CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 346-4343 ■ os PERSONALS To the t '«•* cl “THE BIG MUTHA” Thanks for ail Ihe wild memories ou. Timeless Adventure on Shasta la*** cou*«1n t have been batter' Lora Your “DATES’* XU Mel B. XU I'm glad you re my Big Sis' Hay. be kind to ma on tha 25th! Lora. Your K A III sis 115 TYPINiS' mim 344 4510 •05 I 13th Are CYA TYPING SERVICES High Quality Typing and Editing F AS? ?4 Hour Serv>« *• Call Ann 34*> 994 1 Jl N S TYPING SERVICE Apphtebons Resumes. Papers 48‘> WbH Th* WORO SPECIALISTS! * Graduate St h«x>l Approved * ► DlMtf1il»nvThr.tM/?ipc» * IBM ( ompeUbld >nk ( cnvfmnn^ * I a*ci Priftting/CifapliH« * i diting/Kenume* CAROLYN CINDY JO THE TYPtNG PRO 653 5058 IBM WORD PROCESSING EDITING PAPERS THESES DISSERTATIONS 1YPING UNI IMITFD Barbara Land 485 0590 LASER WORD PROCESSING 19 |«*.US Papermncr I dilmg IBM G'»J *v< hool apprised Nnji i empus Robin 344 075» Text Scanning S C A A/A/E R S 747-4539 WEST WINO WORDSMITMING laser print*** IBM Editing Shelby J44 SM9 *30 FbRSAlE MAKE QUICK CASH! Sell your... STUFF!!! (Advertise any Mem .terns r« - sale ithe Daily Emerald Pay fm 4 days atj ''eguta* 'ales and it trie Mem d<-**s n..t ;setl m 4 May. .»■* us and **■ a <11 <•■ ■ wJf* t 1(1' 4 m. .•«!• Single party ads only Place ad* at Oaily Emerald Room 300 EMU UO Bookstore A The EMU Mam Desk or call us and charge it at 346 4343 jNi■ Refunds No Credits VISA MC IT WILL SELL SATISFACTION GUARANTEED NINTENDO GAME BOY hand held vul eti game with 17 , arlr.dge* .some • rorn Japan not available here1), carry mg case books and translations 1300 • • H 464 OLYMPUS 0M4 ame»a outfit ■»*' ■ S I SIGMA MADf guMar a th hdsheti case fthf) Bro typewrite* e*ei S'4! BiAupu-nfct : • * V I SOL id OAK ccMfee taMe and end table contemporary styling perfect condi tion tl?00 each newt sell S'*-' each V44 evenings f n'aGET CN i*. -eta.Is tor 1300 sell i -r.g for l.VS OBO 343 93M 110 FOR SALE DESIGNER D«Af TING table 160 rash 342 \m* FOR SALE Pool table Good condi boo 1850 Tim 728 1813 I I SALE full t lymtfl'il Nt »al Suit Call 741 4742 GREAT YARDSAi [ Sat Son 992 Fiimor© 96 Honda C0 660 Mo to/eye l« antique *anity 36 gai ton fishtank lots More 343 6237 RAGE « * ew, hard wood *' rap Pd WC ask |40 tod'* fed i>n©u slots RADAR DETECTOR bands jes u .m $100 f .rdb M»" edf: ( orvettes Chevys Surplus Buyers Guide O' •• *64 HONDA fuff ISO SCOOTER Urea! ton CM ion new turn* up $800 All. OFFERS CONSIDERED Pease uniat! M B at 146 9669 eve HONDA PASSPORT Scooter' Great condition' Just tuned with helmet $400/080 343 6706 HONDA PASSPORT h * mne all receipts Runs looks gteal ; $2 200 4AS 3246 Randy 1966 VW BUS new ait) gen tires **• hauSt 346 8160 $700 ’‘IGA VW BUS funs very strong e«. el lent interior good body turquoise tou$ t isaoBO safe 9960 f 19/0 VW BUG looks good runs vety"! well rt>H eng bra new art> and gas shoe kb $ 140G.'off 446 8986 m$g 1970 VW 6l>G go* Hi looking r «* i ■ .*! *• cheap Must sell fast Best otter over $700 takes it 689 4 748 1974 VW BUS great e*tenor good maintenance 7 passenger $1200 .444 0694 1974 VW SUPERBUG nrw front end steering brakes lues and starlei IBS 0919 19 76 VW BUG looks gieat runs wen blue sumoo? $1300 060 3468673 1976 FIAT i;*8 COUPE tun Mahan car great gas mileage, low miles excellent mechan.i ally $7007080 446 9961 M5 COI KaHESE'I'IHi 1977 DATSUN Kirvg C*t P.ckup l *+ n*» rv»* »#cl p#mt alloy «yh***is Runs great Must see1 II 960060 342 2999 1 978 BURGUNDY SAAB new r,*,.r mags sunroof runs grant 122000BO 346 82 76__ 