CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 346-4343 105 PERSONALS DELTA ZETA'S SPRING TIME BAZAAR May 19 20 1910 University 10 4 handcraft and food items cookbooks Ri'oilr this paper. AX A The BBQ was great1 The Olympic Games were keen' Together we make a pretty good team' Thanks tor the good times' KA __ CAST NO. 1 (B TEAM) Morde' Love. A Team Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa' Gel set AT Adam It is just one short week And your date is ready For a wild UP THE CREEK! mam K\M SERENAOE* We are SO proud Ol you Congratulations' for placing m snrenat1e! Good Luck Tonight' Love Your Ji'Sfof, CONGRATULATIONS Judy Goergen on being the first to correctly fill out yesterday % crossword puzzle and Cryptoquip CONGRATULATIONS If you are the first to correctly solve I the < -ossword and Cryptoqwp puz /ins you will win a FREE Oregon [Daily Emerald T-Shirt and » S*> (X) < redd for personal ads in the ODE Congratulations rB Tear Gassing Airband Studs! First Place...Again! Also a big thanks & congrats to all oi those Gamma Phi Olympians who took 3rd place lor us* We love you. Youi Stsleri iMgmt apologizes to Gamma Phi Beta for typo m yesterday s ad ) iosPERSONALS non Thabh* few an iwiiomi Game Day' AZ \\\AARON Hoy' How about dinner tomo'M.* •• ght ’ Call mo Sompi .no ■ iho i'.hi O house (Geo 1 wond olum t;ia to Villard Ulh_!0 I9th» Everybody Drink Plenty B«< k.i 5 finally turning tw-ily HAPPY BIRTMOAY' Breakfast at Dunktn Donuts You' treat' Love, the Vogue » ran Strike a pone' 105 PERSONALS r+B Keri J. Love Ya, TJ 105 PERSONALS N* X f’-.s'>g ini’ i mo •*• , «*. \* Wl! I «•!< KAH KK! HH* \l w \ k v* or \Ta : *> \ BV.u i md U of O ijiuma A/■ • i .» v«*y •u'«* . •hank*. !i >u( t>*<;th«*f*> ’ IK’*’ Wr ui> " a ti...ciati>5 tot BmI Da. , O ' l Bom Oam *5 !ol > i ' pfiTi Contact at 496? K.\ L‘N Co. >00 TUMMf R 1,1 >''J«?Uf>o* V' ugh to-iets brearttoaf warnba. and . ■ uu^h-, HQNf Y ROt FORGET ANYTHING? LIKE FILING YOUR INTENT TO REGISTER CARD FOR SUMMER TERM7 Stop by UJ Of»gon Halt ■f the Offi r* of Aijfmasiona 105 PERSONALS ODE BEGS FOR REDEMPTION You want tom* mon1 You want tome more? FINE tha kind haarlad ASUO %lwfI in just tha taam to give it to you BUT under theso condition* 1 That you are able to play on Thur* day May 24th at S VHpm 2 That you are ablo to party atte* ward* AO's #tyl# (you know of whanca wa speak') J BYOT Bring youf own fondua 8YOBC Bung Your Own Big Comb MU • Man mada fiber* required (There will t>a a break from 9pm tOpm lor Twin Peaks Wa ara a T V generation) Watch this apace for more update* on ASUO/OOE II This lima It * war* At worst it » a major heated dl»cu**lon' P S love the new format' We r* waiting for the color insert with bar graph* after all the U of O it eating more beats' P S S Remember Ashley lake two and hit to right It * what Joe Mon tana would do if ha could play* SPRING INTO ACTION HEALTH FAIR $ ! Wednesday May 23rd 11-3PM EMU Fir Room • food demonstrations • stress reduction techniques • fitness assessments • recreation opportunities • massaqe demonstration • motorcycle safety demonstration Information on improving environmental health. How well do you know your pace? Predict your time 5K run/walk Prizes will be awarded to the 10 entrants who finish closest to their predicted times Preregister now 546 4456 or at 5 00 at the Aut/en Footbridge race starts at 3:30. Sponsored by the l ifestyle Planning Program of the Student Health Center f ugene, VMC A Oregon West. C! of O Bookstore o o Unbleached kinkOfS Open 24 Hours Great copies Great people 860 E 13th 344-7894 tor Dim tor tree. I Personally. I prefer licorice bus and anchovies But. hey' Id each his own " THERE A H i O V f M 4 0 0 HI , t A u M A N T S A H U U N O H f Hi YOU l AN (if.t fO f V I fl ' ONI * '• N I HI Hi mu V A l I D U Of O SlUDtNI I () IS A BUS PAS', I A Hi FORTH I Tl RM INCIUDEP : N STUDENT INC I 0 { N 7 A l FEES PROVIDE H iN C O O P f HAT! O N WiTH A S S O ( I A TFD S T U D {NTs UNIVERSITY ■ f ; •' f -1 ’ N LTD LanaDransit District