Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 15, 1990, Page 2, Image 2

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    Daily Emerald
Vote for sales tax
in today's election
Wlirii you K'’ I" Hi<• [mils tuil.iv. Hutu .iio livo im
|ioil,ml .iikI.iI liinos i.iiiiliisiii[* sl.ilo li.illnl hums
mi's lo mull mm I'ii m.iki* litmus o.isiiT, ivr vo slml
ioil llirin .ill .mil |i.iss .ilmin llio lullovviiif} oiiiIimso
• MiMNUIi' I Vl’S
• Measure 1 Ves
• Me.i mo ! Vos
• Measure ">A Vos
• Mo.isuro >li No
• Measiuc ,( No
• Mensnte )l) Vos
• Mo.imhc d No
Mo.isuro I would allow enmities .mil spei i.d bans
poll disliuls to uso lor.ul motor vehicle l,is niouios to
limd muss Ir.iitsil systems. ponding volor upprovid
I Ins is mostly pis! <i cleahnp mo.isuro, designed In
oluso somo loopholes in I ho law It duusu I impose now
l.i\os oi alled existing ones 11 more I \ gi\ os local gov
ornmonl more i initrul over las dollars tin the premise
that smaller Imreum ra< ies are liottoi at running organi
/ations than bigger onus vote yes on Measure 1
Most pollution i leamip jobs m tliis statu are lund
ed In bonds t'lie government floats lliusu bonds, and
tben uses the mimev raised to finance various anti pol
lution programs Ballot Measure 2 would increase the
number ol programs which i ould bo funded bv bonds
Any measure designed to help tin1 pollution prob
lem should gel serious attention It got ours and mu
endorsement Vote yos on Measure 2
Measure t lias got a lot ot attention in recent
weeks II passed. Measure i would create an animal
legislature, instead ol the < orient biennial one It
would also limit the number of days lawmakers would
have to complete their work
Opponents have charged Measure t would end She
era ol the "citizen legislator" something Oregon has
taken great pride in maintaining. Hut those days are
iivi’i. lawmakers ol a century ago didn't need to deal
w ith billion doll,ii budgets tosii waste dumps or high
irime i,ites. It s time this slate got a legislature
equipped to handle i otnplii ated issues and one that
doesn't have to wait two years to solve them
(Itirifiillv the legislature meets once every two
years, usually for more than UtO days Measure i
would limit sessions in odd-miinhered years to l in
da\s and even-numbered years to 4a-day meetings In
(.outlast to what opponents sav Measure t cuts down
on bureau! r.H v not itu leases it
Voir vt*s on Measure 3
Measure :> is the confusing one (Composed ot six
diHeicnl parts, it is an advisory vote only In othei
words. unlike other ballot measures, whatever voters
approve will not uutnmalicnlk become bin It is sim
pl\ a wiu Ini legislators to judge the opinion of the
ll involves linancing of basic school education,
kindergarten through high school Kight now, most
tniuliiig t unit's Irom local proper!\ t.ix levies, w hic h
h.ts been established as a pretty md.iir way to finance
educ ation The state constitution calls for equal school
ing l Ddei the current system, poorei districts sutfei
u bile richer ones prosper
Obviously something needs to he done. Vote yes
on Measure 5A
Should you vote lit lavor ill Measure >.\ vou will
be asked to i boose bom a variety ol ways to i Itange the
education funding system, basic allv there are two
choices an income tax i i it reuse or a sales tax with
I wo v anal toils ot each
bluntly . it's time lor a sales lax Most olliet states
have one Hut this is not simply lumping oil the bridge
allei them Oregon is in the same position Calilomiu
was before Proposition I t ulm h look si bool limding
oil propert\ taxes and instituted a sales lax
Oregon needs a new sourc e ol revenue, not pisl an
increase ot an old cine II the education system is to
survive a sales tax Is net ess.uv IVe prelei a I pen eilt
sun barge to a i peri enl one mainly bet ause weaning
the slate oil the properly lax system will he (liflic lilt
enough without bludgeoning them w ith a liiglier-lhan
net essai \ sales tax rale
\ nti \ es cm Measure .">1)
ODE endorsements
for Oregon elections
Remember Today is the primary election. Registered voters should he sure
to stop by their pre< inots and vote. As a reminder, here are the Oregon Daily
Emerald endorsements:
County (Commissioner
• Position 1 Kllie Dumdi
• Position 2 Pat Ki^s
• Position -J (A nthia Wooten
Local Measures
• Measure 2001 Yes
• Measure 20-02 Yes
• Measure 20 0 i Yes
City Counc il
• Ward 1 Ranch Mai Donald
• Ward 4 Paul Nicholson
• Ward 5 Run Tollenaar
• Ward t> Mobbv Green
State* Measure's
• Measure 1 Yes
• Measure 2 Yes
• Measure 1 Yes
• Measure 5A Yes
• Measure d) Yes
In response to Susan
Kjelltrerg i()DI May 7) I must
s.t\ that I and many others an*
ill a position to dei lare what
love is and isn't hove is a real
word which some context, has
many meanings As a reasoning
person. I .1111 able to sav let us
agree together to have one del I
nition ot the word since all
other definitions have more
spei itii words attributed to
l or example hist I .list is ol
ten i ailed love hut since d is
totallv different than what I call
love and since there is no
other word lor what I call love
I sav ( all lust, lust1 Lust is
proud, arrogant, boastful, jeal
ous It judges value bv what it
can attain from another
Love is patient, kind, giving
and never seif seeking Love
gives and lets go and real love
is not boastful or proud or arm
gant It someone is headed to
ward hurt, love warns them
I herefore love must be based
on truth, lest it would risk hurt
ing. rather than helping
Lath letterwriter of Mav 7
instructed Kelsey fisher, vet
eai fi of you denies any one per
son knows absolute truth How
then do any of you know
whether you inslrui t in truth or
in error? You hypocrites’ Fish
er erred, hut she repented and
therefore stands corrected in
her thinking. Kach of you
erred hut will any of you re
i eive i orrection? The spirit of
the author of love. Jesus Christ,
corrects us.