11979 SUBARU DL runs wett good gns mileage reliable S8SO.OBO 346-8102. between 9 10pm 1980 FIAT BRAVA 6 speed »tr stereo Mu.hat n liras e»cel cor'd 12200 343 4o;io 1961 FORO ESCO*T Gl runs exfi tent good condition good toes good gas mileage H59VOBO 6898237 1981 VW RABBIT Red Hot Convertible NewenQ pamt Immaculate' Semn;S inquiries only 1620O0BO 54 3 9493 1982 FORD E*P 2 door with hatch sunroof AM’:FM stnrp; 61.000 m. Lifce nue 11969 486 2076 1982 YAMAHA MCA *>60 4 , de»s great h.Ke J/OG'OBO 486 3424 - 741 4206 *<>»* ' *64 HONDA C.I,'. 4dCK>r 6 Speed 1 ■ ► r ' more 13600080 1 99 7 *411 ■ lays 1 99’ 2806 eves wFr.da if tore'-. **• 0*84 HONDA '.PRI | 60c. MuM U" 12607080 687 9127 as* ' > T o K 1986 HONDA AERO 80 $460 helmet Only 3600 m.tes Not ridden ». - 3 yrs 6838076 1986 HONDA ELITE 160 Runs grant 2 helmets 1600/0BO 346 8796 1986 BLACK HONDA Spree e*cet»ent condition 130070BO 484 0887 86 HONDA ELITE 160 Detu*e ! Wue ei.fttient condrtwm runa great I? *VOBO ■ . hr. • 746 907C' i'*86 HONDA ELITE I SO DU r«j O. cel cond met black Simpson helmet 1930 346 6942 1988 BLACK SU7UKI Savage 660 Mint condition 2800 ml $1700/080 346 6221 2 VR OLD cruiser For sate f*o"p Shan l.'300 689-6025 78 VW SClROCCO New . : gin# *U roof recaro seats. louvers. new toes Ask.rigS22O0 346 9490 84 HONDA AERO good -.> ncMu ■ a mile* $500/060 Musi sell Calf 683 4468 85 HONDA CUTE 80 *>th 2 helmets red eicelient rood new battery A • • . 85 HONDA ELITE DELUXE 150 £ *i:ett#nt comMion blue $750060 82 YAMAHA SECA 400 Immai cond red 3 500 mi $950060 79 HONDA PRELUDE (LOADED! Sunroof AC Stereo bra $2 390060 KEVIN 683 1480 86 HONDA SPREE 50cc under 2400 miles $350 Can 346 8631 86 HONDA SPREE THE BEST DEAL1 l ow mites Leaving MUST SELL" $250/080 Call 484 0606 87 HONDA ELITE ho red purchased ' »*w " 88 Iv* miles immacuiale Ik I "• 4 M 87 SUZUKI Samura while AM » M $395 YAMAHA SRX 21 , : • ■ amj white upper fairing, funs e«iel • | S • i 683 4| 87 YAMAHA SRX 250 spootbtke red and white upper fairing runs! lent $950-0BO Can Jaaon 683-4837 BRIDGSTONE 650 RACING it es For male female 5 5 4 Suntour Shimeno Comp F iceilent shape1 Paid $500 .•> j $300 ODU i Uf < . ui 7 am . I f • 21 . t/raca spd yellow on gray greal shape $171 I Todd 7M cm R f - chroma ail GT parts black mags spin ning bars barely used $279 MiYATA 12SPD metallic blue new lues great campus bike Inc I Krypio lock S121VOBO John 346 8081 3HHTC 152, I DIAMOND BACK A (MM niW#n un'd*« I TO mi Black md flawless 20 Ram#- : Ashing $500>‘OBO 343 9355 must* sell 24 10 speed $«y080 3434373 f ANAS< P< OX. 12 tpd M ruM 87 $17VOBO M6 962! .’.i mi M'S FRAME ipud ■ ibM Must »*»e Brand near ashing $525 m m n as CENT! R Mi LI MANS NS r» bike 23 Cateye computer $260 485 2490 or leave message 663 9469 liiCOKPUTERSELECTRSNiCS' AT AMI 520STfm W 1 meg 1200 baud modem mono monitor WordPerfect stand A more' $600 obo 663 5863 leave message CONTEC 13 COLOR TV $9VOBO Vector research turntable $75/ OBO Receiveoamp $85/080 Advent Baby II tpkr* $11070 BO All Items mint! 146 6221 HFWIFTT PACKARO 48SX only month old $275 345 8258 HP 41CX LIKE nee includes Scientific P'- gram Par I Paul $385 ask mg OBO N.ik 6870057 IBM PCjr 512K clot h . aiender dual disk drives '..'lor monitor orQ Word Perte t plus lots of software Call Nr' h 687 <>05/ MAC PIUS 40 MB HD 4 MM RAM MORE $2 500 OBO 726 3501 MAC 612K Enhanced ar-o • *!*.«•» IBM EGA display ar'd ii»d C.» ' nl*» ■ MAONOVOX VIDEOWRITER WP with spellcheck and Thesaurus S450/0B0 346 6267 19" Color TV & VCR JWO (JIJ48.