University University Day to help campus appearance By Catherine Hawley t hiiversily D.iv a day tit* voti'd In uniting si licit* n t s fat iiItj- .mil stuff .uni improving t lie phy Mi .11 appcai ani.r nf i ainptis is set In lake pl.K c I h u rsda v. ticg i lining nit Ii opening i crcinonics in Memo iial Quad at noon Nik i css of Tliursdas s ai tiv i In", (ii pi'tids mi participants willingness to spill from the groups they .iru representing and divide themselves among iIk> four different teams will lie t.n klmg different tasks mi campus said coordinators I long t Intalnn and Hi ian Sands "We want pwipli' to break from tlmir groups and meet people thus normally wouldn't have (.uniat I vs ith." I iitalun said It f imi ' 'I hi"- .iii'ii.i ti >:is trillion Sandv said "You slum1 up with \mir limiilirs hut mu <• vmi gi-l 11h■ ji• von go stand in 111ffi■ r<• nt lull’s ( lii-i k in fm parti< ip.mis will bt'gm .it 10 .i in .if a Ijonth in Memorial Quad, norlli of the li In.ill f’.ulii ipanls will get a handoul nn hiding a map and a si hedule id events Thi* first Hat) people in i hei k in will get ,i ! !niversi!\ l).i\ painter's r ap that v\ ill .ilso serve as an admis Mon ti< ket to the ii e i ream so ( ial ,ind Blubinn's com ert that \\ ill follow i lean-up activities Opening ceremonies will take plain in Memorial Quad from noon to 12 10 p m Vic e Provost (iern Moselev and ASI'O offir.ers And\ Clark and kirk Hailev will speak and a blu»> .itl.iv (tsdar ,i gift from this year's senior class will he planted to replace the tree blown down near Lawrence I lall this w inter. The ice cream sot ial w ill he held from a to 7 p rn. on the I All - hast l.awn The Hlubmos w ill plat in the Ballroom at 7 Both events are tree for those who are part it ipate in I adversi ty Day t ALL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS... ARK NOT CREATED EQUAL II sou believe that all financial institutions are the same, perhaps vou have not looked into youi Credit I moil \i l I ane (). business is not eondueted as usii al We oltei a unique approach to financial services \s a coopeiative. members have equal vote and sav m the manauement ol the Credit Cnion I he result is an al toidahlc and tesponsible wav ol providing linancial set v k es W hile linancial institutions ate not cicated equal we happen to believe that all membeis aie Come visit I I ane ( ) and let us show vou the Credit t nion wav ol dome business Serving l oft) students and employees. uo NCUA CIRRUS ■L JHF JHH. JK JO.SE Heave! .S|.«//|,/ Yu member Hrent Seeimm (foreground)!s ream ro tuff-o-wnr win in Tues ' 'n v (>lvmP‘l -s 1 lir h‘,1111 compost'd til the Si#mu Xu fralernih and Delia Delta Della Snmnl\ won the event Photo bv Sta< i Anderson shape .F FOOD WAREHOUSE 17 COBURG ROAD — “JUST NORTH OF FERRY ST. BRIDGE” PHONE 683-8669 FAX #683-8677 FEATURING U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF ONLY PICK-UP A MENU SO YOU CAN CALL OR FAX YOUR ORDER IN - HAVE IT READY WHEN YOU GET HERE! I shop save COUPON & a. | FXPIRES $ 2? 90 • 996 DUTCHESS ^ ICECREAM ■ GAL SQUARE FIRST ONE 98' Additional at $1 39 shop save COUPON EXPIRES 5-22 90 .1010 l PEPSI FAMILY 6 PACK CANS 981 FIRST TWO' 6 12o^ cans THE UO BOOKSTORE REMINDS YOU TO PITCH JN! ---1_ UNIVERSITY CLEAN-UP DAY THURSDAY, MAY 17 o Don't forget to recycle!