CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 346-4343 105 PERSONALS - ATU GARY H##t * to pulling up with m* I of 3 yaar%* Happy Anniversary* Lo*a Nancy GAMMA PHI MARC IA Wh4l ' ' l »•* FORGET ANYTHING? LIKE FILING YOUR INTENT TO REGISTER CARD FOR SUMMER TERM’ Slop by l.’V3 Off go'i Mali Happy Birthday lo SHI NITA A HA * f V< Mi !'* *'• • • , 1 .... ■ LIT T L I GIRL ' ' * ••• ' ' ' jI NNf M < ia»nni,i P* Phi Kappa Psi SMOKER m.i, :•-> "♦■k. Fighter-, *> jo up < a D*»•.«' J«ft 4h4 ?S69 TK K JOHN H. Congrats on your pinning to KARA F. YIT B Your Bros PLANNED PARENTHOOD * , test that 99' .» u',»?*' r unbiased counseling . ' PLANNING ' REGISTER f OH suMMt h ‘ t V>iON Don't to«get to hie your INM-NT TO REGISTER CARD Stop t>» 33 • OreQun Mali >.-• PRIVATE HELP t ROM f RlFNOS T mt Pregnancy Testing BIRTHRIGHT b»7 86Si RANG Rot* Shu S' rrnndt Thank* for the checkered party* It was a bla*»t' 115 TYPING SERVICES CYA TYPING Sf RVICES M.vjn Oudi'ty Tyi and Editing f A' LAST r word processing ,-.p.,■ I'dltm,] HM ■ \ ’■ ■! 4J !, r ->tu! Nf.t' .1- • Robin 344 0 7S9 Text Scanning ■ t *vq*'*.'- .i»Kl iO'e • 4'.H i>*" p.»g«* 'O’ .t*u*»M* • t •«••• p » .ip an HANKUNBWD n l uljtNt * C »f aduatc S* h<*»»l \|»pro%rd ' ► 1 hwtUtnmv’1 hr-NCi P^h-in ► IliM t ompatthlr, 1 )>'k i *>nv?r-urn * I a369 344 4510 60S ( 13th Ave Need a ! roommate to ease the burden J ot bills1 Try section S. 260 130 FOR SALE ' 1 Ou.V.ty Bev.-unes H • FOR SAIF Pool table Good condi lion $6S0 Ttm 1 26 tB13 U5 CARS-CYCLES-SCOOTERS CASH PAID Ic>» cats and bucks »un nmg or nol Kan 343 16*>S c. .M;1. 34/ ism HONDA PASSPORT Scooter1 Great condition1 Just tuned with hairnet $400/080 343 6706 MOVING MUST M f»; a !'■ BieHe helmet Na* M $i7fwOBO 343t»71i,mo«n aknos 67 VW f ASTBACK Body a*cal cond A»la needs work (it jumps out ot 4th gear) S6S0 JoAnne 48S 6/41 • *c VW By- run., , s’ , «. •• r$• OOO bat■ j shocks $ 141X3-0f 10 7 4 VW BUS maintenance 7 passenger $t2 *tc: i»5 CARS-CYCLES-SCOOTERS ' *■'* VV. HU » " run*, we . HAT "u-s • OUPE fun Bai' y*»9 rrsl*j»»i<- >* milt** t>*< fHonl rrnpi * .»• I700080 WSW • • • 'w»ifc r*o p*mt. «!“--* #rvw*K Ru^s gf»a! M:,m *•.- s •>*». OB‘J 34. 2999 1<)?8 BURGUNDY SAAB no* -• * 82 ___ __ fl9?9 SuBAfu; Di ru<■*. **■" Q*y-H . g*5 mi »«><*()♦* WWOBO •4», 8102 t>oi*i'f 9 10pm "ASt flAT BRAVA S **rl a1 343 40 V : 1981 F0«D r SCOPT ai. fun#■, 1981 VW RABBIT Red Hoi Convertible figuir.."- only $4)200080 143 9493 H.)RD h'1 . Ovvo* *’ • M' 1 a S’9* 9 4H' 20 ?tr, "ih. YAMAHA S| < A S'<‘ 4 ■ yi.n<1#r‘. y»eat S *00 OBO 4rt*. ‘424 741 42<* WO'* ' •m* HONDA A l Ri Hr S4Vi 1985 HONDA ELITE 1SO Run* great i helmet* *600/080 346 8 795 1986 BLACK HONDA Spree excellent condition $300/080 484 0887 . . ,• fnomeiv *46 ’• $'.#« .145 594> 86 HONDA SPRE E THI BEST DEAL* Low mile* Leaving MUST SE LL" S?SO/OBO Call 484 0606 1988 BLACK SUZUKI Savage 6SO M.nt condition Z800 mi $1700/080 346 6Z?1 rt‘- HONDA ELITE: 80 bodily damage $300 (iocl helmet) Kim 887 1968 85 HONDA ELITE DELUXE 150 8. YAMAHA SECA 400 79 HONDA PRE LUDE (LOADED! KEVIN 683 1480 rth Hi 'NDA SPREE ••Ot < i/'-lf .'40. MHics $ LSO Call 346 8531 BOM Offer U3?943 87 SUZUKI Samur* white AM I M . a •> strife r>Ki i,i< Ks $3950 345 1062 l^o BICYCLES ( omp f.-.eilenf sh.t; .• Paid $S00 -ig $ 300 QBO U*sU-> 346 60>0 " ; It AM ONI' UAL K A; un.lf ‘On. Black .,nay great shape $ 1 75'OBO T<*dd 746 74«S t,1 PERFORMER freestyle at* !