Sports PETERSON Continued from Page 8 possibly the best 1.500 group in the 11.1 tion returning tins year. Peterson, who ran in the NCAA 1.500 two season ago. would be bat k. as would Australian Colin Dalton, an NCAA 1.500 qualifier last season, for their senior seasons Also returning was Alan Poster for his sophomore year after qualifying for the \( AA 1.500 as a true freshman Hut things change, and most notably for the Ducks, it was the 1.500. Dalton stayed in Australia after spending the winter training for the Commonwealth Caines Senior Jimmy Howarth looked like he would till the yoid when he ran an early season I’K of 1:47.00. 1 Imvarth i smr doss n ss ith the < lueken pox ,i week Liter ,iml t ester has never returned to form after having hix winter training interrupted hv injuries and ill ness The one i oust,nit through it all has been Peterson "It doesn't put am added pressure on me." he said, hut we don't have those guys, and it makes it really hard to al was s have a quality field w it ft excellent runners for a rat e "When Alan and Colin and I ran you were alwavs guaranteed an e\< itmg race." Peterson said Without them sou look to other teams who have the best times like against a (Ceorgetown s john) Trautmann '' Despite not having the likes ot Dalton and foster to rat e against each week Peterson has had his most < ousistent season in the I <00 this sear with two rail's unde! t la and four rail's urnlri .1 4t> 70 I've been ri'00 Pile could finally he Ins Briefly The ()recoil softball team be gins NCAA tournament plav this weekend with the Mideast Re gional in Columbus, Ohio, in a three team regional w ith ()hio State and Kent State 1'he Dm ks struggled at times this season, hut pulled together at the end to earn their seeond straight NCAA invitation with a t i J1 record Oregon is one of five l’ai 10 teams in the JO team tournament In other l Iniversity athletic i ompetition. the men's and wom en's trat k teams both i ompete in the I’m to (’.hampionships in So attie this Saturdav and Sund.n CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 346-4343 105 PERSONALS Alice you've had enough Pina Coiadas in any case, nave .1 great j 21st birthday this weekend, and re member, you'll be 22 m 52 weeks1 Phi Kappa Psi pres**iiis SMOKER MrtV J'i V*.* f ’Qhlt-IH MQ« Up 'K>* Can Dave 34f> 2289 Jeff 4«4 .>‘*.9 105 PERSONALS SAY WHAT?! 22nd Birthday It’s not so bad. .It’s what you make of it. Right? Right!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lori Ann 105 PERSONALS K \M AIHBAND Thanh You To janna H Julia K Missy l Shauna W LomK Amy f Marci G Caiolyn R W«* love You' lO BEVIN H'A'r r«d KO 1* . MUlTl f AMU » 'AH At f if •. .• ■ 1.1 v M.», ' * FORGET ANYTHING? LIKE FILING YOUR INTENT TO REGISTER CARD FOR SUMMER TERM7 \TU RANDY & DAVE Does this look familiar ’ You »tin ha*e. w., * <1 the score Thanks for the great weekend' Who would h«t*e known T N T ATTENTION STUDENTS Looking tor a Foreign or American tnend'' The Foreign Friendship Part ners is lot you Stop by our table m the t MU Wed A Thur-. May 'h 1 17 from wu Jmtmv Uu"*! gioal KL. 105 PERSONALS PRIVATE HU P f ROM f RIENOS Free Pregnancy Testing BIRTHRIGHT 687 86M .iT & HOII Thanks tvf sharing out impacte*! 1 l«Y *■!'■ ... rnaetmg all of you you re r?*»t t <>v« Pi P»u s’ r$B We love our Seniors Polly C Jill B Kan S Angela V Chris % Wench W DJK Michelle M Kristi 0 Heather B Donna B Mlchaele G Dandy K Kerry C Theresa S Carol M Cathy C K y m K Sherrie S Rachel C Kellie t Chnssy C Carol R Denise G Look to the moon and reach for the stars Love, your sisters 105 PERSONALS PLANNED PARENTHOOD . > I '-i ' iy ittl imlt ' • unbtated counseling .»< ‘44 *4 n Congratulations r 00 per hour POSITIONS AV All ABIE: Approximately JIM) seasonal part time positions beginning June 9th Many positions will he retained tor regular work through k out the summer however there is not guaranteed length ol ! employment, [ APPIY AS EOL LOWS: Pu k up apphc ation pa< kets at t niverxi | t\ Housing Oitice at the corner ot lath and Agate St begin i rung "> 14 trom 8AM al’M I ( ompleted applic itionswill be an epted at McAllister Hal I on Agate St |ust west ot the crosswalk between lith and | lath streets ac c ordmg to the following sc hedule k RESIDENCE HALL STUDENTS: May 2 Ircl 9AM to (PM 5 ALL OTHER U OE O SIUDENTS: May 24th 9AM to TPM S All OTHER STUDENTS: May 2"»th 9AM to IPSE j June 2nd 9AM to TPM J Applications will be reviewed chronologically, but priority } will be1 given to those with previous experience. > ID 44 institution r ommittt'tl to c r/nersifv ftuy W OR Fove»ER Pa* tHE PriC[ ;r a-i'jat in.} i n June? Re Li n u t hr e it.ene : ty 'he 1. w I . D c the thought. ■ f h< -t ile take*over:' un i .e i.i it. politics make you nervous? Youi :■ irr■ — 1 ire weap m f or succeir.? A t • j oil ' • input, er . But gr tiuation i r, i ist t;; i lo’.ii. i U:e yur r;t udent di .‘count cn an Apple Mn-irit oh., M PS/2, : :iai is, Microsoft and Ashton-Tate s ftw ire Before it ' r. t oo 1 ate . Your Student Discount: Use it or lose it. Microcomputer Support Lab 202 Computing Center 346-4402 Monday - Friday 9a.m to 5p m.