Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 15, 1990, Supplement, Page 5B, Image 17

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    Saturday [. Q| [J ,,s| '90
I he huficnc I’cuiT ( hnir. s/nm/i .ihtnc. Iccls llv.it "in hnrminn . *»»• cun hail tin pLincl. "
Group hopes to spread good will
through the strength of its music
The Eugene Peace Choir
was started up in 1984 by sev
eral friends who wanted to in
corporate new songs and vi
tality into political causes and
The choir has grown to in
elude 30 women and men. the
director of which is Wanda
Walker The group has per
formed at many events includ
ing benefits, festivals, rallies
and annually at the Hiroshima
Nagasaki commemoration
They also sang at the first an
nual banquet of the World
Peace University
The group's repertoire in
eludes folk ethnic and rock
music. They perform songs
written by Sweet Honey in the
Rock Jackson Browne. Holly
Near and others as well as
songs written by the director
and choir members
The mam purpose o( the Eu
gene Peace Choir, they said
is to bring a message of
peace and empowerment
through music
“Celebrating Women In All Our Diversities
We now have a large selection of records, tapes, and CD s
’ * JOAN BAEZ — Speaking of lbeaming
* * ALTAZOR — New Songs from Cuba Africa
* ’ K.D. LANG-AND THE RECLINES-Absolute Torch & Twang
2001 Franklin
343 4864
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343 6235
( »«*«>«/ flWil 1% U fl,l(
ut it .til .lbHUl'
|>ailv S|K*fials On Dcliiidiis,
Juic> Kclrcshinu
SiibimiriiH' Sanriwidles
ulth |Mtldl<> *ala«l
oi fflf*d po<4l«>4*« oi vdiii’fktaul
«iuJ (mman Ky** hrrad Only
S.Hips S.iLn!‘ S.HH-rkf-iul ’ (*•->!.4f<<
>.t! U! lint vn. In.-. H-.CiJ.vs ' (icnu.m Hry 1
“Wtr Sprechen Dputsch"
'10 I ltiu.i<|n,i\ • \i loss ti mu Dimkm I>uji«i!n
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