Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 18, 1990, Page 2, Image 2

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    Emerald Erdlt01*10.1
Eugene was fooled
by NFZ opponents
Are Eugene's voters fickle anti easily manipulated,
or are they solid, sensible citizens? That's the question
on everybody's mind as the aftermath of the campaign
for a stronger nuclear free zone vote is analyzed
On Tuesday. Eugene's voters rejected Measure
20-01, the proposed nuclear free zone charter amend
ment. The fact that the measure was defeated is not as
surprising anti alarming as the tact that the meas
ure was shot down overwhelmingly.
After all. 20-01 was basically the same measure
that was approved by a similar huge margin in 1980.
The original nuclear free zone was pared down to a
symbolic gesture by a city council that saw constitu
tional problems where it looked hard enough.
A minimally revised version, closer in spirit to the
original intent of '8<i zone supporters than the city's
thin gruel NFZ. was on the ballot in 1988, and again
was overwhelming approved. But the city count il saw
fit not to enact this zone either.
The latest round. 20-01. would have placed the
NFZ in the city c harter, whore it couldn't be tampered
with at the caprice of city council members So what
happened between 1988 and 1990?
Eugene’s voters were told by 20-01 opponents,
"this one goes too far." They were told the NFZ was
anti-business \s proof of this c laim, they were told
they could look Ruhr Industries' decision not to locate
in Eugeni* They were told a strong NTZ wouldn I meet
a federal challenge bee ause the < ourt had just ruled .in
NFZ in Oakland (.'alii .unconstitutional
The c itizens of Eugene believed what they were
told, bec ause that's |ust about all they heard \1 Z op
ponents greatly outspent measure supporters in cam
paign expenditures Eater in the c ampaign. there yvere
charges that "Yes on 20-01" signs had been rounded
up by oppone nts and trashed
It's unfortunate that responses to potential prob
lems with the stronger NFZ weren't heard Then. Eu
gene's voters might have understood that Rohr never
had serious plans to come to the c ity, and that the NFZ
yeas a negligible factor. They would have heard that
the court ruling on Oakland's NFZ was inapplicable to
Eugene's matter, because 20-01 specifically exempted
tederal nuc lear ac tivities. Oakland tried to take on a
I' S Navy base: that was Oakland's mistake
A symbolic NFZ is a nice gesture but an empty
one That's what we're stuck with now; the voters say
they're happy with it. That's their prerogative, but you
have to be cynical about their decision to stay yvith a
toothless NFZ It appears the dec ision was made less
out of satisfaction and more from their buying the* big
lie from people who bought the* elec tion
__ Oregon Daily _ _
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i WANT T0\
Man's issue
1 have watt lied 11u• anti
i hoit c people burn dnyx n
Planned Parenthood buildings
burn down i Iinit s severely on
dangei the lives of people who
work there physically harass
and menially abuse women
w bo are even ismg their rights
undei the law and then speak
out about life lining sailed
I bis is an example of iiiipiisi
tion mentality in the name ul
( aid '
If they prevail, women will
bei ome tiiminals, abortions
will go underground, sex edu
cation and planned parenthood
will disappear Is birth control
next ' A new dark age of sexual
ignorance will reduce women
to breeding stm k
I bis is a man s issue of the
utmost importance How many
i on pies have bad to dot ide be
cause their birth control failed'
Would you like your life part
net to have to go to a "coal
Itanget i linn ’ Or be told rvliat
you and your partner can or
i annul do by religious fanatics
wanting totalitarian control'
We already have thousands ot
unwanted ( hildren, do we need
more And it the i liild spirit
was meant to get to earth, (aid
might be able to tint! another
body for it
I be dei ision for an abortion
isn't made alter brushing your
teeth It's not a convenience
and not soon forgotten Let’s
support the rights of our
friends Pro-choire doesn’t
ton e spei itn beliefs on any
one Those who believe it’s bad
can choose according to their
belief, but not have the right to
i boose lot others
(iary Darby
For Lonsdale
He's the ant I politic inn poli
tu ian And he's running
against the ponderous politic al
momentum of Republican in
c u m be lit Mark Hatfield Yet
Harry Lonsdale, candidate for
L S Senate, is confident he
can win if he can get his mes
sage out
To begin with, Lonsdale be
longs to ,i rare breed of < andi
dates in that he refuses to take
i ontributions from special in
terest or lug business political
action < oinnuttees Instead, he
is relying solelv on individual
contributions to finance his
i ainpaign
bonsdale is pro-choice, mi
like Hatfield, who supports .1
constitutional amendment to
ban all abortions, even in < ases
of rape and ini est
As ,1 businessperson and an
environmentalist. Lonsdale is
the founder of a research firm
tb.it has pioneered environmen
tally sound technologies I'o
strengthen the Oregon econo
my. he favors economic diver
situation providing jobs and
maintaining Oregon's quality
of life lie also proposes a bail
on lumber exports, preferring
finished goods, which would
1 reate jobs
Lonsdale's views match
those of most Oregonians, his
challenge is to connect beliefs
to ballots In a contest over is
sues and integrity'. Lonsdale
would win Whether these can
negate Hatfield's advantage in
campaign spending will be up
to the voters to dec ide
Don McIntosh
Political science
I am a heterosexual Christian
writing in response to the
homophobic letters written by
fidlow (Ihristians
I believe in human rights for
all people, and am very upset
when people w ho are taught to
"love thy neighbor as thy self
persecute gays and lesbians
As a Christian, I listen to )e
sits' words and try to live by
them He is, after all. the word
of Cod made flesh Jesus never
c ondemned homosexuality
when he was upon this earth
The passages usually c ited by
the homophobic: Christians try
ing to persecute homosexual
people are found in Paul's let
ter to the Romans. Chapter 1
Paul once persecuted a group
of people w hose ideas were dif
ferent than most of society's:
Christians He persecuted those
whom he did not understand
So. might I add. art' vou
Being skeptical with parts ot
the Bible. ,is I am. does not
mean vou are a bad Christian
Martin l.uther and other
"church lathers ' were skepti
cal with i ertain passages and
books of the Bible Open vou!
mind and learn to distinguish
between the word of Cud and
the bias of human authors I Jo
spite what vou might like to be
here, not everything in the Hi
bln was written through divine
interv ention
Being Christian means learn
mg to love your enemies and
your neighbor as yourself Be
iug homosexual means vou
love someone of the same sex
as vourselt When vou think
about it. homosexualitv and
(Christianity are both about love
and being (Christian. i an you
find any tiling wrong with love'
\\ il t.arbor
Not welcome
I would like to express my
apprei iation to the l-.MC Board
for dei idiug to discontinue the
sales of l’ln\ bu\ and Penthouse
magazines at the I-CMl Main
Desk Store.
These magazines portray sex
in an impersonal way that is
completely void of intimacy
and respect They also portray
women as objei Is for men's
sexual satislai tion This in turn
i an lead to women's inability
to be taken seriously by men in
their careers, classes, relation
ships and other aspei ts of life
On this particular issue. I
think women’s rights to live
(list rimination free lives by far
outweighs the pornography in
dustry's right to freedom of
By not supporting the exploi
tation of women for profit. 1
feel the I \1C Board is sending
a message to the University that
this kind of attitude is not wel
come here
Valerie Kbner