Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 15, 1990, Supplement, Page 14B, Image 25

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    Sunday Folkfp»;t ’90
‘Lady Champion Fiddler ’ to play Sunday
Champion fiddler Carol
Anne Wheeler performs in a
variety of fiddling styles, such
as Irish, Texas. Canadian and
Cross tune She has played all
over the US, Canada and Ja
pan as a solo artist and as a
part of the duo Pickin and
Fiddhn 1 This summer she
will perform in Scotland
Most of the fiddles Wheeler
uses are antiques, many of
them about 200 years old Her
favorite fiddle belonged to her
great, great, great grandfather
who was born in 1 795
She recently released her
fifth album, The Joy of Twin
Fiddhn , which was a joint
project with her partner Linda
Danieson Wheeler also has
13 years' experience as a
workshop teacher for poten
tial fiddlers and completed an
instructional tape. The Joy of
Learning Fiddle
(nil Anne Whrrlrr
"(Hi. iirrut jiuru, I half tnm-hil tlmusaruh uf null
in hum tlir hi irt of tin u/iii'rrMfv )uu hmm —
i \imi\. u jnnts. iliiiilltni ^. tlrniiirulint;/irofrssori.
Him uni I fimiifi In <ln it '
I low rr you going to do it ?
II \Hti tv -can hum Inr iinswrs ti> ••nllrf'r demand-. con-ider tlie I HM IVp.on.il Swem *
MimIcI > > S\. \X it 11 its mnti-c. color “rapine- ami preloaded -oftware, il - ra-\ to learn and
fun to ilsi*. I hr IvVl!' Mour! >.> s\ otirrs ritnti^h |>o\\rr
.mil nii'iiiiin to liamllr almost an\ tiling tin- tittivrrsiU ran
tliruu at Miu. Hill/ tlimu^li last miruitr trrm jwjmt n-N i
muiis ami ail«i graphics to imprrs' sour professor-. Vhi ran
alsu work mi scM-nil projrrts al om r. I In- spnial 'tmlrnl
pru t- ami tin- IHM I’S/l! I mill fur I ranting ran makr thr
l‘s Mmlrl .) > >\ a wim- ami atlurilaltlr (Irrision.*
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Cntirftw Photo
Members of Kudana include (buck run I: Paul Prince, Sally
Conen, (inen Meyer; (front run): Kick \enturi, ferry
Wagner, Janet \nen. Ong Kar and Robin Winfrey.
African marimba band to play
The origin of Kudana's
music comes from Africa,
members of the group said
Their shows consist of
high energy African dance
music, and the repertoire
includes both traditional
and original songs
Performers in Kudana
sing and use a variety of in
struments. which are all
hand built and tuned instru
mentally Many of the tradi
tional marimba songs they
play come from Zimbabwe
The name "kudana," ac
cording to the group,
means "to love one another
by singing and dancing to
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