LDREN’S JJJRDAY / TROPICAL SAT., MAY-12 FORESTS 12 1 P M AGES 3 8 GENERAL BOOK DEPT Bookstore ML 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 13lh 4 Kmc*id 3-16 4331 fmriB] y VCAR50N, TT--_ Stock Up On Books With Our Big Bargain Book Sale! UO Bookstore »3th & Kim Mf 730600 SA?«0 00 6 00 J46 43J1 University Public hearing on fees today PRSSA teaches how to negotiate salaries Mi l TINGS Girt lr k International meets tonight ,i! (> 10 in I AH ' (Cedar Room I (Constitution (Court will meet today .it -4 ill I Alt ( entur s Room ( to disi uss KM l J (Child (Care funding TRASH/Oregon Recycling Art meets tonight .it ti in 1 All' (Cedar Room I) Students tor the kthii.al Treatment ot Ani mals meets tonight at l> in the Survival ( Center of tn e I Alt' Suite 1 Et als Women in Transition's lesbian Support Group meets todas from -4 to to n p m in IA11 (Cenlurs Room I Women in (Communications meets todas at •4 10 p m in l-CMl' (Cedai Room (C lapanese Student Organization ssill hold presidential elect ions tonight at 0 0) in the I All International I.ounge SI'ICAkl'RS AND l i t i! Rl S “The (Cost ot (Com foil is the title of a lei t un to he given 1 >s [ohli laiehs. professor of philoso phy at \ underbill I'nisersity The presentation ssill he today at -4 p m in the KMt Kir Room and is sponsored by the 1 lumanities (Center Robert ICvans a nesvspapei editor in north eastern Oregon, ssill talk about his struggle against those who tried to silence his editorial son e against the timliei industrs The lecture, sponsored bs the ( ainpus t hapter of the Six iets for Professional (ournalists. will be presented from i 1(1 to to p rn on the first floor of the Kai ulty C'1 ul) ((!111 iu■ r llotisi'). A public hearing on the special fees, fines, penalties and service charges vmII be held toda\ •it t p m m the EMC Walnut Room. Muriel lack son, assistant vice president for administration, w ill a< I as presiding officer Mist :ki.lankoi\s “Politics and Christianity" is the title of a disi nssion to he held today at -1 p m in an KMt: ( Vnturv Room ( diet k the KM!1 daily schedule for more information Negotiating a salary is the subject of a work shop to he presented In the Puhlii Relations Stu dents Soi iet\ of Amerii a tonight at a ,It) in Room If 14 Allen "Fictional Excess", readings hv fniversitv students Cody Yeager, Hen Klkus. and Charles Schwartz, will he held tonight at 7 p in in the I Ml' Hen lander Room An open mike will fol low the readings Ret reation and Intramurals games ol the week ol ultimate frisbee. grass volleyball and ten ms will he shown at the RIM table in the KMC l.nblw tnda\ and Friday from 10 a m. to 1 p in Deadline Ini submitting lit a/s to the Emerald front desk li\ll Suite lilt) is noon the ilav before /Hlblii .ition f t a/s run the day of the event unless the event occurs before noon /’/ease submit lit a/s the day before they .ire to run onl\. Xotices ot ece/ifs with a donation or admission (barge will not be ,ii i epted. Campus el cuts and those sc bed tiled nearest the publication date will be given priority The Emerald reserves the right to edit notic es tor grammar and stvle LESBIAN AND GAY STUDIES UNDERGRADUATE ESSAY PRIZE A $100 prize will be awarded to the best essay or project in Lesbian and Gay Studies submitted by an undergraduate enrolled at the University of Oregon. The winning project may be from any discipline and will be honored for its contribution to the advance ment of Lesbian and Gay Studies. Creative projects from fine arts classes such as mu sic, visual arts, drama and creative writing must be accompanied by an essay clearly explaining the aims of the project and its importance to Lesbian and Gay Studies. The deadline for entry is Friday, May 25, 1990. Three typed copies, which will not be returned, should be sent to WOMEN S STUDIES PROGRAM 636 PLC UNIVERSITY OF OREGON ** FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 346-5529 ** Award ceremony will honor alumni l lii' I nivetsiu Alumni Assot lotion will honor three alumni al its annual Spring Rut ognilion Han quet Friday at tin* Hull t enter tor tin* I’ertorming Arts Rt*ileiving the 1 ‘>‘10 i)is tinguished Alum mis Alumna Award will ho Alfred I Ifil'' (loud win ot I’asadtuia (!.»I i t who graduated from the law st hool 111 l'Fi I (loodwin was appointed I hie! judge tor the util Circuit Court ot Appeals m 1 MHH Mark Sloneking ot Finery ville, t alit . w ill at t ept this \eat s (Jut standing Young Alum nus Alumna Award Ite graduated with a hat he tor’s degree in anthiupuF ogy in 1*177 The 1*1*10 )eanne |ohn son Alumni Sen it e Award goes to X Kay Hawk ot Kugene ROCK SOFT FUTON FURNITURE FOR THE 90’S SHE SAID: He was a self-denying person HE SAID: I don’t refrain from life's ordinary pleasures WE SAY: Don't lead an aesthetic existence, if you need a change come in and talk with us. 1122 Alder St. (ON CAMPUS) 686-5069 Remember: at rsf we have exotic Futon designs that can facilitate the change you need; and at a price you can afford. Come in and see us today.