CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 105 PERSONALS t ruz cumpi r anons i..*s<*r*. '//here have you been all m» Me ■ Love Am skies 11 HI’ MICHELLE K. Thanks for being the best big s*s 1 could fO' KA SHELLIEY A Phi Kappa Psi presents SMOKER May ?9 1990 I tghters mgn up no* Cai» Dave X' ?/89 Jett 4H4 ?569 PL ANNE0 PARFNTHOOO ' ‘ u smear % infection - hecks birth ontroi A counseling Days A evenings Can 144 > party Julie’ Himalayas hissing pad d * a The B>g Mufha tfui”» •• e*m-r; l ove Oh Captain Your Captain Thank you to everyone *hu has helped me survive rr>» blue ■ ast You *e r,*}< l owe She'iiey TO SAR anas Stephana Roberta le male impersonator strrpp*' i i» p*< at tending your noil ptuformani e at Jig gins put please remember to shave those unsightly h«st hairs Boo Who no LOST & FOUND t OUND NIKI v»nntt.’.-.*Ke' at last bat urdays Twilight track meet Pe$r'e ! i laim J46 90H4 f OUND STUDENT ID raid NAKA2AWA KAYO . • i I • ' ' «• tOO I MU TYPING SERVICES 115 CYA TYPING SERVICES i yh Quality Typmg and Editing ^ A\. ‘4 Hour Sen- r Ca11 A nr 345 994 7 FAGLE FYf TYRING AND EDITING TjU-cO 344 4510 60S I Uth A »• JO THf I YPtNG PRO 68 3 6068 ■■'/ W» iHD PHi ’ ( SMNL. I DlTlNt a PE MS TMESES DISSERTATION' u^rv’ t itadualc S» h«*>l \pptuvcii * * DissctUlionv'I hr-scs/l'aiKi* IHM < ompaljblt,] M L t onvctstnn I 4Ki Punting/t naphe - 1 tilling, KcNumr % CAROLYN CINDY TYPING UNI IMITED Barbara Land 485 0890 LASER WORD PROCESSING • . ... - Lit ; IBM school approved Ne.r t ampu* Robrn 344 0/59 PROFESSIONAL TYPING ry Ro< Text Scanning $ C A N \N f R S 747 4589 V. EHANeilNBLVD »i t UL.E NL WEST WIND WORDSMITHINC. i user Pi 'de.' IBM f ddmg Shelby 344 A189 115 TYPING SERVICES Wofd Processing M f .» 34? H-»" iopm Grad approved 130 FOR SALE FOR SAU Pool t*bt«» Good COfKfl t.on 1650 Tim 726 1813 f OH SAl { *uH body men's O Ned *< ' FUTONS & FRAMES Furnishings * Lighting * Posters * Clothing * Jewelry * Sleeper * Couches CITY LIVING 164 W. Broadway 343 3622 ■ '/ STORAGE 'A: X ' #■ w h|ftjWIXXJ 45 CD •«f P.5 $* .*-• Wf "5- v-t i:n* * ■ t-. Pt: Aft DETECTOR .»AK bands on , act »•? 1705 ,► SlJOtOBO Kt'v^ bh;. Uftv NAGEL CN 8 framed 1425 CN 9 framed 1325 485 8711 cm 484 2*81 NINTENDO C»AMf BOY hard betd vu; * game *i|h 17 <- art ridges • * ,j i .«m. and translations 1 300 < • R order 1 M3 Mol {.Kit 18 Lauf 485 7149 Salomon SX60 B-ds 7 . baudy u5«d J '.OHO Call 464 0933 2 GLASS TOPHI 0 dmtng tuples and lunge. machine with fable lSOf-4 689 601? mssm. THE BUY A SELL CENTER Buy * Sell * Trade Mom 4i Inilfumenli 5l.-t Photograph). Equipment 361 W. 5th 1*0 PETS : .!'•". rial*!) It, 1,-1 ' I HI [ 144 9? 1} 1*5 CftRS-CYCLES-SCOOTERS ' CASH PAID tor cats and trucks run rung cm not Ken 143 1655 i.i . ! MNWf 5' M C't l> Vehn i open evenings h weekends ML s:=A ELITE lf*i SCOOTER Great r, . ... ml $795 1424777 MUST SELL' H.Midi title 150 D*»uae $700080 i Ait Susan 142 2179 vl: SPA The l ove Tractor boss 78 t m- and green P175X mce shape 67 VW EASTBACK Body e«cei con<1 A»le needs work til jumps oul Ol 4lh gear) 1650 JuAnne 485 6241 '*•■ VW VAN 7 mi ai «• '9 2(H »■ g .