Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 15, 1990, Page 6, Image 6

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    Candidates run for senates
Hopefuls offer wide selection
By Hon Walker
I tip As SOi .U.V i '
( iandidates holding views
ranging (roin .1 ban on log e\
ports to drug dei i iiniu.ili/.it ion
will i onipete for four stale Sell
.lie spots and one t S Senate
seat in today's prinian elei
Denim rat Grattan kerans is
the ,’tlth district state senator
inc unibent, representing l.u
gene fie will challenge the k'e
public an nominee in Novein
hei s general elec tloll
kerans is < hair of the slate la
ben committee and has support
ril ,i now stair immmuin vv.1 u*•
prrgnam \ Iravr and rinplov rr
priv.uv rights II11 has support
fd rnviriinmrnlal legislation
ini hiding authoring a ‘lair lavs
that rt‘«|vi 1 r**s (he in v< linn id
1 hlnrofluorm arhons m autumn
hdr .111 1 mid it 11 mns In add 1
turn, hr vows to work fur t Iran
an on thr-job swirls and moni
toring pcslii ides hi foods
I'nivrrsitv legal affairs assis
taut I’rtri Swan is running
against |ohn (Lnui and )im I’r
trisuri fur a Repulilkan muni
nation to the .tilth dtsliiil spot
of the (fregon Senate
Swan is i omnntted to higher
education ,is well as elementary
and set oruiarv edm ation lie
also will light fin reform in
workers compensation laves
anti if pnomii legislation and
spis ha! interest lulls that have
strangled the Oregon economy
and c ost us johs nr cording to
his campaign statement
(’oven said lie issues in
the upcoming general elei turn
aie not lietween Demoi nils
independents and Republicans
but between average i tlizens
dial are ignored rind spis i.d in
terest groups that ate being
served Ills priorities include
reducing property taxes and
bringing em iroiunetrla I\ sab
empluvers to the state
Peterson offers a gentle, el
lei 11\ i ap|ttt mi h that i in I tides
taxing field hurtllie. I i a : list! les
to provide incentives lot smoke
ledui turns and tor implement
mg alternative methods Ills
fust priority is pushing foi >0
pen ent funding of primary and
secondary education
III the I ' S Senate ia< e Srn
Mark Hatfield is challenged
only by Republican Kandy
l*i ini e
Prim e is a loi al at tlv 1st who
ran lor Kugene mayor in Push
I lis static e on the state's timliei
industry is radically different
Irorn Hatfield's I imbei harvest
tees i an fund itli eutives lot i re
ating neyy vs 01 id pna i-ssiug
jobs. Prime said
I teuiuciatic amiidates foi
I S Senate are 1 larr\ l.»ns
dale Steve \nderson. Neale
I iyatt Bob Keusi lilein and
Brooks Washburne
I.onsdale is i hair of flic gov
ernor si rent e i mini d llr
supports a Ban on all log ex
ports and i rent ion of other tim
bur related jobs in the wood
products mduslrv lb- also sup
ports freedom of i hon e on the
abort ion issue
Anderson ran mi loon and irt
1 *l'H for fire I S Senate seat
Me opposes a state sales las and
supports heavy taxes fur larger
i states \m I the only pollti
Clan with courage to tax the
rich' be asked ill Ins ram
p.iign statement He also is a
pro choice candid.ite
Hyatt proposes a 1J pen cut
annual reduction in defense
spending over the next four
years, accompanied hv in
c reases in education spending
In addition, he t alls for srdei
live cut sustained yield timber
harvest anil agreement vxith en
vironment.d groups that publii
lands must i ontinue to provide
Reusi hlein. a peai e .a tiy ist
and loriuei I'Diversity instruc
tor said military spending has
damaged the stale ei mutiny
and lie supports an end to mill
tarv buildup In addition be
supports abortion rights and
dei riminali/ation of drugs
V\ aslilnirne a retired trm k
driver, has a number of goals
inr hid mg using .ff Isle ire ml
drilling to finale e education
and i leaning Johnson < reek
and the 1 ualatiii Rivet
The Thomason Toyota Graduate Rnance Plan
Get Out Ot The Classroom
And Into A New Toyota!
No Down Payment!
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Three Months!
Congrats' After
2.000 cups
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S.E McLoughlin Blvtl.
Mine offers profits,
prompts concerns
i AIM \ Malheur (lounU
offii i,<I is looking foru.ml to
de\ (“lopmonl ill the (Irassx
Mount,on gold mine ,is .1
.mother lode of tolls for the
sparseh settled high desert
nt I cistern ()regon
Hut em ironmenl.dtsls lent
the payoff will tome at the
( ost of gaping si ars on the
broad landsi ape
bast week Atlas ( orp o!
Denver announced plans to
gel tlie permits necessan to
develop the tlrassx Moon
tain Mine which would he
Oregon's biggest gold mine
if it meets expei tations
An ei onomic feasibility
study suggests the site 2 a
miles south o! Vale holds
' . 'in million in gold and S-t
million m silver at current
pn< es
\tlas spokeswoman \an
i v Kaeside said the mine is
expei led tu produi e 1(1(1.(MM)
ounces eai h nl gold and sil
ver annually tor at least
eight \ ears
I lie mine would provide
HHi lull time tubs and an an
nual pavroll ot St, million
I minded in I M2 i Atlas
has invested S ' 1 million in
exploration and ex per Is to
spend nearly $H0 million to
go into lull development,
site said
Atlas hopes to be able to
go through the regulatory
pun ess m Ut months allow
in^ development to begin in
l't'lg ,ind the first gold and
silver to be extrai ted In eai
l\ Ill'll
Maxwell Ineuram e, chan
man of Malheur i aiuntv's
board of i ommissioners.
said that would give a wel
riime boost to the ailing ag
iicultural wonoinv
I think a compilin' like
■Mias and the other agenc ies
that will be involved will do
a good |oli ol reclamation
and not |iiM leave an evesore
out there, which is worrving
some people." Iaeurame
Stuart (larrett a Bend
physician and president ol
the Oregon Native Plant So
ciety. said the slide Depart
merit of (leulogy and Miner
.11 Industries would have a
hard time keeping up with
the gold milling boom that
i ould be developing.
Slate ode tals have identi
fied la sites with good gold
potential in Malheur t anility
and the region hounded In
Jordan Valley Burns Burns
lunction and Ueiser Idaho
may hare two dozen sites
"The mining rec lamation
laws lor the state have not
been updated adequately to
deal with these mines
There's no guaranteed pro
tection for water and wild
life resoun ns, " ( la nett said
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