Robert Weigel
I .ih lech
There Inis been some misin
form,ilmn about American
Studies i imitating Let us get
the tai ts straight
Upon learning Professor Sam
('.irgus director of American
Studies had accepted a posi
tion at another universiU Dean
] heodore I1.timer consulted
v\ 11 li the American Studies ad
\ isorv t ount.il. Tiie\ ret mu
mended the program either be
enhanced or reevaluated
(riven the budgetary con
straints lacing the College ol
Arts rind Sciences. 1’alinei
t imid nut now make ti coniinit
ment to enlarge the program
He made .1 prudent decision.
I he future id Amern an Studies
will tie dec ided b\ the faculty
ol the College through the stra
tegic planning process now 1111
del wav. In this process the
hit ult\ w ill assign priorities lor
new budget resoim es
The gre.it strength ol Ameri
i .in Studies is that it is interdis
i iplinarv The vast majority ol
courses needed to i omplete .in
American Studies major have
always been offered through
the departments 1 expet t that
most, if not .ill of these courses
will continue to be ottered as
required by the departments
l or the present, there will be
no American Studies major, but
interested students should be
able to design a comparable
program in the individual de
purtments Arrangements .ire
being made to allow majors and
those taking AMS 1(11.2 .1 .is ,1
cluster to complete their
The dec ision to put the pro
gram in abeyance was made at
the College level The Provost
.uni 1 were consulted In keep
ing with the principle of decen
tralized and loca 1 dec ision
making Palmer's dec ision was
Myles Brand
lUniversity President
Kept straight
I must be disillusioned in im
expectation of the media to re
port with some accurac y. Al
though my intention is not to
attack any member of the Ore
gon Daily F.nwrald staff. I must
put forth that when dealing
with such a controversial issue
as animal rights, it is essential
that all the facts are kept
straight. .inti 1 believe the bn ts
were greatly distorted in the
April 25 account of the [ire
vinus da\'s Students lor the
Kthical Ireatment of Animals
(Contrary to the artic le s hc*ad
illg. 1 (fill not sa\ annual
lights is synonymous with
rights granted to humans
which sounds like animals
should have all the same rights
as humans Kather. I put forth
that the oppression of or dis
crimination against humans
is synonymous with the op
pression of non human .ini
mals, and therefore working to
stop human rights violations or
the exploitation ot non human
animals is entirely connected
1 did not sav funds should be
taken out of preventative meiii
cine research In fact. I stated
funds should he taken out ot
touch and go animal-based ha
sic research and added to the
(lit pen ent of the federal tuiiig
et allotted for preventative
medicine which includes
health edu< ation, birth control
'Hus also serves to respond to
fat k Maynard’s question f(JI)/'
May If) and no, 1 was not
paraphrased correctly 1 did not
sav "Society causes itself to
have diseases because people
are not educated
fill Kreidberg
Thanks to all
I want to express a warm
thank you to all the MKChAists
who volunteered their hard
work to give me and mv family
such .1 delicious meal and a
wonderful time on Cinco de
Mayo Not only was there not a
hint of violence and no alcohol,
the festive atmosphere and hop
ping band made for an event
th.it even mv 12-vear-old
daughter could apprei cite
It really showcases that past
Cinco de Mayo problems have
more to do with white i ulture
than latino Thanks to you all
I’hil Nebergall