Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 17, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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Discussion will end sexual-orientation battle
By William Moore
In response to some of the
events and statements made
during the recent "Gav Pride
Week" on campus, we offer the
following observations and
Many of the statements and
stories in the Oregon Daily Em
erald seemed to reflect both a
defiant determination to cling
to behaviors and attitudes that
most people in our culture be
lieve to be immoral and abnor
mal and a demand that all these
people replace their beliefs and
values with ones that support
homosexuality There also
seemed to be much anger, frus
tration. pain and sadness evi
dent in the lives of the homo
sexual people featured
First of nil. y\e acknowledge
the rights of advocates of ho
mosexuality both to choose
their lifestyle and to seek to
convince others ot its legitima
cy. This does not mean we
think their choices are morally
legitimate, hot simply they are
capable of choosing We reject
the idea that homosexual prac
tices are normal and legitimate
practices of human sexualilv
We do not hate or tear homo
sexual people Our opposition
to homosexuality is both philo
sophical and practical in na
lure We .ire convinced homo
sexual practices violate the de
sign of our bodies and the in
tent of our sexuality itself, and
thus do great harm to beings of
great worth and signifii ance
We rojec t the assertion that
because of our opposition to
homosexuality we are m need
of being "educated" by advo
i ates ol homosexuality We
point out there is a fundamen
tal difference between educa
tion and propaganda We are
not persuaded that those who
seek to legitimize this behavior
have demonstrated they pos
sess either the moral authority
or the wisdom necessary to ed
m ate on this subjei t This does
not mean, however, we are un
willing to engage in reasoned,
ciyd discussion \x ith any who
yy ish to do so
We are not denying the hu
manity or the inherent dignity
and worth of homosexual peo
ple nor are we attempting to
justify acts of violence or ex
pression of hatred and con
tempt being directed against
them Such iii ts are themselves
truly wrong and ugly Neither
do we believe people who en
gage in homosexual activity are
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.somehow so!) human, or heter
osexual people are morally -'ll
Ur are not "seeking to ini
pose our morality" on the hiv
mosexual community We are
seeking to convince people of
the validity, authority and wis
ilmn of the moral boundaries
given to us by the One who
made us We believe this topic
needs to he seen and discussed
in till- larger context of the exis
tence and nature of morality
and truth
hither inherent moral stun
dards. or absolutes, exist, or
they don't. If they do exist they
are not .subjet t to popular vote
they apply universally
w hether or not we like them or
agree w ith them II they don't
exist, then literally all stall
dards of morality become mere
personal preferences, on the
level of favorite flavors Only
the concept of moral absolutes
is discarded, and then not only
can homosexual activity he de
fined as "normal." hut any
a< Is. including brutal and de
strm live ones |i e i hild abuse
or rai iallv motivated violence),
becomes exactly as moral as
at ts that are responsible and
Ur understand homosexual
people have strongly felt needs
and desires Ur sympathize
with tlie strength and potential
Iv sedm live and addictive
i Itarai ter of the intense pleas
ures present in the human sex
ual drive We believe it is not
our sexual nature itsell that is
wrung or harmful, hut rather
the abandoning ot ourselves to
the pursuit of pleasures so that
.ill else heroines unimportant,
ini hiding our own dignity and
I bis happens to heterosexual
people who misuse sex as sure
h as it does to hoiliosexually
oriented people The bounda
nes which exist governing the
expression ol our sexuality are
there for our protection and
benefit Outside those bounda
ries the raw power inherent in
our sexual drive becomes enor
mously destructive of individu
als and cultures
Advocates of homosexuality
often asset the tin lination to
ward homosexuality has been
proven to be inborn, and thus
desi ribe it as natural iind un
avoidable We suggest this has
not been proven, blit even i(
tills were the ( ase, the presence
of a particular inc lination or of
strong desires does not justif\
the expression of that ini hn.i
tion any more than a married
man's strong desires for other
women legitimize adultery, or
an inherent temper justifies
We believe homosexual life
styles so entangle those who
engage in them that they often
leave people unwilling or un
able to distinguish between
their identity as people and
their sexual orientation and de
sires Our identity as human
beings is not synonymous with
our sexual orientation or our
desires U e are all nun h mm h
Wo .it knowledge till' ugliness
.Hid brutality lh.it h.is been di
rt>( ted .igidnst homosexual pen
pie m our ( ommunitx the
more sadly bee .iiise it is some
times done in the name of
f ’hi istlimitv As believers in |e
sus ( ,'hrist. we oppose the ha
(red. contempt and violence di
ret ted against homosexual peo
pie We affirm and value their
humanity We do not believe
however dial to acknowledge
the humanity of people means
that we must automatically ai
i ept as legitimate the ideas, at
titudes or practices they hold
Is there no room for differing
points ot view and reasoned
discussion oil this topic:’ Is the
pro homosexuality position so
fragile that every disagreement
must he met with name < ailing,
hostility and stridency'’ babels
and names such as "homo
phobe" and "bigot’’ .ire being
Used like roi ks at those who
dare to dispute the current,
"correct” position concerning
this issue
These terms seem to i arry as
mm h dehumanizing hatred
and contempt as terms like
"queer" and "faggot" that are
screamed at homosexual peo
pie Kei ent letters in the Finn
a/(/ demonstrate a chilling vi
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( lousness Arc name < ailing
and haired onU wrong when
the\ ,ire prai tu eil by people we
disagree with7
Believing as we do that ho
unisexual lifestyles are inher
entlv destriu live to people, it
would he w rong for us to speak
against them Human lives of
gre.it value are at stake We sin
eerelv invite interaction from
people willing to avoid si old
mg and name calling and to
discuss ideas and issues
ll illiani Moore is a mein/ier o/
f/ie i lassified shift in the nmsii
department, while coauthors
A M Smierwein. Case\ Chris
tnpher. Kevin Henfield. Patrick
(,'ihson and Inseph Wtirlev are
members of the mush depart
__ Oregon Daily _ _
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