Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 15, 1990, Page 9, Image 9

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    Daily Emerald
Phulu fov Kru |uhiiv4*n
Urease attackman Andrew Klonskv lakes a shut in Oregon's losing effort versus Western Wash
ington University Saturday.
Lacrosse team loses two games
Till' t ' nivrrsil v Club I -it rosso
tuam had .1 rough timi- last
wookend. losing a pair of
gamtts on thior Washington
road trip
Tin* I’nivorsitN of Washing
ton boat the Ihiiks 10 5 Friday
.it Seattle's liuskv Stadium and
Western Washington edged Or
rgon H t) in Ht'llmgham Satin
(esse I’adt ield. Pete Adam
son. |ohn ()'Dea kyle koti tick
and Roll Haggerty imi Ii had sin
gle goals for Oregon while Roh
Knglisll added two assists in
the loss to the Huskies
(dull On rosse will host l.ew
is and (dark .it Soirtlihank I ield
this Saturday at 1 p in I he
mi'ii s rt'i ord stands ,it d ■)
(dull Notrs
()rt>K<>M ( lull ( uvvv u ill lakr
part m tlif I’.u ilii t ai,ist ( ham
pioilships this Hi-rkrlid III Sal
lami'iitu. ( aid ululc t lub
Suitor hosts IVatot k l averti
|( , ha iillts) ti ida\ at I III |> in at
DaSilva takes easy
lead in multi-event
Oregi n's I’edrn d.iSilvii took
the tost dav IimiI m tin* I’m itu
lit (sinferrnce derathlon Mon
dav in Seattle while tin’ Itiii ks'
huinala kohltneior is set owl at
Irr tin- lirst dav ol tile
DaSilva who finished set
ond in last visits 1 ’at 111 dr
i allilon si ored I lot points in
the first live events to take a
i omnianding lead ovri Mash
ington Slate's Kodnev
/.uydervwk who scored l 1100
Also in the dei allilon. (tie
gon s Mike I eonesto was sixth
alter the first da\ vv itll ! •>*»-!
kolilmeier who set her per
sonal record ol 1 Otlti points hi
the (Iregon Invitational had
1.00 1 points after the lust dav s
events kohlmeiei is shooting
for the \( AA auloiiiutii ipiali
tv mg standard ol V.tHO points
kellv Blair is also i oinpeting
in the heptathlon tor the Dinks
and stands in third plat e vv ilh
2.07f> after the tost four events
DaSilva won the shot pul
w ith a toss ot it 71 < and the
high lump vv ilh a leap ol n HD
to pate his lust day point total
while finishing in the top four
in the other three opening dav
I eonesto started s11 iu Is 111
till (ll‘l atllloll lull l .11111' 011
Strong .it till' I'lltl III till! ll.U .
winning tin1 Hit) meters in
4‘t it t to .H i mmilati' his biggest
oni' point nviMit total
rlir final li\i' events ol thf
ih'i athIon llir tlistns. |.ivi'
Ini poln \anil I 111 meter Inn
dins anti tin1 1. iOO will he
hold today
in llir In-pt.ithlon hohhncii'i
won tin' IPO mi'ti'i hurdles in
lilt and tin- .'OP meters in
2 a 'i-t u liili' finishing sri.ond in
tlir shot put Stanford's I’eggs
()dita is tin' first das
heptathlon leadet with tilt
pi II lit s
HI.nr dtdn I have a spot tai
til.tr da\ Mnnd.n lint \\ as i on
sistent and solid enough to tin
ish third She was thud in the
high jump With a leap ol a i 11
and a seasonal best I t lit in the
1(1(1 hurdles
Six si oriilg pi.li es ale at
stake in the liuillt event i ompe
t i I ton with si oring done on a
It)■ H li 4 I si ale loi the team
rat es
I'he heptathlon will also
w uni ii11 i ompetition todav
with the long jump, lavelin and
Him meters slated
1 I