>i.u k mags 150 BICYCLES JAMIS DAKOTA $360 080 Taylor 4«*> 4462 PANASONIC ‘-.POP! 6* O' •-pel like . a «; S17VOBO 146 96 26 1989 BIANCMI Sportbike SOcm White and hot pink Great condition $200/060 887 0191 early am late pm i<#i'* ( ANNONDALf UM* .V ’ 1 f wdh deore Biand new asking $, * ft'. Cl N TURK) NS Lf MANS RS 'a. ig t>n . 1 , Cat eye computer %29C 48‘- ?49 • message 68) 9469 155 COMPUTERS-ELECTROWICS a'AM! *i?0S?fn- W l meg 1200 baud "• •’«*'’ ov.m. WordPerfect stand A $600 obo 683 5863 leave message CON TEC 13 COLOR TV $95.'OBO Vector research turntable $76^080 Receiver amp $867080 Advant Baby II spkrs S1107OBO All items mint' 346 6221 HAS THE tun gone out ot your life7 IP -.g ,i fcrt . A ?h ,o !RM Pars - bvStf-m 2*t' term papers and rep-orts and have tune to do the things , . ,, void the M . i.niputei ' ,■.•••'! Lab 202 Computing Center M f jam 6pm tor a fun demonstration HEWLETT PACKARD 48SX only month old $275 34S 6268 MAC PLU' -■ MB HU -! MB RAM M! 'Mf S. ‘>00 OBO V6 MAC ‘ 1>K ! 1 .,■ = - • ,«r d "A O. IBM t 1 .A • .... O • ,»rd ,t> ’ '• • nsted and a-.a tnr Dan 68.3 3463 160 SOUND SYSTEMS NAD f. <4, i. A' TTi Of 1 K NA. 4 A Mr D8X jnslieui ;i . r * l • * ►? > A s*tr i* «*• if'i JeV 34* MYNY XH • * AW f W V . A out tfieal ’ . ’ Cft • A $.Y* Great i >. ruj> INSTRUMENTS 165 . ASiO CPS 3CXi Dtgil P-a> ■ r.-u-M , *) %-v>s-: e pius suit?'. pod*! AC r Nf A c. -■'v: SJ’n*. OBO 683 8?4t FOB ' A, ‘ , , ; !a- BdMMy u‘mm1 $?OD#OBO Call Tr* V At 346 6*>11 WASHBURN FORCi: 4 t »* - q\M*i SoMt>u'*vt *■;■•><} y/a*' A'.tC •• t'L'.,yr(1 • • - $.400 ft-.*Mr* ? Nl 1,30 .if , $.•;>: 6 "• i-*t* 6838022 195 TraveT London $619 Paris $678 Auckland $729 Tokyo $686 USSR $988 Roundtiy; liom Portland Re-Jiidions apply f aies may fequue student status •Eurallpasses.,,17 countries... From $ 198 CQNI1K1 HOLIDAYS ^ Tours for the 18-35 s! Ill ROPE/SOUTH PACIFIC USA! Freedom on a budget! V_J Call tor a tret brochure! Council Travel /15SW Mofiion *600, Port:* ti, 08 9/JOS 503-228-1900 1-800-228-2854 OUTDOOR RECREATION BOARDSAILING laarn beach »nd watar Sturts t»cfc» and jrbas, ate Tha O P noon *»dao is Intarmediate Boardsailmg Wad May 16 at 12 30 in tha Outdoor Program *4365 Fraa' Mountain Bike Week j UO Outdoor Program 15 sponsoring 1 Mtn B'k« Week May 14 17 1990 !( , educate tncyf-iists on the pleasure*, j .»• t responsib46 4 »»-*? ONE WAY Portland to Pin*-- ■ A.* iv June 14 $98 SO Contact L>/ N 146 5232 | work numi ONI WAY United tic net t '..gene c ieve land 1 •.!.»- AM ti'i $200 Can <44 .04 ' between 1 5pm 210 OPPORTUNITIES ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE I SCAPE f HI,! stud'ps Director Assistant Director Other* Manager j,m division t r**dd Don t miss this op H/riumty* AA'EQE __ _ DID YOU KNOW? '< you need to tile an INTENT TO REGISTER CARD 1 attend the SUMMER SESSION ESCAPE Meld I ‘ APE staff IK and ASUO Apph E-< at Miff, EMU and due E. Frula. May 18 F O' moo- .»•! contact DanaSittvertn 346 4351 IT’S NOT TOO LATE INTENT TO REGISTER CARD ’ ,tA •• . .*•> EM; MONEY CLUB f • those t Club POB 24651 Eugene 97402 SECONDARY SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAM OREGON MARCHING BAND COLORGUARD 1990 Sat May 19 9am 4pm Where Room 178 School of Mustc Cali 343 9681 lor more into Fall auditions available VCHUNTf f R‘ NEEDED for the Naf ,n a* Contentf 'f Returned P*».»