*• all receipts Runs looks great $2 2*00 485 1245 Randy i nr. vw BUS u-w mV .jen ti'i-s e» h.i. • t 345 8160 S’(X) ’X-e VW BUS runs very stiCfflQ e* e< tent nteitoi good body luiQuome Pm..- lUNVOBO 686 9960 r 19*0 VW BUG i ■•‘►5 gv><«d turn, very! a- .tilt eng p»a new aifc »nd gas nhCK Ks 11400,oh 346 8986 msg 19 5 VW BUG gm-vd io.H' -.j f* .*t « h« i. Musi ■■ 'u-t Best ' .« t $700 taxes It 689 4748 ’974 VW SUPERBUG f»u- ’ f : slrn-nng praxes and starter fliVXVOBO 485 0919 ns CARS-CYCLES-SCOOTERS 1976 MAT i?8 COUPE V;' 1 • a1 A” a' great gas mileage low mile* e*c«nenl 197$ ?80Z 2 ■ 2 • ,f --- $3 500 Cam >44 4«( i • ¥ I'.g M P » ; M r-* ■ * red P4.M Aiior Puns gr*4! M ' *.e* i ’ 95tv06< • 1 »-’H BimCiUNOV SAAB n©* nktm • sunroof fun* great 1220CVOBO ■•4(. H?7'. f 1979 SUBARU 1)1 "funs”ah.1 ,as mileage rebatii© $860-000 •466102. b«l*V«n 9-10pm •;*K\ MAT BRAVA *' SJXWJ a-‘ lU>if M-1 K« » bn*** ' ! i??O0 143 403K) »'-* Ford escort gi -uns e* ©i lent good condition good b*©» good ..»• mileage J*f>-)VOBO 889 8237 1981 VW RABBIT Red Hot Convertible iu-f *•- niy $6200080 343 9493 i9d? FORDEXP ? J. ' -an * •*.?•«.»! AV I M >,tR808 eve* *fcnd$ >;F ■ - «• • 984 HONDA SPRf £ 6- • Must Dm K 198?. HONDA ELITE ISO Run* great 2 hairnet* $6O0'OBO 346 8795 86 HONDA t i 1Tf 150 Oa»u*a t-.rta*'-. S ' OBO imr . heimaiv. '<» 9t \ 1986 HONDA ELITE 150 Dl X red n* < el cond - i black Simpson helmet 1988 BLACK SUZUKI Savage 650 Mint condition 2800 mi S17007080 346 6221 ? " vR OLD > »u*s©* f i n^»« I . ©i • ..nil V#--, g-•■: d Buy Must mmi fifg >4«' 6937 ■ a!< aMor 8 i )H[ AWH R Va* M< t*Vl «• tH . a*n :r AM I M rt‘.Sr*H(‘ Mr.',. : •>,*!,• r- $900 (>B< ) 746 96 1 ' 73 VW CAMPER $1650 345 3669 74 UNIQUE PIN 1' ' a.j.; - dd.on great to• stud*' is $500-0BO •4 VW 'I RBf ITt F 11 (XX; •• • • 86 HONDA ELITE 80 buddy damage $300 (incl helmetl Kim 687 1968 86 HONDA ELITE DELUXE 150 Eiu-Hlenl condition Blue $75OfOBO 82 YAMAHA SECA 400 79 HONDA PRELUDE (LOADED! ■...•• - ' AC st.'-. . t ui $2 39*K the and t.»-M AM F M ..'-Mtllt Must Sf $5 750 060 344 8973 •>*- u-d lent $9*X50B0 Can Jason 663 483? 150 BICYCLES BRlDGSTONfc 650 RACING sene* I or male, female 6 6 4 SunlOut Shimano Comp F tceiieni shape' Paid $*KKt » . j $.3 Mi bars bare'y used $279 346 6332 MIYA7A 12SR0 m#Ui t ..r .-a tir,*. grea! campus tnke m Ktypto lot k $ i ?0 080 John 346 6081 iso BICYCLES MUST S{ LI ?4 10 speed IWOBO 34 ‘ 6373 PANASONIC. SPORT DX 12 so? >« -.a 8? 117' <>80 546 9625 WOMEN S 1 RAMr 16-speed .it.-. Must '■ r-■: $*0 684' 9622 W< >MfN $ t.J S A speed • 22 rn» hike A'lii DEORf Brand new asking $4?5 »4fe 80/4 ft* ' fNTyRiONS. lEMANS RS *a< mg 23 1 aleye c»mpul*r $260 48V 2490 o» ic*at« message 663 9469 155 COMPUTEBS-ELECTRONICS at ami 6205 Tfrr W 1 meg 1200 baud mi.x5em r?'i ,'H monitor WordPerfect > *«». J A ( $600 otx> 68.3 586 1 CONTEC 13 COLOR TV $96/OBO Vector research turntable $75/OBO Receiver amp $86/080 Advent Baby II spkr% $11(VOBO All items mint* 346 6221 HEWLETT PACKARD 48SX only month old $275 346 6268 HIGH POWER rn 4 ’ ,»g mam 80 may hard amtwf monvgraphics display »0i kt*> $2/00 J«va 34V 1186 day. HP 41CX t IK f nr* .nr lud*5 Sc »«m1i»« P«>'fj»a n Mar* Paid $38‘ ask trig ) OBO 687 0057 IBM PC 61. k clock ; a!end#f duu. c.V • .!"