-J iso SOUND SYSTEMS GET YOUR («' Stereo now' Pioneer Clarion Sherwood Precision Power MB Court and more’ <. us tom installs See Afiy or Brian m Electronics Available immediately al the UO Bookstore NAD 6340 • ASM T TE DECK NAD 31*40 AMR DB> soundbetd ii spkrs Subwoofer & satellite systerr $.725 Jeff 345 52*55 N. AM/FM issetu . hne out great deck $150/080 todd •46 7 486 SUBWOOFER ENCLOSURE 2 10 i vie subs 2 1 pyi# tweeters F>ls h«l< h backs trunks $7VOBO Jeff 344 8752 CASK) CPS 300 D»git Piano built m library 5 »■;* * plus SuSfr pedal AC adaptor NF W ,ur>d I26SOBO 6834741 FOR SALE Lyi«? 6 string gwiiar Barely used $100>OBO Can Tracy Ai 34ft *>*> 11 wo RESALE CLOTHING Gentlemen's Encore Wa pay TOP dollar I Of Man s and Woman i clothing 1111 Willamette 343-6179 NOW BUYING no OUTDOOR RECREATIOW Mountain Bike Week j UO Outdoor Program is sponsoring : Mm Bike Week May 14 17 1990 to educate bicyclists on the pleasures j and responsibilities of r»dmg All programs begin at 7pm and are FREE Mon May 14 Min Bue Damn Night EMU Soot* i ‘ad'fig Dock Tue May 15 Mi- Bike Maintenance | Beginning £ MU Outdoor Program Wad May 16 M' B-ke Mu -tenan. e Advanced EMU Outdoor Program Thurs May 17 Mm B>*e M>dmg Skmr Workshop A ut/en St ad 6M* Track ' Tor mo'e iNEO see the UO Ouldoc i I Program EMU basement 346-4365 195 TRAVEL ONE WAV Portland to Phoenn Al Lv Jun« 14 J98 50 Contact Li/ N 346 5232 (work num) ONE WAY United ticket Eugene Oeve land Leave AW 6<5 1200 Cal.' 344 3J4 7 between t 5pm 2106'PPftBfuNlfiES - ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE ESCAPE Field Studies seeking Direclot Assistant Director Office Manager for the 1990 91 academic yeai Come and see us at Mill EMU tor more in formation and to pick up an apphea tion Or call 346 4 3M Stipend and up per division credit Don t miss this op portumty1 A A f OE • API 1 * 1 St ties • , stu dent with some administrative expert ence to fill position of student Director for the 1990 91 academic year 30 60 hrvwk flexible Stipend and upper divi sion credit included Interaction with ESCAPE start IFC and ASUO Apph cartons available at Milt {MU and due by Friday May 18 For more into. tact J* • ESTATE RANCH, and Farm Club If wming property ranching or lurmmg I'derests you Write Estate Club P Q B 24851 E ugene 97402 IT’S NOT TOO LATE , INTENT TO REGISTER CARD tor summer session Slop by 333 Oregon Hall or the Office ot Admissions ODE l'^rv*»7^n,,DaTIy—Eme7flId"^D7 ODE Oregon Daily Emerald ODE ODE 1 rr^j t. Dany EmeraiQ ODE SAVE 50*. at leading hotels nation wide and quality tor FREE lodging Also solid 6-hgure Income Call t 800 233 6509 £»! 1002 Students are invited to try out lor OREGON MARCHING BAND C0L0RGUARD 1990 Sat, May t9. 9am 4pm Where Room 178. School ot Music Call 343 9681 tor more into Fall auditions available SUMMER COUNSELING INTERNSHIP* The Career Development Internship Program has an opportunity for Ju mens and Seniors to do youth counsel mg at the Skipworth Home Posmon description available m 221 Haodru vs Man Read the description and i all Skip worth tor an appointment PUBLIC RELATIONS INTERNSHIP The Career Development Internship Program has opportunities in Public Relations this summer with the follow .ny non profit organizations Western Rivers Girt Scout Council (two post t- .riv arid the MuSCular Dystrophy As six -arton Juniors and Seniors are eh gibie and can earn upper division cred it for their experience Position de sc options are available in 221 Hen dnt ks Mall ON UO PROGRAMS foi ohe or more quarters USC yOur fma*'' a- aul