il easily SI .ill'll till' Inu
nr heights and then put the
pressure on tin1 lest of tin1 fit'kl
yy lii'ii in' i feared 1 7 It' i on his
lust attempt No othei vanllet
was aide to follow suit e\i epl
Yanderville who cleared the
height on Ins third attempt
''(lomg 1 2 in the pole y atilt I
was reallv pleased lor the pole
vaulters to do something aftei
the frustration the last two
years." Dellinger said "I'm
happy w ith them
1 or ( widen it was a moment
ot sweet redemption
" I lns is the tost big i ompeti
lion I've ever won he said
lust to i leal a height took a lot
ot pressure olt (Winning) just
erased it (last year) right out ot
my mind
(willed said the key was his
ability In relax during the i om
My only goal was to come
hen' and get an mind oil vault
ing. he said 1 told mvselt
you're playing you’re own
mind games ' I knew I i ould lie
here and he relaxed or being
milled m a pressure situation
I !suall\ I gel really nervous out
there '
Although ( illicit said lie
thought it would take 1 ' 1 to
w in. he was one ot the favorites
to take the i ha ill p ionsh i p
However, it was a different sit
nation tor Yanderville
Yanden die. a junior translei
from ilighline ( (immunity < lol
lege near Seattle, didn't offi
cially know he would compete
until Tuesday I n say the least
it yy as a mi e homecoming
' 'The i oat lies looked bat k
Monday and x.m that I had a
had outing last weekend |at the
Turn to TITLE. Page 13
...and to think we met through an
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