-»«**• • org Word Prvfm • plus M-ts s 'i*aii* Cali Nn k 687 0067 MAc PLUS 30 MB HD 4 MB MAM MORt %: 600 080 726 1501 MAQNOVOX VIDEOWRITER WP with spellcheck and Thesaurus $450/060 346 8267 19" Color TV & VCR tWO M3 *»H 160 SOUND SYSTEMS GET YOUM d' slen*. ■ - a Pi. neef ClanoK Sherwood P'*1 *»ion Power MB Quart and more' CuStOfh install# See Carlyri or Bnsn m I >t?( Monies AvatiaNe immediately at the UO Book a tore >» NilTY SPEAKERS bought ) me • ago $400 under 6 yf wrty 150 * ■ $32 fi ’4. •' NS r.'-4' CASSfrf . r K NA; '4 amp D8X soundSiald li sp*'* Sut* v A Aatervte s.M*m $?;*6 _*-** u‘ -,>*•*• SUBVVcX if i R ’f’nC v OSi -me’ 2 H' ! • • • —UO-Bookstore— 165 INSTRUMENTS CASIO CPS 300 Otgit Piano burn «n ttb**r> 6 iro*ce plus sustn p©da< AC adaptor NEW (onj $286 080 683 8741 DRUM SE’ 6 p.e .• B 710 with new Pearl snare G'eat »nd S.'60 OBO 344 5110 FOR SAct i pe hstimg Qudar Barely used $tOOOBO Cai T a, v A? 346 5611 170 RESALE CLOTHING Gentlemen's Encore We pay TOP dollar lor Men t and Women a clothing 1111 Willamette 343-6179 NOW BUYING 195 TRAVEL ONE WAY P<>r|t*nd ’ Pr cm » A.’ v . Ju-e 14 $98 60 'a< ' L t/ N 346 5 2 32 (work num) DISNEY WORLD FLORIDA Share «•» pens# Par? way OK Leave 529 As*. for Er»C 34 3 89 78 195 TRAVEL London $619 Paris $678 Auckland $729 Tokyo $686 USSR $988 Roundtnp Irom Portland Reslndons apply Fares may require sloden! status ‘Eurallpasses...17 countries... From $ 198 CONI1K1HOUPAYS Tours for the 18-35's! EUROPCV SOUTH PACIFIC/ USA! Freedom on a budget! \_> Cell lor m free brochure! Council Travel /IS S W Morrison #600, Portland, OR 9720S 503-228-1900 1-800-228-2854 Wit! S«?l> An Ticfcei One way to S f May 29 Cat l W » 9994 ONE WAV ticket Eugene Anchorage S.-40 485 9639 Ask fo» Scott or Jim or leave a message 210 OPPORTUNITIES ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE ESCAPE r ield Studes seeking Director Assistant Director Office Manager •■..I the 1990 91 ... -*-i*«* yea' Cone .» 9 see us .»t Mr ' EMU 'or n -t* in formation and to pick up an applied 'Or cat! 146 4351 Stipend and up per division . redd Don t miss this op K-rtunit,1 A A EOf __ _ Associated Sfudent Services Inc iASSI) ASS Ap 4 i MU A;.-- ,, rtt.on . •- E ' day May Id *990 at 5 00 p m ASSI an Equal Opportunity A' A..Pon employes Women People ot Color lesbians and gays people ages ethnic religious politic ai mar dai and veteran status are emcour aged lo apply Eor more information .ill 346 370? ' « at leading hotels nation 1 quality for TREE lodging lu* 6 figure income CUw' 6609 Ext 1002 SAVE 5C Also sc Students are invited to try out tor OREGON MARCHING BAND COLORGUARD 1990 Sat May 19 9am 4pm Where Room 178 School ot Music Call 343 9681 for more info Fall auditions available DID YOU KNOW? j Even though you a'e enrolled Spring - i !»