A & E Daily Emerald Art Caliery 141 will feature works In l Iniversity fine arts students )a nolle 1 ,ee. Ki< k Rinehart and |ohn Lloyd from Mav II l to If a f iallery 14 1 is located near the < ourtyard in Fawrein e 1 tail University Museum of Art w ill host the annual exhibition of art work by I t fine arts degree t an didates at the I Diversity I lie ex hiliit will run from May .ft) to June 17. Calendar University Museum of Art pie sents an exhibition of t'l Japanese woodblock prints entitled "Airs of F.do: Japanese Ran Prints'' from Ma\ 21 to Aug 2t>. Jacobs (iallery . located in the llult Uenter, w ill feature pastels In Satoko and Mixed Media in stallations In Kerry Wade l ane County Historical Museum 741) West 1 1th Aie., w ill cospon sor the exhibit "From Fiber to f abric from Ma\ la to June 17 Kerns Art Center l1) It) F lath A\ e.. w ill feature "(Ihosts ot Maude" from May 1H to June 17 L ooking for a good deaF> ^ Check the Emerald ADS Student dance concert opens tonight By Layne Lakefish Emerald AS! o'erv-v The l 'niversity s annual Spring Dam :e ( ,’ont:ert will open In light anil continue through the weekend to celebrate dam os ot all lornis anil styles Tonight’s perlnrmaiu o begins at H in tho Dougherty Dame 1 heatre (Room t il) in (ierlmger Annex Additional performances are scheduled tor H p 111 on Saturday and 7 p in on Sunday Tickets i an he pun liased at the door tor S-i general puhlii and Sj ">t» students, seniors and children "Diversilv is the kev to this year’s show.” said Katin Sousa, one ol three graduating seniors presenting i horeog rapines in the slum It has hallet. mod ern dame tap and jazz It's diverse enough w hole no one w ill get borer I There is .1 whole hum h ol \ .t 1 lets This year's show as with all previous shows, is produced directed, choreo graphed and performed entirelv bv stu dents. comprising a 1 ast and 1 revv list ol "It’s reallv our (tile involved stu dents| show ,” Sousa said It s good he cause it gives us the opportunity to go out on our own We have some advising from lai ultv hut it really is our show Sousa said that the show will he dd terent than an adult dance show hut that the different es will help to enham e the show A tai ultv concert would he more mature hut in this show the students add something to it.” she explained The show which is expected to run for two hours with a 111 minute inter mission, w ill contain numerous dam es. along with three to live dances within each whole dance Kostumes will he I'nifli' S««in I'iihIihi krll\ Ifhm.in. DonrILi lm>hum mu! S.i.iru ( .trlson i>r,nliit‘ thru tl.iiur rou tinv "h'iltht \lt\nsl\" for thr Intl.n \ Stinlrnt Sprint: Dunir ( unt rrl Ihr show runs thmuuh this mrlrail u i ii u lor ear li different il.im e I Ins year's slum also odors some thing new lhree i horeogrnphers have i lioson not in use mush lo at < nmpanv their tin in es It s a stuils on the use ot breath, said Sousa one ot the i horeogiaphers who has i lioseii not to use mush "Also, without mush the dance calls tor more units tor the dancers to he mole in tune and tor the dancers to lie mole hware "No mush gives it variety hoi ause on the norm there is usualk mush hut vet il also euliaiii es il l ips vi'.h s Spring Ilam e (aim ert also i m I in Ins .1 i la i ii e pi ci c tli.it will I mg i ii hi Dmighertv Dance lhealre ami continue outdoors When the dam ers begin In leave the lhealre 'The whole audience gets up and goes outside Sousa explained Julie McCulloch, one ol the otliei graduating senior choreographers, will present her work using the voutli in the i onimunitv Her dam e will he performed I rirlav and Saturday nights h\ a group ol fourth and filth graders Irom Spring held s {;11x l ee Kleinenlarx School 'COUPON' THIS WEEKEND ONLY $150 1 OFF large or giant pizza TRACK TOWN PIZZA 484-2799 • 1809 Franklin Blvd. Good only Fr». May 10 Sun May 20, 1990 No! valid with any other offer —COUPON—m a Cat's Meow Jazz & Blues Corner Citt Certificates! Spec ial Orders Gladly! In ihi' I illh|)t“.irl Shops Fifih & PiarI • Fik4ini 686 8/42 TO THE GO BOOKSTORE We invite you to visit us this weekend. We have a special SIDEWALK SALE on DGCK SPORTSWEAR AND MEMORABILIA. Come on down to 13th and Kincaid and check out our three floors for books, electronics, art and school supplies-and much more! GO BOOKSTORE — YOUR OFFICIAL DGCK STORE