Community This weekend to host AIDS vigil, fundraiser AIDS support group hopes to get $53,000 By Hon Walker Shanti in Oregon, .1 local s 11 jiporl agent \ 11 >r people whose lives have been I ed bv AIDS, is sponsoring its fourth annual fund raiser Sunda\ Also this weekend will he the sei ond annual lor al AIDS 1 an (Delight memorial, held in i on junction with vigils occurring internationally From 1 1 a in Saturday to t 1 am Sunday, participants will he on the free speech plaza in front of the Fane County Court house. Hill Avenue at Oak Street All are weir time to partir 1 pate, for one hour or 24. said Kit hard Rodrigues of the Com munitv AIDS Consortium The event will include hourly marches around the building "It will be a peaceful event," Rodrigues said "It is a time tor reflection, remembrance, shar ing. support, and a time for healing Fugene is one of TUI metro pnlitan areas in III nations that are participating in the vigil. Rodrigues said According to April 24 states ties from the l.ane Counts I’uh In Health Service. Iarne Counts has 40 reported cases ot AIDS with 20 reported deaths From 1(1.000 to 15 000 peo pie in (Iregon are estimated to he ilifec ted ss ith the IIIY vilus that 1 ,loses AIDS Rodrigues Despite these numbers lie s«i it I. \II)S is t .»< 1111 vi frum llit' |)til)ln art'iia AIDS is not on the 1 rout pages of newspapers and it's not in thr minds of thr media nun h anvrnurt' However AIDS is still here. he saitl U i- kmm it's on tins i iinipus It s m thr guv and straight communities. and it's in tin- drug using and non drug using < ominunitit's A goal ot this weekend s \ ig d is to nnnind the publii that attention and at tion must eon tinue, Rodrigues said rhe event’s sponsors inc lude the CommtiniU AIDS Consor tium. the Kugene Minority AIDS (audition, the Metropoli tan Communitv Church. Satin das Market. Shanti in Oregon, the \\ illamette AIDS ( aiuni il and a number of local business es On Sunday. Shanti w ill hold its Kiverwalk tundraiser I’artii ipants niiiv pu k ii(i registration forms in advance, or they may Shanti in Oregon, Inc. shim up ,it 11 111 Siiml.i\ morning at the Alton linker I1.irk shelter to register Those joining the walk will i ontnhnte pledges and dona lions tor Shanti, and prizes will he given to those gathering the most pledges I’roi eeds will go toward the non profit, volunteer based or gani/.ation This year's goal is $">.1,000, said Shanti executive director William Warren The costs would he used to keep alive an agency that is "scraping along at this point" as well as to hire a lull time client servii e i oordi nator. Warren said The goal is an increase from past Kiverwalks last year's event yielded $4,000. hut high er visibility and public itv this year will mean more partit I pants m this year's event than ever. W arren hopes "We think it's realistK he said We've been .is hi«h pro lib' as ue i .in without sai rifu mi; i lient i imluleiillalit\ Nlianti provides counseling .iikI prailical support servii es tor people intei ted v\ itli the 111 \ v nils, as wad I as then fami l\ ft lends and l()\el s I he act in v i urrentlv sen es III r:|i eats Warren said. (.oiinmnnty supported lund Misers such as the Kiverwalk provide about HP percent ol the agency s operating budget Warren said The spring walk is Shanti's largest fundraiser The Kiverwalk will begin with opening remarks at l_’ ill p m at Alton Baker Park At 1 p in partic ipants w ill join a Ink walk along the Willamette Kiver I he course will follow the hike path to the (ueemvay Bridge neai Valley Kiver (am ter. then return to the park after crossing the Atit/en footbridge The event will he followed liy entertainment and refreshments at I Anyone interested in partici paling in the i audit-light me morial or the Kiverwalk may conlai t Kodrigues at 4H4 Pin i in Sliauti at t4d ■ u(IH8 \H )M) \N s IHK( )l ( ,H I K11 > \ N s Luncheon Specials Mee Siam $3.95 ( fistdirs \c\t t‘ > t of () Hoftk store CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT 879 I . 