g__Folkfest ’90 Willamette Valley Folk Festival WORKSHOPS Saturday May 8. 1990 11:00 a.m. HARMONIC A SAC RI O HARP NINCilMI SI. \ SHAN Ills Fir ( \\l.n 1C .limit 12:00 p.in. PHRCUSSION hr BANDLRA Walnut INTRO TO PLAYING Al RK AN MARIMBA Ml SK (alar 1:00 p in. INTLRACT1VI SONGWR1 MNG Walnut FRAIl ING BANJO Cedar LATIN RHYTHMS hr 2:00 pm. lAM'll KOI'I ANKHMIW'I hr Bills GUI \R Ccd.ir H \ RIV U A MM IK Dl I ( IMI R PSA l IRA M .limit 3:00 p.m. I'OPK M SONGWRIIING Hi hint 11 (, HAM) Ml Sl( AND HOMI At ADI l\S I Rl MIMS lit R< M M) SINGING Ccdai 4:00 p.nt. Cl < >1 i( ilNG I it I AIIN AMI RICAN RHA IIIMS ( Cll.il SOM.AA Rl I I RN SONG CIRC 1 I U jlnut 5:00 pin. IRADIIIONAl UDDI I SI A I I S Ol IR 1:1 AND Cedar HI GINNING Ml M M AIN DULCIMER fir IBA THA Mht //VO. <>:'s Av ''H, Second Hand Clothing NEED CASH? VlV BUY used clothing Co; Mormmjs for Appl 344 7039 10-6 Mon.-Sat 360 E. 11th w5-. 1 342 8111 TINO’S ' • Full dinner menu • 23 varieties of Pizzas • Whole wheat and white crust • Pizzas to go cooked and uncooked 15th and Willamette Hours: Mon.-Thur» 1 1 00 Midnight Frt. 11 00 1 00 a m Sat. S 00-1 00 am Sun. 5 00-1 1 00 p m y T G I S "Thank God it's spring1" However it is also a time when many of the students of the University of Oregon think about their housing needs. PHEASANT PAR octets areariy as n<4 making n hich will be mmeiin cine i mand for housing aking rtments inline ing PHEASANT PARK A A P A I? f M F- N T S A DARRYL & TAMMY CRAWFORD SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 4/0 LINDALE DR 747-5411 Formally Ashldne Apartments house of re cords Travel the World at Folkways icurlry and folk art ^Irani 40 lountrws. ! :ftf '-I M.lfk \ *'*> 1 ■' ' ■ tl ti8': 1.1-1 I I fit Xvc FHvxt ! thr I x' i-1 ( FOLKWAYS IMPORTS Find the BEST deep dish pizza in town! at $2°° OFF A Large Pizza (Good through 6/10/90) 3—Free Delivery s5 off Converse Shoes $4 off Vans Shoes *3 off Vision Shoes *2 off Airwalk Shoes *1 off Posters & Tapes . a**’s j**1** ^ 1 Si-tes 3 through 1 7 i With this coupon £ expires May 15. 1990 57 West Broadway, In the downtown mall • 687 0139 ACTION SURPLUS “SWEATS.$4.99 “3-Person Dome Tents.$39.99 “Wild Life T-Shirts.$8.99 (Rainbow Trout, Bear, Eagle. Elk, Raccoon Wolf) CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT FOR EVERYONE!! 4251 Franklin Blvd. • 746-1301 (just before the Spfd bridge)