For more information contact Ot*H e of International Serviced iJO Oregon Nan *J?CX> miiiWMXm: CAMPUS LARGE furnished f and ? bedroom Summer rates No pels 4Hb ?823 MET CLOSE TO CAMPUS Eugene Manor 1050 Ferry Slud«o A 1 bedroom units sterling at $325 all utilities included Manager 484 7441 Bennet Management 915 Oak suite 200 Realtor 485P991 CLUB MILL 1255 MMI St Available June 10 2 bdrm nicely turn 5 blocks to UO and downtown Heated outdoor pool private laundry Appliances, drapes dishwasher disposal balco nies. covered parking Free cable TV Summer rates $445 dep $325. tee $75 No lease Ken 345 4322 Keystone Real Estate Prop Mgmt EVERYTHING YOU need for less 1 bdrm turn apt Reserve now for sum mer/whole year Hurry1 735 E 17Th 343-2114 _ FEATURING The Milirace Apartments STARRING Low Summer Rates ON LOCATION AT 1805 Garden Ave * Flowered Courtyards • Laundry Facilities * Friendly Management 2 Bedrooms trom $375 Call Gary 345 7275 Jennings A Co 683 2271 F I E D T H E DUCKS AT THE Mill RACE APARTMENTS JuSt 2 blocks east of campus on the milirace We have wen cared for 2 bedroom flats and townhouses off-street parking private patios balconys Call Gary at 345 7275 From $495 Jennings A Co 6J 4219 iREAT BDRM i(1 av ai Dishwr covered parking laundry 2 blocks from UO $475/mo 687 2549 I • 8 RM Apt house Heat/air paid 1st last and de posit Lease through Aug 1991 Call Gayle 344 7039 3426955 lv msg NOW TAKING RESERVATIONS FOR SUMMER AND FALL LG 1 BDRM apt close to campus in a lean, quiet complen Lg walk in clos et separate vanity and bath iaundry overed parking Larry 484 4103 LOOKING HIGH & LOW Pick 1331 High St Campus living at it s best Select studios starting at $250 Cali manager at 484 1165 Bennet Mgmt Co 915 Oak 200 ONE BDRM turn apt 2 blocks from campus Pool, balcony off street park mg Avail June 10th for summer 344 5037 message QUIET 2 BDRM town house near cam pus' Private pafto covered parking laundry, no pets' Lease $4J9f$489 1437 High 344 7434 342 8658 Avail able June tOth covered SUMMcH HA I to Biackstone Manor A Univ Manor South Reservations for Sjmrner and Fall Call for info 687 0684 SUMMER RATES Alderwood Manor i960 Aide) Strut Call now for summer availability Stu dios 1 2, and 3 bedrooms Don t be taught m the annuat Fall crunch1 344 S69S Jennings A Co _M3 4219 SUMMER RATES Cedarwood Quads An affordable alternative to shared Campus living All utilities paid Cad now for summer availability 344 9290 Jennings A Co M3 4219 TARING RESERVATIONS FOR SUM MER AND FALL LOW SUMMER RATES Lg qutel 1 A 2 bdrm furn apt t blot A UO 1442 E 18th Mgr No 19 _ 344 4760 __ TAKING RE SERVATIONS FOR SUM M£R AND FALL Large dean quiet 2 bd»m 1 blk to UO Low low Summer rates New < arpet Dishwasher d'spos ai sundeek laundry lots ot parking 683 8919 We have several interesting rentals near the UO Houses. duple«es apis Can or stop by our office for addresses (No pets) Spyglass Assoc 34SW 10 686 1130 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU LET ME JUST sayone LAST TMNbHBEE ANPTHENI'U SH/TUPANP sn pcuw uht-N PWfu see a peceMBfe MAY COUPie SUCH AS US, MVR£ soMermus rmruv to /hang ceawn assumptions. to /wse peone, ier/ne just sayonb THING 1M3POKT /HATS HJGHT XAP . mxe< • MY LAWYERS TOOK MOST OF WHAT 1 SAvU? THROUGH THE YEARS. AND M Y EX-WIFE GOT THE- REST THE ONLY THING 1 FAN OFFER MY NEW BRJPE IE MY UN CONDITIONAL DEVOTION' GOD WILLING THAT WILL HE ENOUGH 1 WOW DO you 5up post sne KNEMJ* 1 DON'T tel n U/HY APB we Au, next7 \ Advertise HERE FOR H800. Call 346-3712 For information