University State ed system fills two posts Academic, finance jobs filled last week Correction In .1 story m Friday’s Em rmltl the .ini* of students 'it the Karlv (Ihildhood ( enter was ini orrei tly reported .is 1 to n I lie i orrei I ajte range is t to r> Also, it ma\ have been implied ill'll the sc liool has no rules oi a set i urrIt u him Rules exist and are de veloped bv both students and teai hers based on ion xiderations lor sulet\ and showing resper I lor ink h olhrrs feelings The ( urrn u him promotes r lion cs .uni freedom for (lie c hihlnm A stors in Tuesday's Im rr.ihl reported Oregon basketball player Tern'll Hr,union was arrested w hen in fm t he was onK < ited lor speeding and giving a (also name to polii e MULTIPLE CHOICE ,V 1 i I rs / Nr A f\tJ'r A v "" v tck il_ -vfV . f’ V ■ ) ... HINT: Find the answer at SunShower! COMING SOON: SUMMERTIME! SHORTS!! BODY LANGUAGE!!! SunShower 874 F 13th (By Kinko s) 485-2323 [ MARKETING ^ OPPORTUNITY WITH A MAJOR LONG DISTANCE CARRIER STUDENT MARKETING MANAGER Sales oriented student needed toi marketlng/nromotron positron Responsible toi tilling. coordinating and managing campus otganl/alions Opportunity to work as Piomotkins Representative Excellent pay flexible hours All work on campus Must he on campus and available I ? weeks pitoi to stall ot classes STUDENT ASSISTANT MARKETING MANAGE H Student with strong sales, organ pa tlonal skills needed lor campus promotions Must be on campus and available 1 ? weeks piioi to start of classes STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Organized, outgoing sales marketing group needed to lepiesen! oui pioducts and services dining an on campus fundraiser I xcellenl pa. Must be on campus and available I ? weeks piloi to start ol classes For mote Information send resume to American Psssaga Media Corporation, Long Distance Marketing 621 f West Howard Street Chicago, IL 6064S or call (800) 727-6783 The Orison St.itr System of Higher I iiut .itn>n has filled two pi>Mth>ns with members of the administrations of the I mversi l\ of Miimesiilii and Ohio Statu I adversity respet tivelv ( ham ellm I'homas Bartlett annnuni ed last week thill Slut !e\ ('lark former .11 ling vit e president for ai ademii .tff.rirs and ai Inn; provost at Mini11"■ > ta has .a 1 epted the position as vir e 1 ham elloi for at ademii at fairs Mso Weldon Him: former vi« e president of Imam e at (lino State will be. ome vice < ham ellor for fin.ini 1 and ad ministration for the slate sis lent August ! ('tin k w ill sm 1 eed interim mi i ham el lots Robert 1- rank from Oregon Stale 1 adversity and the late Hu hard Ildl. a for mer t'niversiW provost She holds a dot total degree III soi 1 ology front l )hio State Oregon is fortunate to gain .orlieone with Slurh'v (dark s reputation for institutional leadership and tor ai ademii leadeiship Bartlett said in a press lelease t iett 1 nu Slurles ( ok i 1 omparahle to a major league contender signing a iust round draft ■ huit e said board mem her Kofi Millet chairman of the board's instruction committee, also in a press release rile good news is !\ e wete lui k\ she signed " he said Weldon Ihrig 1 hr brill new v was again the search process reminded us that Oregon will lent- to expect to p,u more in the future for the future it \\ants t dark has taught in Minneso ta's departments id sociology and educational policy and ad ministration since 1'MiH She has published widely about ed ucation and youth, including a I OH a hook written with Darrell Lewis entitled I .n ulls \ Unlitv ,iiul Institutional Polic;\ lhrig has held various admin istr.itiye positions at Ohio State since lUtci He will replace \Y I l.emman, who is retiring at lei III years .is a state system administratol \\e are fortunate to attrai l Shirli*\ (Mark someone with the national pro fessional stature and depth of experience of Weldon limy. Bartlett said Ihrig will be responsible, among other tilings, lor prepar ing administering, and moni toring the stale system's S~' 1 billion biennial budget He will also be responsible for person nel and benefits management for the stale's 10.000 employ Ihrig holds a rnastei ol bust ness administration degree as well as a bachelor of electrical engineering degree from Ohio State lie is a member of the National Assoi iation of ( ollege and I'mversiU Business (itti cers Get the word out with an ODE classified PHOTO FINISHING 1 SPECIALS J 12 EXPOSURE ROLL 2.99 15 EXP. DISC 3.99 24 EXP. ROLL 4.99 36 EXP. ROLL fv *'•,'} j .fi i • <-.? »• f m 1 «•*r» \ pfinK from \*vir "*r'mm DiC/ 110 •' rofor pi !?‘t f In | r 1 1 p f *' 1 'M»|y ) Wo to Packod fly Kodak s Son! of Fxcellonce COUPON ^ THURSDAY ONLY SPECIAL 8x10 COLOR ENLARGEMENT Made Irom your 35mm. 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