EWEB seats up for grabs Tv\ o sc,it*, on the Kugene \\ ,i ter ,tnd Kleetric Hoard ,ire up fur grabs in lorla\ -s t 11\ eiei tion Kunuitig tut U arils lout and l iv e are )e< h I )el,i\ ,i torniet Kugene ( ii\ ( ouih ilin.m .um ini nmbent Dennis Selin One ,it-!arge seat is beini contested 11\ |;u:k (a,tig. .1 tor mer FUKH commissioner Su sir Smith, .tail mi umbont Kim d.ill "Randy I'hw ing Solin and Thu ing have lirrn tin targets of a rrt rnt rri all campaign hri ausr of thru part m the tiring of former IAVFH general manager lean Reeder I'he rei all will he on a spin ial lime ballot and it sin i esstul will end the current terms of liming and Solin before the natural expiration in December Applications, are also being in copied until Friday tor our othei I U KB seat due to the death of board member Rif hard Freeman flic position will Ire appointed by file I \\ I it board rather than through an etei tion Idle board has ‘Hi days ho® Freeman's death to till the pose tion Oil, gas exploration receives little support PORTLAND tAt1) A ti-U.-r at proposal to allow offshore oil and gas exploration in (hr I'a i ilu. Northwest has few sup porters outside the oil industry ai cording to test i mom at a congressional subcommittee heat ilig I lie I louse Interior and Insu la 1 Allans subcommittee on water, power and offshore mint g\ resources was also told that state off it lals are joining eiivi runnient.il, fishing and tribal leaders in support ol proposed bans on offshore drilling The subcommittee, which met Friday in Seattle held its set mid Northwest hearing Sal unlay in Portland on two hills that would biiu oil leases on the outer continental shelf One hill, the National Oi ean Protection Act. would ban oil and gas drilling in l S waters outside the (ml! oi Mexico and hm bai k leases off the Honda keys and in Hnstol Hay Alas ka Lite other would ball drill ing off Oregon and Washing toil President Hush and Interior Set retarv Manual Lujan sup port ilomestii oil exploration as a way to reverse the nation's in i leasing reliant e on foreign sources Lujan had planned to offei Northwest oil leases lor sale in 1992, hut is now considering a delay until 1998 so that envi ronmental studies can proceed first I low evei Rep Denny Smith. K Ore said the Northwest t oast should he pel manently off-limits to oil exploration. Ue don't think there's any upside potential to justify the downside risk " Smith said at the hearing in Portland Kep Peter Uela/.iu, HOre sponsoi ol thi‘ lull to ban drill ing utt the Northwest l oast. ..ml tho Interior I Joparl meat ami oil companies arc ignoring cm ironnientallv sound altci na lives to oil development I he i hoice isu t between offshore drilling ot more im ported oil be said. bet's build real I v eitu lent i ars (tail \i hterman. natural re sources advisei to (Im Ned (loklst hlllidt told the panel that a pmbibilion on drilling is mends one step toward propel management ol oi earl re sources ( it i/eiis all across the i nun tiv are alarmed with tin- visible degradation ol the ot cans and mat me lile, she said Oregon is developing a tom prrhensive approai ti to ot can issue-. A stale task lorce has louiul that Oregon needs to protect resources sin h as lish before considering anv oil tie velopment Lilian is reviewing a (dan de vised In a Northwest regional tasl force that would give the governors and Indian tribes veto rights over drilling pro posals I at (iassidy. deputy til rector ot the I ’ S Minerals Management Seiv k e. an arm ol the I liter it »i Department said the proposal i oulil have tar ic,ichmg implii alums imperil ing the nation's oftshore oil leasing program "Oregon and Washington are in a vrrv strong bargaining po silion. said Kep (leorge Mill el II I all! . i hairman ol the suht oinmittee II (licit guv er ours are opposetl. I suspei t well follow the Stains quo which is a moratorium." “i Letter Perfec t Graphics <.:■ ' No matter who you are . professional typesetting and camera work can help you. Community Sales tax among host of state ballot measures in elections \ lilt Mil! till' issues Voters Will late 111 In (|,n ■ rle< lion .in’ .1 set "I t ill1 li.illui mias uii— one ol wlm h asks voters it lliev umilil support .1 s.ilr’s las as a wav In Imam e prim us mil -i’i niularv schools i iva* st*i 1 mils nt Measure s an’ idvisntv \ Hies that will l» referred In tin' si.it* l.r ;isla tori’ Measure i.\ asks voter- whether lion l'<” III”, i’ tlif current svstt’ITI nl si linn! Imam mi; slinolit in- < to mut’d Oregon schools gel about pernml n! their niomn front Imul pinpeltv IiISi S About id percent nl school operatin'” > ns! < fiinc ■ Unit’ llic la’iii’ial I mol wltoll i.nun’s man U Imlli Measure ill asks vvhothl’l \nltrs wmii.i support a personal income las mi rease that would reduce si hooI npoi mug proper! \ tav \ lull- Measure >1 ask - whclt” i Him w'm 1 ; support an income las ini re I Si lli.it w- ’ill i’ll im.ilt the 1 to ail propciH lav It voters approve \feasuit* >1) it would the* I isLitnr<* a statement of support of i I pun a*nt salt's lux to reduce school opur.it UK proper* v taxes Measure d> is .m advisory vote lor support of i '» percent sates t.i\ I«» eliminate the sc hoof property t»iv I jin'** other state miMsurrs art* oh toil.is s ballot If Measure I ipassed. tfit* stale mstilu Mon would be amended !•> allow . nt\ otris I » authorize motor vehicle fax rcvoiums tor mass transit tai «!tf ins ami vehicles Mr.ismt1 * asks whether flu- slate < oustitu turn should authorize I lit* use of pnlhitum and waste (■ oftl.roI brand prot rods lor related .a Ijvi ties ut addition to using the pita eed > to h il.Hti r tat Hit ins Mtasim* t ask • whether the statu Lcgisfa tun' should incut annually instead of biennial |\ rhu nit emre would bruit dm length »t situi to 15. days in odd number veais and r. days in even number veers NIGHTCAP. 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