Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 16, 1990, Page 7, Image 7

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Continued from Page 1
st,itc's 2, CI4 prei iiu Is reporting I per
i cut)
However. Ha I lot Measure r>B. whir h
asked for .r maximum 10 4 percent in
crease in personal income taxes to re
dote property taxes lor funding k 12
si bools was receiving 157.270 ves votes
and 272.251 no voles (17 percent to tit
percent) Ballot Measure 5C. calling for
.i maximum 14 percent income tax in
i lease to eliminate property taxes tm
si Irool finaili iug was getting *10 c.' 4 yes
votes and 4227108 no votes u’ l pen ent
to '7 percent I
l.ikeyvise. Ballot Measures 51) and 7>K
were receiving 04 and 02 peri ent no
votes, respectively il! asked for a t per
lent sales tax to reduce property taxes
supporting public schools and was re
(fixing 140.00 , yes votes and 2 0, >. i
no votes Meanwhile, 51 had called tor
a 4 pen ent sales tax to eliminate propel
!x taxes as a way of binding public
schools, receiving 104 711*1 yes voles
and 208, 1 22 no votes
(llearlv the message being sent to yot
ers was that ibex are opposed to propel
t\ taxes being the maturity wav public
schools .ire tin.uu ed, but voters don't
want .in im re.ise m person,il me nine tax
or am form ol sales tax
It says to me that people iu Oregon
don't xx.mt an increase In Income tax
and have a wait and see attitude as tar
as a sales lax said Peter Swan, vv bn
won the Republican primary lor state
senator from the Jtith Dislrii t
State Representative (art llostuka
(Distriit -PI), who ran unopposed in the
pnmarv said the defeat of Ballot Mens
ores "iff ">( d) and d means a long
sti uggle ahead for all.
"There's no simple solution.' he
said “It's too earlv tor me lo have a
cleat view what's next hut I think
there's some significance fwith the hal
lot measures) that the 4 f lew xxas de
feated by sue h a wide margin in an area
that up to now was mostly supportive of
llostilka also said the controversial
mallei will now have to he dealt x\ ith by
the I.legislature
I think the next step is that xx e xxill
meet Thursday and what then I cant
really sax, he said "It's an area we re
divided on and I think xve'ie in for a
long battle
Two other shite ballot measures wen*
losing early Wednesday morning while
one measure vs,is passing
Measure 1 asking voters to authorize
use ot local motor vehu le tax revenues
tor mass transit, was ret eiving J()‘i ill
yes votes and 1 Mi 4t>0 no votes it * per
t ent t<» t pert ent)
Measure { which would have the
Legislature meet annually instead ot hi
annually, was tailing *1 percent to to
pen ent at 12 10 a m . but dr.istu ally
swung the other wav by 1 to a m when
it was had .MtHuu) yes votes to 20M aOO
\titrs At l i - am Measure 1 had
sw ung bat k to a to pen ent tor ami a > 1
percent against, indicating the measure
would be i hanging often and drastic ally
throughout the early morning hours
Meanwhile n.il!>»t Measure tailing
tor pollution anti waste t outrol bout is to
be used tor at tivities reiatetl to“ polio
turn ami waste tintrol was p,> .sing with
\ ! g»M y es votes to 10 4.014 no v ote .
I ‘Ml pert tail to 1 ’ pert ent i
Ballot Measure l seemed to be a di
v tiling ground between llostu ka and
State Senator t uattan kerans
llostu ka said his biggest objection to
annual Legislative sessions would be
that power would be taken away from
the people
"I've been against Measure t <U)(I the
reason is th.it «m .umii.il session ami a
full time Legislature will be playing
games with the people rather than (be
mg) out of session when there is more
established ties to the tommunity. he
l lie best example of this is in ( all
fornia where the\ (legislators) are so
tied with the Legislature that the people
an being i un b\ the unit I lostu ka
Ker.ins said although the House usu
ally oiu'.in.ites measures sm h e* Me,is
me 5 and then is defeated m the Senate
Measure \ < nine from the Senate origi
nallv and was then approved b\ both
When the early returns rndirated that
Ballot Measure .t would be headed t*>
defeat K era ns was surprised
"Th.it this i an go down is a rnajoi
shot k to me based on the stlength of the
vote |in the Legislature) he said
However Kerans said il the measure
uele defeated, it Wouldn't he the end of
It'll he on the hallo! again he said
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