Wednesday May 16 1990 Eugene. Oregon Volume 91 Issue 153 Oregon Daily Emerald Briefly CITY ELECTIONS \ Vote! \ I 28 |ohn Muniz 278 • W ard 0 vBobbv(aeon 1.105 Darrell (irundman 77 i I \\ I B • W ard 4 1 lennis Sol in 2.000 x lack I)ela> i ‘Mil • U ard 5 \ Susie Smith H.48H \ Ranch 1 hvving (>.2nii |a< k (!i.ii>4 4 '127 ( mints ( aimmissuiners • Distric t 1 v K! 1 it* i )unuii I .84 i (iars kuti hei 7t>2 (airt Mite hell ‘178 • District 2 \-Steve ('ornai i ln.i l .17*) Pat Riggs i. 1 U) • District 4 \ |a< k Roberts 4.828 ('vntliia \\ootcii 4.7 14 Franklin Prondzinski I2l> 1 .mils Bonson 258 • Ihstrii t 5 (Jeiie Ar\ id sou 17‘t Hill liuruell *>17 Richard (ailhrrtson 7 1 I I)on F.hrich 177 ken Fngelman 4 >7 v-Marie Frazier KH2 (iordon 1 loss aril 84 i (ireyors I iume 82 Keith hawhorn 144 v Katherine St hai ht ((5‘t \ won elect ion \ made runofl elei tion Weather Warmer with hlj^hs t)r>-7o. winds i (iming out of the north west at Id mph In the evening, increasing low clouds with lows in the mid-40s Voters say no to stricter NFZ By Hon Walker I -nf '.i J 4.s:.i ■. afe; ./■ Kugene viiters soundly defeated a bai lot measure lut'sclny would have strengthened the < ily s mu tear live /onr ordinance, and they ted ,i new t.i\ base lor loi a I m liools as well. As ot 12 to ;u meuts She said she was unsure whether the urnup would present a similar effort in the future "We will have to regroup and ret (insider, ’ she said Another ballot measure that voters le jer.ted was .’0 tilt whit h sought lot reate a tax hast- fot Ivugene Si hool Itistni t t| As of IJ 10 a m the measure had re t eivetl M.IOt votes (It pert ent) in favor and I t i lit votes (I>A pert ent) ill opposi lion I Ins is a piopertv lax protest ’ said school hoard t hairman Paul Harrison Iveivhodv wants a (hankie hut no tiodv w,nits taxes ot auv kind that is Turn to LOCAL, Page 8 A NUCLEAR FREE ZONE Yes!on20-uI»1 it .in gubernatorial candidate Have Irohnniaver claimed an unsurpris ing victory m Tui'mI.h s primarv elec tiim souuillv defeating his i loses! c hal lenger John h I mi Susan Selig co chairwoman ot the l.ane(a>unt\ Republican I'.irtv, saui thr victorv showed (hal i rohnmaver has strong. grass roots support in the totiii tv "We were a little i uni erned ,it the be ginning of the campaign about a sort of «* mill I in people, a kind ol Why botliei attitude hut we’ve had Slit h a great vol unleer ettort It’s really ext iting," Selig said As ol 1 i i a in Wednesdav I rolln rn.iver had received 107 'l td (7‘t pel cent| votes while lam had 77. inn (11 peri cut i Democratic candidate Barbara Roberts ran unopposed in 111 * * primary, (tut will l.iii- ITohnmuvei in the November gen end election Running lor I S senator on the Deni (M Mill ticket IliiriA Lonsdale swept the field ot si\ candidates by a wide mar (4111 After t■*I percent ot the precincts had been tallied t.misdate c (aimed 1 1H > I i (Ic-1 percent! of the votes In tile Republic an Senate rac e inc um bent Mark Hatfield i.m against Ramk I’rilit c- winning TH peri rill ot the vole Prince received 4 i -Pi t votes [22 per cent I and I lathe Id received I ">7.1H3 As a result of Tuesday s p.imarv I.misdate will challenge Hatfield in \o vember’s general elec tion No representatives Iron) Hatfield's c ainpaign were available tor c oinment Also in the Repuhlii aii primary < bar lie (Icile and Marie I) Hell I ought a ( lose rac e for the District 4 1 state represent.! Turn to STATE, Page 8 Measure 5 gets mixed response By Ashley Conklin Emerald Reporter Voters statewide indicated Tuesday they want a change in the way public school are financed, but they didn’t favor any of the four alternatives on the primary ballot. Ballot Measure 5A, asking vot ers if they wanted a change from the controversial property lax — the main way schools are financed in Oregon — was passing by al most a three to one margin (319. M3 votes for and 118,515 votes against) at 1:30 am. Wednesday with 1,673 of the Turn to MEASURES, Page 7