Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 15, 1990, Page 4, Image 4

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USSA to become independent
from ASUO by the end of 1990
By Dan Eisler
Tin’ Incidental I ee < umunit
tee's April 1 2 .<})<>< at inn to the
l nited Slates Student Assot in
turn effectively re-establishes
the t'diversity chapter's tilde
pendent e after live vears of
\NI ’() d\ ersighl
The t flange has been prompt
ed bv i tint ern of inefficient \ in
rear fling nut to students and til
politii ul manipulation said
Tim Hughes. 1 SNA i hair of the
Northwest I’at dit region
A confederation of student
bodies at Arnerit an colleges
and universities t'SSA repre
sents ) a million students It is
tlie nation's largest registered
federal lobbying organization
ol its kind and has been the
rei ogniz.ed voice of students at
( ongress anti the Ktiui alum De
11C; allocated $17.7)1 to
t'SSA lor the luuti'll budget
season last year t'SSA re
t eivetl a $t2.HTI allocation
from the li t!
"It's .i done deal in mv mind,
as soon .ts the line item budget
passed I luglles sa id
The chapter would effective
l\ become independent by the
end of this yeai saitl St ott
U \ t kofl A SI'() vit e president,
adding that locating new office
Karen (>aff nev
Typically oik c a program is
strong enough it moves out
Irom uniter ttie wing of ASUO
s.iui Karen (laffnev. i 'SSA n.i
tion.il affairs coordinator and
former \S1'() president (iaff
nev cited I'rojoi t Saferide as an
example of tins
Hits is an awkward vear tor
us bet arise we re kind of in be
tween " Hughes said The ex
isting I SSA budget continues
travel and dues monev. but "it
doesn't ini hide lobbying,
printing, duple ation (and)
phone calls and the ASl'O has
absorbed that out of its main
'When you lock it up in ASLJO you want
to maintain control of it with insiders. By
focusing it on outsiders you get a broader
representation. ’
— Scott WyckofT
spat e ts the biggest ohst.li It*
l ’SSA is currently working out
ol I AH ' Suite I
The chapter asked lor .1
lineitem budget to prevent po
tential abuse or misspending ot
funds. Hughes said, adding
that next fall's budget will lie
similar to that of other groups
A line item is a spet ilii item
listed in a budget
1 he setup ot 1 SSA is differ
ent on every campus. Hughes
said l or the most part l SSA
t hapters are independent to
work in close cooperation with
student government
4 Toppings of your choice
$9.75 14’' Large Pizza
5:00 pm 'til closing
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moth budget of $150,000.''
I flight!}! -S.lld
Next \ budget allocation
xx i11 ( over those costs, Hughes
The < hapter won't rei eive
lit: funds after the 1000 01
vein Hughes s<iid; instead, the
i hapter will go to the Irallot for
funding every three years, as
provided tot h\ the < hapter s
budget p.ipers t he idea is to
make I 55 \ at t ountable to stu
'll students vote no we re
not going to he members,
whirl) means the i hapter will
have to do its work of old
reach.'' 1 lughes said.
Am i ntii ism to be marie of
the I 'SSA is that it hasn't etfei
livelj approai bed the average
student Hughes told li t at its
l eh 27 meeting IFC allocation
.0 that meeting was postponed
pending further study and of
Hughes' return from Congres
sional lobbying in Washington.
The amount of outreach to
students has been larking.
Tim Hughes
which affei Is the wav they feel
ahciul l ’SNA. Wvikoff said
"I think they II later be able
tn do a more effective job.
Uyckoff said "Out from the
shelter ot ASUO they'll go out
land) i ontar t students
In a reorganization ot student
oltices the ASl'O hdt it would
lie best for l'SSA to become in
dependent, rather than being
Ira ked up m ASl'O, Wvikoff
"It was a joint thing between
some I SSA members and the
ASl'O executive." Wvikoff
said "We just questioned
whether they should be in the
ottu e
This year 1 think they have
done better on getting out to
Oniversitv students," Wyi koff
"My greatest teal with l SSA
is it's been something tli.it
yvorks outside student govern
meut ami yet claims benefits
tor students " Wyi koff said
"1 think Andy Clark and I
were tin- first who questioned
tlie service that it provided."
he said "Andy and 1 believed
in flay mg a i ampus oriented ill
lice, instead of flying off to
Washington. I) (
The assiK iation deals y\ ith a
lot of important issues made
more diffir lilt when it's lot ked
up in the office. Wyi koff said
adding that the new indepen
deuce will prevent t'SSA from
limiting the ( hapler and yy ho it
reaches out to.
it took election as ASl'O vice
president for him to hear about
l SSA tor the first time in tin
four years he's attended the
l adversity he added
V\ hen y ou lot k it up in
ASl'O you yy.mt to maintain
control of it y\ith insiders
Wyi koff said "By focusing it
on outsiders you get a broader
"Someone in the ASl'O ex
eiutive has always been in
voiced in l SSA." Hughes told
110 on Feb. 27. and the ru-yv
budget will "prevent any
Turn to USSA Page 5
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