Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 17, 1990, Image 1

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    Thursday May 17 1990 Eugene. Oregon Volume 91. Issue 154
Oregon Daily
I wo
Oregon voters have apparently
rejei ted by a narrow margin a
proposal to require the state Leg
islature to meet annually
I'he results from Tuesday's
vote on Ballot Measure 4. the an
nual session proposal, were too
close to ( all at presstime for
Wednesday's (frego/i l)uil\ i'.nu'i
In the latest unoffii nil returns,
with all votes tallied except for
absentee ballots. Measure 4 up
pears to be failing In 51 percent
to 41) percent
Entertainer Sammy I )avis |r
died Wednesday of < aiu er at his
home in Beverly Mills tie was
Earned moppet ( reator |tm
I lensnn also died unexpectedly
Wednesday in \ev\ York He was
See related stm\, Page 12
Kri< Peterson
When lvri( Peterson lues the
line for the start of the I..'>()() me
tei final at the Pat ilii lilt ainfer
enc e trat k meet ill Seattle he
will tie seeking tils 111 st ever I’m
It) title
Peterson owns the the se< ond
fastesl time in the I’a< 10 this sea
son, hut he also has an under
at him. ing history of sixth-plat e
finishes .it confereni e champion
See stun , Page H
Mosth i loudy with highs in
low er tills. Slight t ham e of show
ers In nightfall l or I ridav. rnost
h i loudv w ith possible showers
Salary debate not yet settled
E-Board will discuss
$10 million request
By Stephanie Holland
t ' r.i.; Report?'
1I igher educ .ition ( hunt cl
lor Thomas Hartlett is si ht'tl
llli'il In mart liul.is ss ith tin'
stall' s 1 mergeni x Hii.iril tn
111st uss his previous request
nt Sin milium fni I.a lilts sal
After his request at the I
Hoard meet ins; in Mart h. the
board asked Hartlett In pro
s ide examples id fai nils
members who have left the
state's eight i nlleges and uni
versifies hei ause ot loss sala
In addition, the hoard
asked tin examples ot lai nils
svho re|ei ted otters to teat h
in ( begun bei ause ot loss sal
aries said |im Sellers direi
tor i d i ouimunii at ions for the
state s higher education svs
Sellers said that .1 husband
and vs ife team that lauglit
1 asl \sian languages at the
l niversitv vs as hired In the
I niversitv ot ( alifurm.i i am
puses vs ith a 1 ombined salars
ini lease (it $40,000 [dlls a
housing stipend
As another example Sell
ers said the I 'niversitv hail
ottereii $4'1.1)1)0 a sear and a
lull professorsliip to an asso
1 late professor 1 it treatise
w riting at Indiana t'niversitv
ss ho ss as earning $ t ' 000
t le rejei ted the I Ills ersi
Is s otter a 111 I ai l opted a
Sti ' 000 salars at a state
si houl in Nans V urk
I here are literally si ores
ot examples when you take
tile eight rumpuses,' Sellers
Although these examples
show some of Oregon's loss,
they do not represent the
rhomas Bartlett
people u ho ( onsiderrd .tp
pi viiij4 to ()regon s schools
hut dec idrd agai nst it hr
i .iu.se ot the low salar\ < ondi
lions, hr saul
Besides m\, ini» fa< ultv e\
.imples to tin* hoard tin1
< ham ellor w ill present nru
intorni.ition rr( rived a tew
11 ays ago that show s that ( )re
foil's rank in the i.onntr\ toi
its t a < u 11 \ s a I a r i e s has
l.arrv l.ari>e
dropped Min e last year
( )l I 2(1 public imiv rrsitit's
lh.it Riant ilu( Inral degrees
tin- t Diversity is ranked
1 tilth in the .imimilt ill mmi
l'\ It pay S til Its I.II llll\ Si'll
els said
I’urtl.inil St.ite I mversit\ is
ranked tOHth, .mil ()regnn
Slate 1' ill VIM sit V e. ranked
Turn tu SALARIES. P.uje 12
John i'rvinfi •mil ltw\ I.Lim,i ii‘>rmbli‘ ./ n.in tlnlillu <i.s f/n-i l.ikr ,i loisuirl\ rulr mi the Milh.u r Heilnes
tl.n fl,inked t)\ .1 couple of u eb-looted friends
Photo lt\ Milrk ^ leu
Lighting project moving right along
Second phase commences early
By Peter Cogswell
A three phase plan to increase light
11114 on the I rnversity 1 .impiis is foul
months ahead of m hedule said huh
Hailey ASIA) president-elet.I and
wall hdog for the lighting plan
It goes slim and 1 wish we could
speed it up Hades said, But sse have
kept things moving and I on pleased
|ss ith the progress!
Hailes said the Campus Planning
Committee originalls planned to finish
phase one of the [dan during spring
term, hut uosv the group is on the verge
of beginning phase tss o.
Phase one ssas t ompleted hist summer
and involved the installation of addi
1 ...1 lights and some mi not lain Is* ap
mij ihan^as in tin' v ii 111it\ til Dcaclv
I'liasi- tun aontinuas in loans mi this
(illlcr siilr nl campus. i ailing lor mi
pnivumants m ilu' ulil maiiioiinl quail
man lui aluil hatwaali Villard. Hands and
1 union lulls mi Ilia wasl and l.auram a
Allan and 1 rii’lldlv halls nil the a.is!
Ilai ansa this is a histoiirnl sila on
i ain|)iis. it takas lima Ini rannvalurn
plans to In' npprovad Bnilas said
I’liasn thri'i* u ill tm us mi Ilia araa siir
rounding ilia lihrarv. Iinth in front nl Ilia
lilunrs and ilia an a slmtthing from thr
lihraiA In ilia mtisii school Ilia araa
around III! llaan I umplax parking Ini
will also rat aiva soma altirntion
I.ibrars rnmndaling plans ma\ i ansa
soma minor changes In ha maria in
phase three Bailey said
Ihr A.Sl I) li,is ji-c;imtmi*nili'il to the
PliVhii.il PI,ml I 1ml improvements ,mn
be made m llic .him surrounding (Jinx
Bridge Bailev said 1 In ASI A ) rnm ed
,i pet it if >n sigurd h\ nil ,iri liitri (urr stu
drills i .tiling lur lliis .ii lion
li.iilrv hopes this imprmrmrnt is m
idiitlrd in phase tv\ii
I hrst* i ampiis arras were hitind In
Herd improvement after a w alkali ill lid
l.ist vrai In litrinri ASI '() pirsidrnt har
i'ii (bdfnev and mrmhers nt the I miri
sil\ tai ultv and administration, Bailev
said I hr results til the vvaikanniiiil i tin
liruirtl the i iiinplaints the ASI ( ) had
hern hearing abnut poorly lit areas etn
i ampiis, lie said
David Kmvr ot the Design Review
Stibi uinniiltee said the i ommitler i nil
Turn to LIGHTING. Put;, Id