•• you need lo file an INTENT TO REGISTER CARD * you re . g to attend the SUMMER SESSION There is stifl time to do »t so stop by ; 333 Oregon Hall or the Office of 1 Admissions ESTATE RANCH and Farm Club tf owning property ranching or 'arming interests you Wide Estate Club POB 24851 Eugene 97402 ?io OPPORTUNITIES IT’S NOT TOO LATE ' • if y'.‘ur INTENT TO REGISTER CARD * - jumme* session Slot by 333 Oregon Han the Office o» Admissions LESBIAN AND GAY STUDIES UNDERGRADUATE ESSAY PRIZE A $100 pn.-e will bo awarded lo the best essay or project in lesbian and Gay Studies submitted by an under •raduate enrolled at the University of • The deadline for entry s Fn day May 25 For more mtormation. call the Worn en % Studies Program at 346 5529 ON UO PROGRAMS I O' on<* or more Quarters Use your financial am f o' mi.rc information ; .ontat i CMn.e of International Services i '0 Oregon Halt • 3206 SUMMER COUNSELING INTERNSHIP' The Career Development Internship Program has an opportunity for Ju mors and Seniors to do youth counsel mg at the Skipworth Home Posihon description available »n 221 Hendricks Man R«rad the description and i all Skipworth tor an appointment PUBLIC RELATIONS INTERNSHIP The Career Development Internship Program has opportunities m Public Relations this summer with the follow " ; pic,fit organizations Weste" Rivers Girl Scout Council itwo posi t »nd the Mu* ■ *i.if Dystrophy A sooation Juniors and Seniors aie eh gtbie and can earn upper division cred ?is HELP WANTED BLUE LAKE HESOHI CAREER PLANNING SCHOOL OF LAW DANCERS WANT! D ' Hign •minings potsnlial full i MAC KEYBOARD TECH 20 HOURS/WEEK S5.50/HR Nrurssary stuns gramma' accura- > proofreading Si hcdule M Tu 8 6. W 8 12 preferred but hours negotiable Can work around class schedule Personal computer time available Contact Pat Lee Students Affairs *6 3106 RESIDENT MGR for small apt complex t**gmmng tn Sept f me opportunity 1 or right peison Send resume to lit? £ 20th Eugene OR T.’403 SUMM ER JOBS UotO Teiefynd wants you! Earn S6 hr Part time flexible day and evening hours Apply at 2001 Franklin Blvd ; ail 146 3433 today Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU WHAT A .REMARK- that uas abu toast tour certainly FA THEM CjAU ' I THE AF6W> CANT BEUEVETHFS IKON ON oun. UltPVtHb ISN'T ‘jtPEOF THE ABOUT MONEY' FAMILY' / I m. unauhb ofhkxk 15 PHil IN, ANYUlAY* HFSHtADOF PU6UC &IAV0N5 ATR.J. reynoo& / A TOBACCO HACK* NO KJDCXNG 7 HOB/ DOeGHBHANPLS 7H£tmX£M&t CMANT OF- DEATH THING7 / AomiY. H&>A&n Dm+frtVB about rr if Youvcne us, pome not laugh* IF you PRICK US, PO me not _ Beeev* tsisi Saturday Market Market’s the Place May 19th! BritM HttbttS/ Ifyfcwrtht t CxifOKT Bot KuHulHa/ StatabrCU** J*W«f 710M1/C1hM dm Oregon Childrens Choir/ iniul thick Chester/Omn >*mi Local Crtf s-Gtaal footRivs Ertedainnient 10am lil 5pm RAIN OH SHINk 8ih & Oa»