Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 18, 1990, Image 1

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    Friday. May 18. 1990 Eugene, Oregon Volume 91. Issue 155
Oregon Daily
Hob I a ails u as the editor of
the U .illou ,i (A>unt\ ('lucll.iin a
papei in Pastern (Jregon: that is
until the papei s publisher took
,nvav bis editorial-page duties
Kuns had taken a stand against
the large timber < ompanies in the
area which went cnntrarv to the
paper’s stain e
1 le is ( urrenth the editor ol
the week 1\ Thr losrph /-.'ag/e. and
came to the P'niversitv Thursday
to talk about i ensorshi[) within
See story, Page .1
The I hiiversitv Theatre's pre
sentation ot k.ihaki lim t h,ir. is
,m updated version of (iroek dra
ma and a ;t7T>-\ear-old Japanese
art form. This is the second
weekend of a performance run
which w ill end May 2f> n
See storv . Page ti-7
llie annual Spring Dance (ion -
i ert opens tonight and will show
i ase a variety ol dam estyles and
See storv Page 5
The ( begun men's trai k team
hasn't bad the best of seasons
thus far. but the I’at ilit - It) i oat h
es have pit bed them to wrest the
title from three time defending
i lump 1(1 \ at the Pat tot am
terence meet this weekend in Ne
able Pedro daSilva's Vl( ton ill
the dei athion Tuesdav has given
the Dm ks a head-start on the lest
of the i nmpetitioil
Tile women’s team has also
had it's share of problems this
season l'(If,A is the earlv favor
ite to take the team title, but ()re
gon looks to battle it out for set
ond place w ith Arizona State Ke
turning Pai -10 champion Kosie
Williams will try to defend her ti
tie ill the 200
Mostly cloudy with a slight
chance of rain, some clearing in
the afternoon Highs in the lower
lids. For the weekend, look for
morning clouds with a few after
noon breaks.
Campus shines after facelift
K.itir Miller. <i member of Mpha ( hi ()me#a sororitx
part (ft / nix ersitx Dux
hLists the hem he** outside at Knight l.ihrnrx I hursdax
Students, staff join tor
University Day cleanup
By Sam Silver',turn
Students. I tic 1111 v and t imeisitv si.ill st raped i obwehs
,unl f,nk'il ..;iri'ii paint Imm lampposts. spread li.itk mult h
planted flowers raked leaves and filled garbage I >. em v\ it It
filter Thursday as pail ol lire firs! 1 iiivoisiK l)a\ t ample,
i le tnup in mure lhan HI) \< ars
Hate tunted volunteers used pressur a/ed walk"! gulls to
si rub the bent lies and lunntem in bout ul the Knight la
hruty li\ earlv utternuon. (be stone s original bright pink
i iilor sparkled \earb\ . lows ol Agaralum mangolds were
planted 111 the tlower beds at the bead ol Memorial Quad
between Knight hibrarv l’l.t and the art mu emu
The i leanup went "better than I ( mild have ever expei t
ed. said t'niversin Day cooooidiuntni Brian Sandy
Sandy said he v\as first slunk with the idea ol resurrect
mg I'niversitv Day the annual event was incorporated
into parents weekend in the logo's and abandoned alto
Turn to CLEANUP, Page 12
I’hotti Sean I'ntUm
\.SI () i>rr\i(lrnt-flfi t Kirk H.uln .mil i iirrrnt \SI '()
l>rrsiilrnt \iuh (l.irk /i.irlii i/i.ilrd in thr I'nivvrsily
l).n i lr.mil/) rlhirt.
University hears feedback on fee hike
By Peter Cogswell
Th«* I'mversitv held .i puhlii hearing
Thursdav In receive t• II><i< k on pro
posed s pet i.d tee tine penults and sit
vit e < ll.ilgc s.
The hearing, held in tile Walnut
Room ut the 1 \ll . was presided over !l>
Muriel |tu kson. assistant sir e president
ut .idministration tor the I niversitv
While most ol the more than I 000
tees proposed tor the 1000-01 a( atlemii
vear will remain urn hanged some fees
are slated to inr tease Most notahh
charges tor r ltdd i are fumils housing
and audiovisual e(|tiipment use
Marlene Drescher direi tor ol the (it
fir e of Student Advor ucs was on hand
to voile her displeasure over some of
the ini reused fees
Drescher said she (relieved main of
the ltu reused fees were < umoutluged
fundraising liter hanisms that come at
the ( list nl students
Sonic fees in effei ! mini c the value
ut cilui .itioii tn student', she said
Drese her pointed to a nunihci ol li es
that appeal to he new tot (tie lUfifJ 'll
,K adeinii seal that had her concerned
One stiih tee is a proposed S.’’> i harm'
tor tiling a lequest to graduate tee ssitli
the t Ittii e ot the Kegistlal
llerh (.'hem k registrar lot the Ini
ersits explained the reason tin the
Graduation tee as being ail ini reused
uumher ol students tiling reipiest to
graduate tot ms who do not actualls
! XV fills tlSe pell i tih ot the Students
that tile request to graduate tees do not
go on to graduate lie said
When asked hx Drew her it it would
make more sense to fine unis those stu
dents that file request forms and then
don't graduate (Ihernik replied no he
cause the registrar needs to realize in
come to offset various expenses
1 )r«-s(:f 11*r also s,mi she could nut tin
tlerstiiiul mimii1 ut tin* fees, mu h iii. ri'nt.il
i h.iryi-s that with ini leased lur stu
limits .Hid nut lui members of tin* l ni
V ITSltV till IlltV
I hr s.uni' is trill* tur studrnts who
t.ikr lu.ms ffimi tin* I rmersitv l.fresi .her
s.inl l iu* i urrent inturnst r.iti* tm stu
dmits i*. five percent. m*vi*ii percent tin
students after ypeduatiun
I he new tee proposal i alls lui a seven
pen ent interest rate lor liuth i urrent and
former students Hresr her said she
i mild not understand win current stu
dents should no longer lei eive a tiis
i minted interest rate
Urescfver warned against nil kel and
diming students to death, savini; while
many of the fee increases seem at first to
lie small, when all added together thev
i mild prii e a student out of an edu< a
jackson said the new fees will lie
promulgated eftel 11 v e )ul\ 1