11th 1-4 < 28(2 Ex-Wallowa editor to speak Robert I \.ins .1 newspaper editor m northeastern Oregon, vs 111 speak Ihursdav about his tumultuous i rtisade to protei t open ilebate oil timber liniustrv issues lamis editor anil [lublisher of 7?ie/osep/i F.ig/e in Wallowa t'ountv is scheduled to speak from t !t) to 1 p m at the far tillV 1 lut> on 1 ampus bast September bvans resigned as editor ot the Ita/hma ( ounfv Chirlt.lin neusweeklv allei the paper’s publisher banned I vans from his editorial writing duties I vans said lie was removed Irom the editorial page bei a use lie opposed proposals by the timber industrv ami loi al 1 handler ol commeri e to log burned tim her in till' federal ly protei ted 1 lei Is (Ian von N'a tinriul Recreation Area on the Oregon Idaho border liecuuse l would lint iini‘i|uivoc allv sup port lht* county and limber industr\ 1 was considered .in (ippotti'ii! ami obstructionist I vans ‘..1111 I disagreed with then appoint h ami said sn on the editorial p ige ol the ( hirt l.iin Alter le.n mg the (.Vue/l.iin. I vans ton mled The Insc/th Iag/e an alternative eommunilv wcoklv news magazine" published on a shoe string budget I he publication takes in depth looks at environmental and educa lion issues while keeping abreast ol loinisiii and the arts ai cording to 1 vans I vans. Iti a pl 'lt giadiiate ol the I'nivei silv s Si hool ol journalism, lias gained nolori elv around the slate for standing up to what he i alls small tow n good ole bov wavs HEY YOU, COME HERE! Tell us your most unforgetta ble experience in college and you may win some cash. All you have to do is write a brief (or detailed) description of your most unforgettable col lege experience! Just get it to the Oregon Daily Emerald front desk by 12pm May 25th. (Rm 300 EMU) All college students welcome to enter! ENTER I ^ TODAY 12 WINNERS!! There are four categories: • FUNNIEST • MOST ROMANTIC • MOST EMBARRASSING • THINGS YOU'LL NEVER TELL YOUR MOM AND DAD First Place (each category) $25 Second Place (each category) $15 Third Place (each category) $10 (By request, names can be withheld from publication ) WINNING ENTRIES WILL BE PUBLISHED IN THE MAY 31 Daily Emerald GRADUATION EDITION HERE’S AN EXAMPLE OF WHAT WE MEAN— MOST ROMANTIC FIRST PLACE Ms • tinii .ujI e xpct u tu . n \Sl il tip at him with .1 completely black state and took the note from him Hi caught n> o o|| guard that no wonts would some -ul •■! mv mouth Me didn t sav a w id either a ltd turned aikl walked awav When he was >ut ol cht I slow!-, . «j> , J tin ’ t. to find that lie had writ ten a poem about me I had no idea he had been observing me the whole time I sit trout a distance jnd write as words so vividly contc t** m> mind ll I v*uUl only paint what I m imagining, the colors . t the bright da. . and the red roses woulil shine as you would bring them to life I've walked bv once twice see someone so beautiful I had to write to let this person know ttut Iter beauty d<«« n»*t only present pure attraction, what it resembles is a (tassage wjv through a mirrored sun with the leathers touch and heat of a candles breath Now that you rc sunglasses arc removed ves I'm convinced someone so beautiful must have a prince Oh he is j lucky guv with v *u fie has by his side Sitting here in the middle of campus writing to a girl I know nothing about 1 exc ding I in glad I had .1 barn c to sa\ hello when a sap tivaimg image took rne bs surprise and made me sit and write I tell sihj no lies llerr is Che poern I tuve no idea who this person is since rlvc* |*»cm was not signed but it made ms dav Valeri. Seiuoi ( otnmunw at ion Mafor