-. e ,''ps Volunteers in Eugene July 191*0 A RPCV or anybody afii '< nte* OSted and willing to Bei; .d t<>» a f*i«v hours dt 'egrstraf •' >n bo thj, el, a!i En at 346 9764 o' Palm >a at 942 4706 WANTED ASiAN students who have lived in the U S tor 5 yrs or loss and have a good commend of English $4 for "t hr of yOur emit (or mS a M21175 bet wet • 11, -i P 2io OPPORTUNITIES SAVE SO' at leading hotels nation w>de and qualify tor FREE lodging a:<,i> solid 6 figure income Can 1 BOO 233 6509 E »! 1002 vVANTEO INFORMATION or. CjTT dummy credits Confidential' PO 8' • 71 r* Ashland OR 97620 j VVANT TO get involved behind the scenes at the VVll.LAMf.TTE VALLEY j FOLK FESTIVAL1 Volunteers are I needed to work as ticket lakers, in j stfument-cher kers errand runners ♦•tc Meats aiii be provided to an vo; untee/s plus other benefits Call Lyn ; ette at *4373 tor more information O' \ sign up m the EMU Suite 2 215 HELP WANTED SUMMER JOBS UofO Tetefund wants you* tarn $6 hr Part time. tlexible lav and evening hours Apply at 2001 Franklin Bivd or .ii* 146 54.0 today DANCERS WANTED jiggles Tav ern. Oregon s nicest first-class club High r.if ■ gs potential Full or part time 16 years plus Call Jim or Corina for pe'simal interview 2166 W 11th 144 6697 DECISION RESEARCH $10 cash for 1 'v 2 hours of tasks Not for participants in Fall '89 or any 1990 experiments First come first served 8 30am 4 00pm Thursday May 17. EMU Cedar Room A&B Additional inquiries ..t 48S 2400 __ _ EMPLOYMENT OPENINGS Day Prep Cooks (2 positions) Prepare fresh fish produce sauces dressings etc 4 5 shifts per week from 9 30am 4 30pm Start imtnedi ately at $4 50/hr Dishwashers (2 positions) 3 4 shifts per week form approx 5pm 11pm Tram at $2.25 per hour and regular at $4 50 per hour Start immediately Apply noon 4pm in person only at Northbank Restaurant. 22 Club Rd Eugene THE YWC a a! the U f O IS hiring . 1*490 91 ! .iiierr.u ye,ii Minimum leadership letter resume and 2 letters o’ 't*?e erv. i‘ Ak-'f-g With an ASUO yrr.f1 application to YWCA of DO, 841 10th Eugene, OR 97401 44 < ?n Rr ent applicants tor the YWCA Trav Sc bourse.;. wanting to be 5t-r. for !h,» position please notify !h YWCA Do no resubmit any app n mate'as, A ■ A * r >mabv« Action I j.;. STUDENT EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY UNIVERSITY HOUSING UNIVERSITY of OREGON RESIDENT ASSISTANT SUMMER SESSION ‘90 SALARY 1 i HOURS , . . DUTIES F , ‘ - • ji ,r,... Resident Assistant job description during the Summer Session period QUALIFICATIONS R- ; • O student not on academic proba qualified students who are enrolled APPLICATIONS Availaf e .1? sity Housing Office Walton Com be turned m. ;aU-- man F-.,)ay M i, 18 1990 at the U^u-rsity n ,, , FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 346 4 2 77 An AAi'EO institution committed to cultural diversity 1 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU peAR,v mam um -K hen ropa> 'V XAK n>t > TO Th( HP > Mi!< i .* ■> *"*. r 'xA KhtittR ANPaAn UXB) ms SAjcnousoccAston, vARFjA •• S A PROFOUND c TAW-AP AND ‘UHCXJLP AC7 &i tNnm' NTO LI6H7LY. IF ANYONE PK£S£MT ■ 4A/> REASON AJHy THESt TWCSHOUUONOTBe UJE-PP&P SPEAK NOU1 OK FORE- VSR HOU? )W ' THEY LOOK AB SURPV6ETHER' HESGOTA RECOUP! stcaxwpo - ^ BETTER' THERE BEJN6 NO OBJECTION, DO TOU, 6AIL, TAKE.. VsRIDE SHARE Traveling soon? Need a ride? Offering a ride? Ridi shai«' bring*. I< >r more information tall 345 7600