^.Folkfest ’90 Biikemtotk I I) over h iA t'. aithy 1 comfortable your feet < an be in original Btrkenstock foot w»• dr And d• scover thc f resh ^ new look of Birkonstock FOOT WISE mi BIKKi \STOCK siokj Arizona S68.00 342-6107 Come see Eugene’s most unique collection of L • Jewelry * • Summer ( Hothes • • Scarves 1 • Batiks • Masks Fans Wood Carvings I)ocorator Accents FLYING ELEPHANTS mill W’ill.imrttr l)m\ Plow n lunrnr .1-ll-OlfiO Mrs Moil -Sill. Iii-ti THIS WEEK 16 OZ. BUZZARD $|39 GOOD THROUGH MAY 2? The BLIZZARD from Dairy Queen the most scrumptious treat ever' Try a Bli/rard made with a Heath Bar a Butter finger cookies or fruit or try our NEW f l AVORS OREO OR HVDROX MINT CREME PECAN PRALINE Get earned away by a Biu/ard soon at your participating Dairy Queen Some flavors not available in all stores Ol IKK VMM. Y< H Kl< .111 lilt \\h.imm.ulitldlt /*. .nr. Irom hit In rit;III. Kttin stun Johnson, Inwrcncc Hunt If) and Mick Ihdwrlt Hot hammer dulcimer band to perform The Whammadiddte Ding bats pUay an inventive fusion ot traditional and modern mu sic Their concerts feature the hammer dulcimer playing of Mick Doherty and Lawrence Huntley and the big rhythm guitar style of Kevin Shay Johnson The Dingbats play instru mental dance music, but it isn t the sort filled with elec Ironic drums Their sound comes from various American and European cultures and their repertoire includes Ap palachian breakdowns. Irish Iigs, dance tunes from the An des and German polkas The key to the Dingbat sound, the group said, is rhythm The dulcimers used by Do herty and Huntley are three octave instruments played with two hand held hammers and equipped with dampers Johnson and Doherty har monize on modern folk songs such as Dillon Bushin's Moonshine in the White Pines For the vocals, Hunt ley takes up an electric bass, adding yet another dimension if J 1 i R P i R I t I ’ Graphics • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • OESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • «,ti m, ' . *v v 3^io--43Sl * • • international] HOUSE ^bwcahs. 1 RESTAURANT J Good things cookin'. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. 20% OFF Any Dinner Item I ugene Store ()nl\ Valid * 00-8:00 p.m. Not good with am other discount or promotion (,ood through M.n J.2 !‘T90 US-9976 355 E. Broadway to the band's music. The band, which has its roots in Portland, has re ceived rave reviews from a va riety of sources. Chris Niel son. host ol the radio folk show Root and Branch." said the Dingbats "are some of the finest folk musicians in Port land, which makes them some of the finest in the whole Northwest Their performances are beautiful, exciting and funny," he added May they never be mellowed out by Windham Hill Vi Dozen Roses With Babies Breath & herns Onl\ 1 Kincaid ' "Under the Umbrella” Oregon Daily Emerald Recycle This paper Oregon Daily Emerald 1 Looking for a good deaP Check the Emerald ADS