Daily Emerald Sports Oregon softball ends season on a sour note Photo h\ Mji V ^ l»*n Imprr ss/vc fiitihimi 1,11 ll >>' arm i >1 K.ilir It ir\r itnildn'l tarry thr Dm As ,i> limy null'd thru srasnn with ./ /uss In Ohm Sl.ilr. J-ll. .mil In knit Stair. I II Ohio State, Kent State shut out Ducks By Tracy Sumner I"-.’ i ■ / ,j !Q, I he eighth ranked (fregon. softball team s ipiest tor a set ond i r .11vjI)t \( A A Softball World Senes Model 30 2A6 (U21) Modal 50 l (U31) Modal 55 SI (U31) Modal 55 SI (U«1) Procettor 3 5 inchditheM* drive f i iad difth dri va fv .m •> Mm; ' -1 4 ».V .Ml 8u )«>sx " .U-. Mm: 1 4 4*.*' Mk ro Chennai * arx. hi tactura Soft war* tvs 8M l Co t.K 4 and C *o>' -5 .s .V vs; i . ^ • ri •; **« 5.V-HS • Mar jgr1 .. ■ ( . ft i M-r Modal 70 (U*t} 'HK A • ( M*« \>k about tbt* IBM l\S/lI Loan lor Lramiii^. 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Krnl Nt.ilr win Sophomore pill her I ),tr 1 >\ Seegrist ran lirr personal in uni In J‘t "> \\ llh .1 two hitter to send I hr 1 hit ks home early (begun didn't play .is (he gun is 1 .ip.iblr of playing to day said softball 1 oath I ami Hi 1 tn 11 W e beat oursrIvrs If drlensh r statistif s arr am 1 lid 11 at ion. ' hr.it ourselves is an understatement. For the das Oregon 1 omniitted an 111 excusable seien errors in the two games ( film State strut k rarlv in ()i em u s tnst game souring two unearned 11111s in the Ins! in mug ( ati in-i Katin Hoettchei sioied from sei ond on a hit in third baseman Minima bowman !i. ,:i\ e the Mur key cs a 1 (I lead bowman moved to second on hi et mi by f begun tost base man | u I ie (‘a \ a 11a ugh . a lid si med later on a single bv Ohio slate 111 s 1 baseman ( o11een Kennedy to give the buikeyes all the olteiisr they would need I he 1 tin ks had an 1 ipportmn t\ to tie in the set ond inning u hen they had runners at sei ond and third w it it one out but ( ernava and Ohio State’s de tense rose to the or a asion to stop the threat Oregon piti liei Katie W iese e ut the distance 1 o 1 the Ducks giving up five lots and striking out Iiiree ( ernay a stun k out live in hei 1W111 i 11111 plete game of the year to run lie! rei old to H >1 ( begun s detense w hit h had played well during the label part ot the regular season aftel st 1 uggl 1 ng early reverted to previous turni r ommitting ti\e el mis lor the game In the set ond game Kent State shortstop (ima Kuggierio delivered the knot kinit punr h tui the I)m ks season by til plmg m the seventh inning over the head of Oregon r enter fielder |eanua King to drive in two runs One out late! right fieldei lasa Spotelsun drove a single through Wieses legs to si.on* Kugget io and give Kent State I Ilf .1 0 If .1(1 Oregon blew ,t golden slur ing opportunity in the fourth when ( .it( her 1 r.n ei Smimtm.s w .ilked .uni moved to third on designated phiver )oel\ Idlers double to i enter w it h one out Hut the two runners w ere s t rmi d fid when right fielder Ann.i I’oore and third baseman knstl Okubnra both grounded out to end tile threat Seegrist went the distance lor the (.olden flashes striking out one ami walking three lor the shutout that improved her already st ingi f.RA ol 0 lei Wie e took the loss striking out tile and giving up one earned run to finish the season with a .' I 1 2 rei old Katie threw well today Brown said We pist couldn't eel i ousel utive hits behind hei Io help her out with some runs The teams in the regional had to battle winds gosling as high as i i tuple a lai tor that i erlaudy didn't help the I)ui ks But Blown wouldn't use the w father as an e\r use lor hei team I think the w Old ma\ hale been a tai tor in the first game but we adjusted to it in the set ond game Brow n said Poor plai takes most of the blame foi todal s hisses lilt losses snapped (begun s eight game wining streak and drtipped the I fill ks to a da Tt finish That Brow n mtied. is no w.n tm the eighth ranked team in the nation to tuilsh Us season U e are a mm h bettei team than we showed todai Brow u said I nlortunatelv lor the I links tliei will hei e to w ait allot hei nine months to proie it I o u r n a ni e it t notes Kent State went on to heat ()lno State Saturdai to advance to the ( of lege \\ i ii hi Series in () k I a ho ilia t 111 () k I a Ihe (ioiden Plashes will meet l ltd.A 4(1 winners oiei \orlh ern Iowa Saturdai in a lust round game Uednesday Cavanaugh named to all-Northwest squad Oregon s |u 1 it- (iavanaugh was a repeal »-lfi turn on the all Northwest Region softball learn annonnr eii Thursday Hie junior Inst baseman tnmi Salem was on the team as a catcher a year ago ( avunaugh finished tied for second in the I’ai if it -10 ( onlerent e hatting nice with a ii7 average ami ranks among the league leaders in hits, inns and triples (Iregon sophomore pin her Katie Wiese was named to the sei ond team Last year’s con femme player ol the vein and all-American led the confer ence in wills (g-|| appearances ■Iti and innings pitched U’"l ») while ranking among the leaders in strikeouts and t iimplete games f irst team selections lilt hid ed pitchers Michele (banger !(laliforma) Lisa Ixmgakei (I ’( 1..\I. i .»li her ('hri>t\ Setill’ll.i i Arizona Sl.iti'l si*i mu! baseman Michelle Hagen {IS International!. third base man \ n: k i Dennis i Arizona1 shortstop Ann Row,in Asl iHitlielders Shanna Flynn (t'( I - A) - Yvonne’ ('.utierrez (I l I AI and Vivian Holm I An /onaS and ulililv plaver l.isa Fernandez (I 'l l .A). Yarned In the set mid team were pitcher Heather Compton ill I .A). i ati her Jody Miller Arizona). Inst baseman kern kienell (H(d.A). second base man la/ I’hillips (ASlthird baseman Stephanie Ma\ ASl shortstop Sue jat quuz t( ,r 1) outfielders Hei k\ I)avis {ASI | Ki istiii Cauthier i Arizona: ami 1 ina Montoya |( alt and utilit\ p!a\er lube (ones i Arizonat