’a/CRu/e *wiou&cst£ » 3- > > m>»1 >>>>:>>>> Tan & Trim with Precision Cuts! A Come in today and have your hair cut without the hassle of # appointments! Or 0 schedule a time to tan » in Precision Cut s new b tanning beds! A tan • and trim will make * you feel great! 1 t PRECisiON €--{/ / 5 AND TANNING 13th & Hilyard In the Sacred Heart parkinq complex 484-3143 •S'* ■*€’€'*'*'5 •€■*€*3 *3 'S *5 •€ -*S> Haircuts $9 EVERY ] DAY € < *€ Saturday KolkfW ’9Q Group emphasizes Southern roots The Hokum Scorchers de scribe their music as having a foot tapping, jugband style with heavy emphasis on 1920s Southern folk tunes The band, made up of Sun set Lou on guitar and Jeke Young on the washboard, said they have a humorous edge, like a medicine show or vaudeville They said they are influenced by early sources of Southern street music such as the Memphis Jug Band. Tampa Rod. Robert Johnson and the Mississippi Sheiks Having recently moved to Eugene from the South, Sun set Lou said he feels his new home is lacking in the type of music the Hokum Scorchers play. Ours is not filtered down at all, and we feel that we rep resent a unique era in South ern black music — namely ho kum style music that was once performed on the street, he said Instruments used in the Ho kum Scorchers’ performances ( uurtfV Hioiu Ihe Hokum Scorcher* are. from left to ri^ht. Sunset l.ou and Jeke loung. include the national steel gui tar. guitar banjo, banjo man dolm. and the washboard with cups, kazoos and the harp Scandinavian men promote their heritage We sing ot the Northland's heritage the fatherland songs ot praise to Scandinavia —to which we add. and to our own America1 A song from the Norsemen collection The Norsemen of Eugene was organized in 1938 to fur ther cultural and fraternal singing in the Eugene area After a hiatus in the years ot World War II an application was submitted tor member ship in the Pacific Coast Nor wegian Singers Association, now consisting of 11 member choruses ranging from Los Angeles to Vancouver, B C The present director of the group is John Gustafson, a re tired professor of music at the University The all male cho rus. which is partially subsi dized by the Sonja .Alpine Import Service-, THE VOLVO SPECIALISTS 12th & Main Spring Fitness Analysis • Oil c hange, genuine VOLVO filler and 4 quarts of oil •Complete maintenance check of major components • Inspection crfb^ffitfeVtilui^^B^p^ion, u tems.cool start wvieiMt, touting and cooling systems, tirc*s, wipers and all fluid levels For Appointment call 726-1808 YOUR VOLVO Custom-Crafted Eyeglasses In About An Hour WE’RE HERE!! • Over 3000 Frames • Friendly service • Vision exams • Satisfaction guaranteed • Student and Senior Discount • Contact Lenses 400 Valley River Center (503) 687-2926 Lodge —Sons of Norway, works to promote the Scandi navian heritage through mu sic Lodge membership is not a requirement to be included in the Norsemen Present mem bers are of Danish. Finnish, Swedish and other nationali ties besides Norwegian, ac cording to the group s press release Locally, the Norsemen en tertain residents of nursing and retirement homes during December, and they also per form year-round at churches and group meetings Another highlight of each year is the group's performance with the Thorsmen of Salem at the Scandinavian Festival in June lion City As members of the Pacific Coast Norwegian Singers As sociation, the Norsemen of Eugene |Oins the other chor uses in the annual Sangerfest, hosted in rotation by the member choruses The last Sangerfest held in Eugene was in 1983, and the group is now laying plans for another one in 1993 t t T 7 l R PERF EC 7 Graphics .1(H) t: 'll L 340 4301 CONVFNIt NT . FAST & AFFORDABLF Wirft oi