With this coupon '.ini can hu\ a set ol GUITAR STRINGS for /2 our lisl Price < »\|)in\ \J.i\ <|. I'WII music city »'|k n i-\filings III G I imilr <1 In k 11>< till\ ,in renewal plan appeared to htive passed with 11.171) votes (S I pen i*ntI in favor and 0 Mia> \ ole ■ (47 pen ellt | 111 nppnsi I ion Hallot Measure JO I) I also passed with 11 0(1(1 voles (r>7 peneul) in favor and fl,H7r> voles ( II pen eii(| in opposi lion The measure authorizes a tax that will fund downtown marketing. parking, business rei ruilnient and lelenlion The race tor seals on the c il\ council \xas close with a few surprises and uncertainties as ol 1 J III a 111 lu W ard 1 Hands Mai Donald rei eived 1 i,'J• m.Ii's : H per i nut) followed li\ Ru hard Hriggs w ith 1.1.;.' ;4.' percent! The luii will far e off in tin1 No vettiber t:>• rh■ r.11 nlt;i lion \ third candidate I niversitv slu deni d im l.atn' rei ei\ i d -tn'l volfs ; ] 'i pen I'lil i In Ward 4. I’.iui Nicholson rri I'ivi’li I ill.’ votes i i ’ pel i eel) and ini umhent Koln-rl Hennett lollim i»d with 1.111“ ! 1 i pen cnt I \n holsol) said III1 hrlic\ ed the votes ■ 111)i( ated an en diirsement (or a< live represen tatam on the couiu.il, instead of endorsement of either ot the aindidates politir al ideology Anothei i lose raie was Ward V where t'liivcrsiu research ■issociate hen lollenaai re i eived 1 . i I t Mites |4h peri ent| followed li\ have Robinette with 1 i.’H 14a peri eilt I The two will advam •• to the general eler linn A third t andid.it*' John Mean/ retailed 77H voles |H pert mil i In \\ ,trd n int unibent and I niversitv student Bobln (ireen took 1 105 voles (i> i per t cut) over 7 7 1 (17 peri cut' tot opponent I tarrell (Irundman Voters also elected to bring lieu faies to the In gene Watei and Hler trie Hoard, rejet ting in cumbents in Wards -4 and 5 b\ large margins as of 111: 10 a ill W ednesdai In Ward -1 Jack I)ela\ re r eived I 001 votes (Mi percent) and incumbent Dennis Solin re i eived 7 .000 | 14 |ierr ent i Susie Smith r oller ted H 4HH voles 14 I (lerr ent) for the Warti i s|iot followed bs Rand\ lb wing with 11.7 09 | 17 pen ent) and lark ( laig with 4.977 |75 pen ent I In the r riuntv commissioner rat e Position 1 on uinbent Id Politics In- I himiii i oinmanded ,i v\ nir ummiiij margin, with i.H4a votes (00 percent) as of 12:40 a m I'or the Position 2 seal. re|ire senting Springfield, in< umhent Stex e ('(>rna< ehia ret eived 4.170 votes (r,7 perrent] over Pat Riggs. who received .4.1 40 (•t t pen ent 1 incumbent lack Roberts held Ins North Kugene Position 4 sjiot. with 4.H28 votes I ri I per < ent | Roberts was appointed to the t ommissioner seat last ()< tober and the primarx election was tin first m w hit h voters indi i ated their support The two Hast Clountx Position a candidates receiving the most votes were Katherine Scliat lit. with ‘la!) |20 pert ent). followed In Marie I razier with 882 (1(1 pen ent) STATE Continued from Page 1 11 \ • position Hi? 11 m.iinl.imnl .1 sin.il! i* id throughout th• rat «■ hlif \\ ill) .'O pro i*| 11 til f hr pir i I Hi t s tallied. lir i 1 hati J . }'»'» \ * *tr- . } pen ent! « oinp.ired to t i»|t 1 .Oh | p» pen ent I Hell former t hairwnm.m of I he ! .tin ( uimt\ Kepuhht an ( riitr.ii < ommittisaid she was plr.iseti to have inaintaiim.1 a Ir.ri throughout the raer hut was reluctant to predict the ( .die .1 I im ersit\ professor nl international business man agernent agreed fuesil.u night that till Ml e w as slill unilei id ed I think it i I at Ul go either w a\ he said I hiwevei ( nlr said regard less of the nuti time Tomot row I'm going to go out and take dow n iiiv Ian i ■ at least the ones that ha\rn 1 been stolen Hell said d she did nut w to tile elei 110(1. she would < out 111 ue to work in loi al politii s However she said she would focus mini1 on neighborhood and i i!\ issues on a non parti san basis Hell resigned from her posi lion as Repuhhi an < hairwoman to i on tor the state seat lor the Democrats, many ot the state legislative rates Wert uni untested lot uinbent state senators ( haftan Reruns l^arn I Idl. and Peg Jolin all ran unopposed State representatives |im Kdmunson i arl 1 kestu ha 1 )a vitl I )i\. Hill I )w ver I a no hahle ,ni(i Sam Oomim also ran unopposed i Jotninv i\ ill frn e Allan Sath el m the \o\ ember elei t lull lor the I listi a t 4-1 seat In the non partisan . tor Superintendent ot I’ublii Schools lormer Oregon Seen tur\ ut State Norma Panins e.isi l\ delealed lour other i andi dates by a large margin I’aulus defeated mi uinhent John \V lak hson uinning 28 1,82 t votes (tin peri cut I over I ric ksi iii s 1 el tt i‘l [22 peri eiit TF-IN/1$ l\'FW-U*El> -A!5U$FI> ART AND SCHOOL SUPPLY SPRING UO Bookstore 13th 4 Kmcaid M F 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 346 4331 When was the last time you had your eyes examined? • l . i!p|i It rvr i \anis • ( i >ntiU t k*n7 1 your eye exam mu. ..mpn,,! 1990 Summer Session k OSU No better time .., No better place For your free copy of I he OSL Summer Session Bulletin, write or call: Summer Session Office, Oregon State University, 327 Snell Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-1633, 15031 737-2676